
He said, she said: Ex-cop acquitted of sexual assault


It was his word versus hers, and in a two-day trial, a jury believed him.

In the case where ex-Charlottesville Police Department officer Christopher Seymore was charged with forcibly sodomizing Ronna Gary—twice—in her Shamrock Road home, a jury deliberated four-and-a-half hours and found him not guilty on both counts.

Gary claimed that two November 18, 2016, sexual encounters with Seymore were against her will—that he was a cop, with a badge and a gun, and when he unzipped his pants, she felt pressured to her knees in her living room, where she says she had no choice but to perform oral sex on him.

“What was I supposed to do,” Gary said during her lengthy testimony. “He’s a cop.”

Christopher Seymore. Courtesy of the CPD

Seymore was responding to a hit-and-run incident on her street early that morning when Gary came outside, told the officer what she saw and invited him into her home while he waited for a truck to tow the impaired vehicle. And although they both agree that after the truck came Seymore removed his body camera and went back inside Gary’s house, the two accounts diverge from there.

Before the trial, Gary had spoken to multiple media outlets—including C-VILLE—about her version of what happened. But it was in Charlottesville Circuit Court on March 5 that the public heard Seymore’s side of the story for the first time.

When he took the witness stand, the former cop said Gary had been flirting with him throughout the night.

Internal affairs investigator Brian O’Donnell, who viewed Seymore’s body cam footage, also testified he thought Gary seemed flirtatious. (Because of a miscommunication, it was not preserved.)

She said he could come to her house any time without a warrant, Seymore said. When she showed him around her abode, she allegedly took him to the bedroom and said, “This is where the magic happens.” Seymore said she called him “the hottest cop [she’d] ever seen.”

“She made me feel good,” Seymore testified. “And I hadn’t felt good in a long time.”

The former cop said he’d been married since February of that year. His wife had just given birth to their son, who is now 18 months old. Seymore also has full custody of his 7-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, and he testified that in the same year of the offense, his wife’s dog had attacked his daughter, his daughter was hospitalized with severe asthma, he suffered from post traumatic stress disorder from his time serving as a sergeant the U.S. Army, and his wife was coping with postpartum depression.

“My life was in shambles,” he said. “[Ronna] made me feel liked.”

After she performed fellatio on him, Seymore said he went to the police department to finish writing his report for the hit-and-run.

Gary testified that she took a sleeping aid and was awakened by a loud banging on her bedroom window a few hours later, around 7:45am. It was Seymore. He was back, dressed in plainclothes and asking to come inside.

Seymore testified that about five minutes after he asked to come inside, she appeared in a “very sexy piece of lingerie.” He said she led him to her bedroom where she asked to have intercourse, but after she couldn’t find a condom, she performed oral sex for the second time. The two discussed that Seymore would come back next time he was on duty. He’d go buy a “big box” of condoms and leave it at her house, he said.

Gary testified she performed oral sex both times because she was intimidated and she feared what would happen if she didn’t. She denied inviting him back.

Defense attorney Elizabeth Murtagh showed the jury texts that Gary sent her ex-boyfriend shortly thereafter. One message said Seymore was only 34, noted the size of his penis, that he had a “body from hell” and that he “likes handcuffs.”

The officer never came back. Gary made contact with Seymore about 10 days later when the two exchanged several phone calls. In one of them, they both testified they chatted casually about Thanksgiving and their families. Seymore said Gary asked him to loan her money to buy Christmas presents for her kids—a claim that she denies.

Call logs show that after she hung up the phone, she dialed Officer Declan Hickey, an acquaintance who had helped her initially get in touch with Seymore. Hickey testified that this is when Gary told him Seymore forcibly sodomized her. He reported it, and the whirlwind began.

Murtagh painted Gary as a money hungry woman with financial issues. She called the case a “cash cow” for Gary, who told friends that she could make a million dollars off of it, an allegation Gary didn’t dispute. The attorney showed the judge an issue of C-VILLE Weekly in which it was reported a friend had created a crowdfunding site for Gary to raise enough money to move out of Charlottesville.

Murtagh called Martin Kumer, the superintendent of the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail, to testify about another instance in which Gary allegedly asked for money. Kumer said Gary filed an undisclosed complaint against the jail, so he went to her house to investigate it.

“She slid a piece of paper across her coffee table,” Kumer said, and told him she wouldn’t go to the media if he paid the amount she had written on the paper. It was $5,000.

