
In Brief: Members only, additional candidates emerge and more

More candidates emerge

Charlottesville School Board member Amy Laufer announced a run for City Council February 27, and former Albemarle School Board chair Ned Gallaway wants the Democratic nomination for Albemarle’s Rio seat. BOS Chair Diantha McKeel seeks a second term representing the Jack Jouett District. And Angela Lynn again will challenge Weyers Cave Delegate Steve Landes for the 25th District seat.

Kitchen tragedy

Local chef Allie Redshaw was involved in a tragic accident the morning of March 1 when her right hand was caught in a meat grinder at Lampo Neapolitan Pizzeria. She was rushed to the UVA Medical Center, where her hand was amputated at the wrist. At press time, more than $100,000 had been raised for her and her family via a GoFundMe campaign.

“America isn’t a democracy.”

—U.S. Representative Tom Garrett on Twitter responding to complaints about his March 31 town hall lottery.

With prejudice

A charge against James Justin Taylor for allegedly assaulting white heritage defender Jason Kessler was dismissed March 3 at the prosecution’s request because video footage did not support Kessler’s complaint. Kessler, who has filed a petition to remove Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy from City Council, faces an assault charge April 6.

Membership has its privileges

The Derek Sieg/Josh Rogers/Ben Pfinsgraff private social club targeting the creative community nearly collapsed—literally—when the former Mentor Lodge roof caved in a year ago. Common House is back on track and  plans to open this spring. For a $600 initiation fee and $150/month dues (couples get a price break), members have their own brass keys for a home away from home that includes coffee, cocktails and Chickapig.

The current size of the Main Street Arena is 20,211 square feet. The size of the tech incubator to be built in its place will be 100,000 square feet.
The current size of the Main Street Arena is 20,211 square feet. The size of the tech incubator to be built in its place will be 100,000 square feet. Staff photo

An icy farewell

The sale of Mark Brown’s Main Street Arena to Jaffray Woodriff’s Taliaferro Junction LLC, which plans to build a technology incubator with retail in its place, means big changes for the Downtown Mall—and to all the people who like to strap on ice skates. Skating will continue at the ice park through the fall, and then something will need to freeze fast or local hockey teams and figure skaters will be left on thin ice (the new owner says it’ll donate equipment to a business venture that wants to open an ice rink in a new location). Construction on the incubator is planned for spring 2018.


Built: 1996
Brown paid $3 million in 2010
Woodriff paid $5.7 million in 2017

What does 100K square feet look like?


As a comparison to the size of the incoming tech incubator, a football field is 57,600 square feet, the White House is 67,000 square feet, and the Kennedy Center is 180,000 square feet.

But wait, there’s more

Last week we wrote about 10 groups that have sprung up since the election, only to learn we omitted Progressive Democrats of America—Central Virginia Chapter.

Inspired by: The 2004 election results, with a mission to transform the Democratic Party. Local chapter formed after 2016 election.

Issues: Health care, climate change, SuperPACs, voter access and election integrity, social and economic justice

Strategy: Grassroots PAC operating inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Participates in letter drops to legislators, rallies and supporting democratic progressive candidates.

Event: Sponsored documentary GerryRIGGED, airing at 6:30pm March 22 on WCVE

Supporters: 36 at the group’s first public meeting January 4; 90 on e-mail list



Laufer live from the Democratic National Convention

Ever wonder how delegates at the conventions all seem to spontaneously raise their “Make America First Again” or “Change Maker” signs at the same time?

Well, Charlottesville School Board Chair Amy Laufer is attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and she clues us in: They get texts telling them what to chant and when to hoist signs—and when not to, like during Michelle Obama’s speech July 25, when the Virginia delegation was in danger of blocking the teleprompter, according to a dispatch from Laufer.

“As soon as the totals were done and Bernie conceded, the H signs were distributed and we all chanted Hillary, Hillary!” Laufer writes.

The first day was tough, she reports: “The Hillary people are so excited for this historic moment but it is tempered by the tough looks and hard voices that are yelling about Bernie.” Obama’s speech was a turning point, says Laufer, “when she was talking about her daughters and what an example this will mean for generations. ”

She started July 26—Clinton nomination day—with a Women’s Caucus breakfast with former secretary of state Madeline Albright, interim DNC chair Donna Brazile and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. “Each had such a different voice and style: Albright had such a command of Hillary’s history, Brazile shouted out the names of women that have come before [such as] Rosa Parks, Pelosi talked about policies on the Hill,” says Laufer.

