
The Charlottesville 5: More petitions to remove city councilors

It’s extraordinarily hard to remove an elected official from office in Virginia, especially if she hasn’t been convicted of smoking pot, sexual battery or a hate crime, the offenses spelled out in state code. Nonetheless, for the second time in a year, petitioners are trying to remove a city councilor—or in this case, three city councilors.

Rise Charlottesville launched its recall last fall of all five councilors then in office. And although Kristin Szakos did not seek re-election and Bob Fenwick lost his seat in the primary, those former councilors are still on the ouster roster along with Mike Signer, Kathy Galvin and Wes Bellamy, the latter of whom whites-righter Jason Kessler unsuccessfully targeted for removal last year because of offensive tweets Bellamy made before he was in office.

Newly elected Mayor Nikuyah Walker and Vice-Mayor Heather Hill are not included in the petitions.

At a November 17 City Council meeting, Rise founder Pat Napoleon, a former teacher, cited “failed leadership, misguided action along with no action that brought this city to its knees, along with a resulting death” for wanting those on the dais gone.

Among council’s misguided actions, she lists hiring commissions and ignoring their findings, changing the name of the former Lee and Jackson parks, and Bellamy’s “hurling insults from the dais” at David Rhodes, whom Bellamy famously admonished to get his hat “and take that compromise with you.”

Says Napoleon, “This was disgusting.”

Napoleon says she’s gotten “hundreds and hundreds” of signatures, and that was before a daylong event to gather more January 19 at Riverside Lunch, where she also raised money for the families of the Virginia State troopers who died in a helicopter crash here August 12.

Pat Napoleon collected recall signatures at Riverside Lunch January 19. Staff photo

County resident Richard Lloyd is helping Napoleon. “When we started, we found a large component of people unhappy with Charlottesville City Council,” he says. When a group got serious about the recall, “all of a sudden people started throwing money at us.”

Lloyd declines to say how much money—other than sums ranging from $5 to $500—nor will he say exactly how many signatures.

State code calls for signatures of 10 percent of the total number of votes cast in the last election for the officeholder a petitioner wants removed. That was the stumbling block for Kessler, who fell short of the 1,580 signatures—10 percent of the 15,798 votes cast in the 2015 election— special prosecutor Mike Doucette said were required.

“We want to blow past all that,” says Lloyd.

Before he was elected Greene County commonwealth’s attorney in November, Matthew Hardin represented Rise and drew up the group’s complaints against the councilors. He urged the petitioners to get more signatures than needed to “show how many people are concerned.”

Hardin thinks Rise has a “very good chance” to prevail by “making the case about malfeasance.” He says, “It is quite clear they were violating state law by voting to remove” the Confederate monuments. “I felt this was government run amok.”

While in private practice, Hardin says he was always a “government accountability lawyer.” And it’s not the first time he’s gone after a local official. In 2015 he sued then-Albemarle commonwealth’s attorney Denise Lunsford because she said it would take $3,200 to respond to a Freedom of Information case.

Jessica Phillips, who represented former Albemarle supervisor Chris Dumler when a Scottsville District constituent petitioned to have him removed from office after he pleaded guilty to sexual battery in 2013, says, “My understanding is mine is the only one that ever went to trial.”

Says Phillips, “It’s not easy” to get rid of an elected official. Petitioners “have to show the person falls into an enumerated category and was convicted of a crime.”

For the broader category called out in the statute of “neglect of duty, misuse of office or incompetence in the performance of duties” that have a “material adverse effect upon the conduct of the office,” Phillips says, “That’s very nebulous. The person determining that is a judge. What qualifies as misuse of office?”

In the Dumler case, witnesses testified about his job performance, but the majority of the evidence, says Phillips, showed “he did his job. There was no evidence he misused his office.”

She says she doesn’t know the substance of the claims Rise Charlottesville is making about City Council, but “I know it’s going to be very difficult.”

Napoleon says she has no time limit for turning in the signatures to petition the court to remove Signer, Galvin and Bellamy. Galvin declined to comment and Bellamy did not return a phone call from C-VILLE.

“This just smells like more politics to me, from some organizers who aren’t even city residents,” says Signer. “Our job is to stay focused on our public’s business, like when we recently created over 200 new units of affordable housing, and when we sued the paramilitary groups who invaded our town to prevent them from ever coming here again.”

“I want things to get better,” says Napoleon. “There’s a whole lot to mend here. I’d like to see them listen better.”

The alleged cases against Signer, Bellamy and Galvin

Rise Charlottesville’s petitions cite alleged misuse of office for each of the councilors. Here’s what the petitioners consider misuse of office.

