
Out of dough: BreadWorks shuts down from pandemic losses

After nearly 30 years of serving up sunflower wheat bread, curry chicken salad sandwiches, and other local favorites, BreadWorks Bakery & Deli is shutting its doors this week.

Due to a huge drop off in sales, “it’s just not sustainable,” says Charles McElroy, president of nonprofit WorkSource Enterprises, which owns and operates the business.

Since opening in 1994, what’s brought customers to the Preston Avenue shop is not just its wide assortment of baked goods—seriously, you have to try the cookies—but the people behind the counter: Over half of its employees are disabled, and involved in every aspect of the business, from mixing dough to manning the cash register.

“For many people, customer service was our biggest attraction. Our retail staff knew a lot of customers by name,” says McElroy.

At BreadWorks, disabled adults built up a variety of crucial skills in a positive and uplifting environment, he says. After receiving hands-on training, they’d try different jobs, and pick the one they felt best suited them.

“The sense of being a part of a team, the accomplishment, the popularity of BreadWorks—they all make an enjoyable work experience for them,” says McElroy. “They stay many years on end.”

Longtime employee Raquel Terrell says she’s done a “little bit of everything” during her 15 years at BreadWorks. She eventually decided to work the front counter, where she felt the most at ease.

“I’m a shy person. …When I first started here, I felt comfortable being in a corner, looking out the window. But I met some nice friends that broke me out of that,” says Terrell, now 39. “[BreadWorks] was a place where I felt comfortable.”

When she learned that the shop was shutting down, Terrell was devastated. “I was really looking forward to staying here until my retirement.”

The decision to close was incredibly difficult, but after months of severe financial losses, it is necessary, explains McElroy.

As soon as the pandemic hit, BreadWorks lost a huge source of income: catering. Its once-popular sandwich platters and breakfast spreads were no longer in demand, thanks to massive closures and event cancellations.

The shop stayed open for curbside pickup, but a decline in sales forced it to shut down in mid-April. (WorkSource ensured that all of its employees still received their regular paychecks and benefits.)

Since BreadWorks reopened for take-out in June, foot traffic and catering orders have not picked up.

McElroy hopes the shop will be able to open again someday, perhaps in a different location. But with no end to the pandemic in sight, he remains unsure when that could happen.

“We’ll keep our eyes open…but at this point, it’s impossible to predict when the local economy will rebound to the point where the BreadWorks model is viable,” he says.

All disabled BreadWorks employees will be referred to the WorkSource community job placement program, which has partnerships with businesses in Charlottesville and surrounding counties.

“They are all very capable…We should be able to place [them] in other jobs fairly quickly,” says McElroy, encouraging local employers looking to hire “talented and dedicated staff” to contact WorkSource.

Since announcing its closure, BreadWorks has received an outpouring of support on social media, offering a glimpse of its longstanding impact on Charlottesville.

“We are incredibly thankful for the support from the community over the years,” says McElroy. “[But] the real legacy is the fact that we’ve had such a positive impact on persons with disabilities.”

BreadWorks’ last day of business is Friday, September 25.


Being the change: Local mother starts cafe to employ adults with disabilities

2014 was a life-changing year for Katie Kishore. That April, she and her husband Kris welcomed their second daughter, Kiran, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. And just two weeks later, Kris passed away from cancer.

For the next few years, Kishore, a former teacher at Jackson-Via Elementary, focused on caring for Kiran and her oldest daughter, Mira, as well as grieving the loss of her husband. But in 2017, her life took yet another shift when a friend sent her a 90 second video about Bitty & Beau’s, a coffee shop employing people with cognitive disabilities in Wilmington, North Carolina.

After taking a road trip with her daughters and visiting the shop herself, Kishore became “really motivated” to bring the idea to Charlottesville. She too wanted to provide meaningful employment for adults with cognitive disabilities—the majority of whom are unemployed or underemployed, according to the Arc of the Piedmont. 

She created an online fundraiser for her coffee shop, naming it Kindness Cafe + Play—a nod to Kris, who was known for his kindness to everyone. The fundraiser surpassed its goal in just three days, and Kishore soon connected with Jessica Maslaney, CEO of the Piedmont Family YMCA. Maslaney believed the cafe would be a wonderful opportunity for the community, and invited Kishore to start the cafe right in the YMCA lobby.

Kishore received even more community support from Innisfree Village, a voluntary community for adults with intellectual disabilities, and Grit Coffee, which pledged to train employees and provide coffee for the cafe. The Arc of the Piedmont, which also serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, volunteered to be the cafe’s fiscal sponsor. 

“Charlottesville is just full of community-oriented people,” she says. “It became really clear to me pretty early on that Charlottesville would support [the cafe and] benefit from it.” 

Kindness will employ both disabled and typically abled adults, says Kishore. It has already hired eight adults with cognitive disabilities, who will be trained, mentored, and paired with the role they are best suited for. Kishore and another typically abled adult will also be on staff. 

The cafe will start off with limited hours as well: Tuesday to Friday, 7:30 to 11:30 am. However, Kishore plans to eventually expand the cafe’s hours and staff. 

The cafe will sell coffee, espresso, kombucha, and food options, including baked goods from BreadWorks (which also employs adults with disabilities). It will feature spaces for reading, conversation, and small group gatherings.

“Our mission…[is] to create a space for people with and without disabilities to interact as peers,” says Kishore. “The hope is that we change the lives of our employees and their families by providing this opportunity…[and] of many of our customers, as they have the opportunity to interact with adults with cognitive disabilities in a new way.”

A UVA alum who played varsity soccer and basketball (and was inducted into the Virginia-DC Soccer Hall of Fame last year), Kishore says she has received a lot of support from former teammates and coaches—and people who weren’t even at UVA when she was. 

“We’ve just been so pleased with the people who’ve been attracted to this. That goes for the people we’ve hired, the volunteers that’ve been supporting us, the businesses…and individuals” she says. “It’s been really inspiring.”

Kindness Cafe + Play is expected to open in February.