Despite her bus being an hour late getting her to the convention hall, Laufer, a Clinton delegate, made it in time to cast her vote. And after Clinton was officially the nominee, all the women of the House of Representatives, led by Pelosi, came onstage. Laufer notes that there are no congresswomen from Virginia, although former Albemarle Board of Supervisors chair Jane Dittmar is running for the 5th District.

The lows from the day, says Laufer, were seeing a group of Sanders supporters who had walked out of the convention surrounded by heavily armed police. And some of his supporters were still feeling the Bern on the subway, when “rude things” and “expletives were shouted at me,” she says.

“In reflection, the truth is they are a very small number,” she says. “When I was on the bus to the convention, I sat with several Bernie people and actually his brother Larry was in the seat in front of me, and he was telling us about coming out to vote for his brother and it was all very friendly.”

Says Laufer, “In the end, history was made,” and she says she is grateful for the “amazing opportunity to be on the front lines.”

Other Charlottesvillians are at the convention, and Sanders supporter Nic McCarthy has posted a video on Facebook of the “Bernie or bust” protest outside the Wells Fargo Center. “They’re not making it easy for protesters to be heard,” he says.

“It puts us Bernie delegates in a really, really hard place,” says McCarthy, who says he will support the nominee.




Political season: Locals head to conventions


While most of us followed last week’s Republican shindig in Cleveland on TV, several locals were there on the ground. And Charlottesville sent four people to Philadelphia as delegates for the Democratic convention this week.

UVA had a major presence in Cleveland with political pundit Larry Sabato and his Crystal Ball team from the Center for Politics on hand. The Miller Center, which specializes in presidential studies, sent Barbara Perry, co-chair of the Presidential Oral History Program, and assistant prof Nicole Hemmer. Even UVA Today had a rep there—videographer Mitch Powers recorded the UVA experts behind the scenes.

The Crystal Ball team live tweeted the convention and provided real-time analysis, as well as interviews for the 15,000 credentialed press, whose numbers far exceeded the 2,470 delegates and 2,300 alternates. Sabato seemed to do nonstop interviews, judging from his Twitter feed.

Among the notable moments: former attorney general/Ted Cruz supporter Ken Cuccinelli throwing his credentials on the floor. “It was a moment that showed the divisions in the Republican party,” says the Center for Politics’ Geoffrey Skelley.

Charlottesville native Gray Delany was there working with the Republican National Convention caucus operations, and he witnessed those divisions firsthand. Delany had been campaign manager for 5th District candidate Michael Del Rosso’s unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination, and a high point for Delany was seeing Del Rosso at the convention talking to caucuses as a vetted RNC speaker.

The Virginia delegation “went rogue all week,” says Delany. “They were horrible.” Cuccinelli, he says, “burned a lot of bridges. The takeaway: He’s done.”

Charlottesville School Board Chair Amy Laufer is a Clinton delegate. She works with Women Leaders of Virginia, and thought, “Heck, I don’t have to just work on the state level. I can go to this historic event and see Hillary nominated.”

Former Newsplex anchor Bob Beard is an alternate delegate, and he, too, “thought it would be fun to experience this historical event,” he says. After years of working in the news business and having to be objective, he says, “Now I have a chance to be a citizen, not an observer.”

Beard spoke with C-VILLE before Clinton announced Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her vice presidential pick, but he already was reading the tea leaves from hotel bookings, and noted the Virginia delegation was staying in the same hotel as the New York caucus.

Kimberly Stevens and Nic McCarty crowd-sourced their trip to Philadelphia as Bernie Sanders delegates, and they were not ready to fall in behind Clinton when they spoke to C-VILLE before the convention. “We are very passionate about electing Bernie Sanders as our next president,” says Stevens. “And we’re very concerned about Hillary Clinton’s numbers polling against Trump.”

McCarthy was eager to push for issues on the Democratic platform that are popular with Sanders supporters, such as campaign finance reform.

But unlike the Republican convention, says Stevens, “At this time there are no plans for a revolt.”

All of the Charlottesville Dem contingent are first-timers to a national convention, and Skelley, a veteran, advises them to wander around as much as possible. While the Cleveland convention was downtown, the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia “is a little more isolated, and probably will have a different vibe,” he says.

“Take in all the sights and sounds,” he says. “You’ll see some crazy stuff, bizarre things.” And where else will you find a Donald Trump whoopee cushion?