Mike Signer

• Repeated disrespect for his role and its limited collaborative powers

• Public inability to work with City Manager Maurice Jones and former police chief Al Thomas

• Unilaterally making statements and public declarations without authority from City Council

• Entered into an agreement with council and can’t meet with senior city staff without another councilor present because of unilateral actions

• The agreement diminishes his ability to function effectively and diminishes the office and city

Wes Bellamy

• Repeatedly has shown disrespect to citizens attempting to exercise their First Amendment rights

• Spoke disparagingly to David Rhodes and told him to take his hat “and that compromise with you”

• “Flagrantly” violated rules of order at council meetings and interrupted a meeting with “racially charged salutes”

• Violated the state’s closed meeting law August 2

• Repeatedly voiced support for the destruction and covering of Confederate memorials in violation of state code

Kathy Galvin

• Failed to uphold the City Charter by allowing Signer to overstep his role as mayor

• Because of her inaction, the city was governed by “an elected official who needed to be accompanied by minders” to prevent unlawful activity

• Disregarded state code in supporting removal of Confederate memorials and covering them in tarps

• Formulated her position on the war memorials based on the Beatitudes, not state law


UPDATE: Bellamy takes leave from teaching position

Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy, a teacher at Albemarle High School, has agreed to take an administrative leave of absence while the school division investigates “vulgar” tweets he made before being elected to Charlottesville City Council, according to a statement today from the Albemarle School Board.

“Many of these postings contain extremely vulgar and offensive language that directly contradicts the values of our school division,” says Chair Kate Acuff. “The School Board rejects these statements in their entirety.”

[Original story:]

Tweetstorm: Bellamy apologizes for ‘inappropriate’ posts

Anger about Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy’s call to remove Confederate statues exploded over the Thanksgiving weekend when a blogger posted racist, misogynistic and homophobic tweets Bellamy made before he was elected to City Council.

“I DON’T LIKE WHIT [sic] PEOPLE SO I HATE WHITE SNOW!!!!! FML!!!!” comes from a December 20, 2009, tweet.

The tweets also take aim at “beanpole body white women in these sundresses” in 2012 and use the C-word to accuse a woman of being untruthful in 2009.

Bellamy called his comments “disrespectful, and quite frankly, ignorant” in a November 27 Facebook post. “I sincerely apologize for the inappropriate things I posted to social media many years ago,” he writes. “Elected officials should be held to a higher standard, and while I was not in office at the time, in this instance I came up short of the man I aspire to be.”

By November 28, City Council had received 28 e-mails denouncing Bellamy and calling for his removal from office, three voicemails and one e-mail in support, according to council clerk Paige Rice.

City resident Alan Addington was one of the e-mail writers. “It just confirmed everything I knew—that he’s a racist and a bigot,” he says. Addington says Bellamy has a “racist agenda” in wanting to remove the Civil War statues of generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

“He’s not even a landowner,” Addington adds. And he is unswayed by Bellamy’s apology. “I think he should resign,” he says.

Actually, Bellamy bought a house in Charlottesville August 25, according to city property records.

Bellamy is a teacher at Albemarle High School, and the county also received calls for his ousting.

A statement from county schools spokesman Phil Giaramita notes that some of Bellamy’s tweets contain “vulgar language” that “is both offensive to and contradicts the values of the Albemarle County School division.”

Giaramita says the county is “working to understand the facts in this matter before making any decisions on what actions may be appropriate.”

Jason Kessler, who posted the Bellamy tweets on his website, is an author and personal trainer who graduated from Fluvanna High in Palmyra and UVA, according to his Facebook page. He’s come under fire from Bellamy supporters, who accuse him of being “alt-right,” a term used to describe far-right conservatives and white supremacists.

“LOL,” writes Kessler in an e-mail, when asked to comment on that assertion.

In a statement on his website, Kessler calls upon the Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials and Public Spaces to “drop all proposed changes or risk tacitly endorsing Bellamy’s racist agenda.”

Once upon a time, ill-advised postings on social media could be career ending. Now, with “post-truth” the 2016 word of the year and a president-elect who uses Twitter to lambast those who criticize him, social media expert Marijean Oldham suggests Bellamy should be able to move on, especially with his apology and his taking responsibility for the remarks.

“I don’t think just because we’re a more forgiving society that people have license to be rude on social media,” she says.

She describes the Trump effect: “We’re normalizing bad behavior.” She says it’s a good idea to follow elected leaders on social media “and get to know them in an unfiltered way, for better or worse.”

As for those who call for Bellamy’s removal from office, well, it’s not that easy. Just ask Earl Smith, who petitioned the court to remove convicted sex offender Chris Dumler from the Albemarle Board of Supervisors.

“Chris Dumler was accused of raping women, which is a hell of a lot worse than Bellamy spouting off on Twitter,” says Smith. In Virginia, an elected official can only be removed if it’s proven that he cannot do his job, which Dumler was able to do, “even when he was in jail,” says Smith. “I don’t see how anyone can prove Wes Bellamy is not doing his job. He goes above and beyond it.”

Bellamy has given no indication that he’s considering resigning, and in his statement, he says, “Contrary to what was written, I am not a black supremacist, a racist, a misogynist, nor am I any of the other things he purports me to be. What I am is a son, a husband, a father, a teacher, and a proud member of this community who works every day to improve the city we live in.”

And for those who might consider petitioning for his removal, Smith advises, “You’d be better off volunteering for the community than worrying about something that happened in 2009.”


Albemarle School Board statement

Albemarle School Board statement on Wes Bellamy

Updated December 2 with Bellamy’s home ownership in Charlottesville.