Murtagh also questioned the alleged victim’s credibility. She told the jury about a 2005 case in Howard County, Maryland, in which Gary “fabricated” a “pretty outrageous” story that involved a carjacking and an abduction and was found guilty of filing a false police report.

In her closing argument, she asked the jury why people lie—and said it’s often to self promote.

“I know [lie] is a strong word, but it’s the word I’m using,” Murtagh said.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania said the jury must decide if Garly truly made a voluntary decision about what she wanted to do with her body. He said the whole case boils down to two words: “submission and consent.”

“The jury worked hard on this case,” said Judge Rick Moore before the verdict was announced. He noted the attentiveness of the group of six men and six women who had to decide the fate of Seymore, who faced life in prison.

Gary, who was visibly emotional throughout the two-day trial, didn’t shed a single tear as the clerk read the verdict at 11:30pm on March 6. A red-nosed jury member could be seen wiping her eyes, however.

“It’s been a long journey for her and I think she’s also going to take some time to digest it,” Platania said outside the courtroom. “It’s an emotional evening for her.”

Seymore’s wife, who reached out to this reporter, declined to comment on the record.

Murtagh did not respond to an interview request.

In a March 8 phone call with Gary, she said she was packing up her things and planning to move out of Charlottesville by the afternoon. She says she leaves behind the “love of her life,” and a community she’s made safer by working undercover as a confidential informant for the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement task force, which was revealed during the trial.

“It’s International Women’s Day and I don’t feel like women are celebrated today,” she says. “This has been devastating. My life will never be the same.”

She calls the past year and a half “painful and exhausting.”

“I did not do this for money,” she says. “There is nothing glamorous about a rape trial.”


“Me too:” Sexual assault victim speaks out

Sitting on a black ottoman in her living room, the same room where she says an on-duty Charlottesville police officer sexually assaulted her in November 2016, Ronna Gary draws invisible lines with her pointer finger to illustrate the ways she’s rearranged the space since the cop allegedly pressured her to her knees, unzipped his pants and forced her to perform oral sex on him right next to her exercise bike.

She ditched the bike, for the record. The new layout makes her feel more comfortable in the “crime scene” she avoided for several months.

Christopher Seymore. Courtesy of the CPD

The Shamrock Road resident doesn’t like reliving the early morning hours of November 18, 2016, when ex-cop Christopher Seymore responded to a drunk driving incident on her street and entered her house to ask about what she saw. He allegedly left some belongings sitting on the bicycle while he went out to sign for a tow truck, and when he came back inside to retrieve them, she noticed he had removed his body camera and covered his badge.

Gary testified in court that she was terrified, at eye-level with the uniformed officer’s handgun holstered on his belt, as he forcibly sodomized her. When the sun rose and he was off the clock, she says she awoke to the sound of Seymore beating on her bedroom window, and when she let him inside again, he led her to her bedroom and sexually assaulted her again.

“I should have never opened the door,” she says, wearing a gray, long-sleeve T-shirt with the words “Me Too” written across the chest, her back to a miniature Christmas tree with white lights and red and gold ornaments. She didn’t put up a tree last year—she wasn’t in the holiday spirit—but this year, she says she’s trying.

On December 12, Gary and about 15 of her supporters, with protest signs in-hand, rallied in front of the Charlottesville General District Court and police department to demand a new trial date for the man who is charged with two counts of forcible sodomy at her expense.

She thinks Seymore’s defense attorney, Liz Murtagh, is intentionally using stall tactics to prolong the trial, which was initially scheduled for the beginning of December and was continued.

“Justice delayed is justice denied,” said local activist Jalane Schmidt at the protest.

Murtagh says the December 7 trial was continued because a subpoenaed police officer was sick. On December 18, the trial was rescheduled to start March 5.

“I just want the first available [trial] date,” Gary said before it was rescheduled, surrounded by a vast selection of scented candles and a dozen framed photos of her loved ones. “[Murtagh] gave this guy one more Christmas, and she took one more Christmas from me.” Gary says she put up a $10 tree from Dollar General. “I just figure, you know, he’s not going to get this Christmas.”

Pausing to blink back tears, she says, “I’m better than I was last year. I’m not 100 percent, but I’m not as bad as I was.”

In the past year, Gary has undergone extensive therapy through the local nonprofit Sexual Assault Resource Agency.

She says she’s gone days without sleeping, and had a hard time getting out of bed some mornings. She’s been told the alleged rape was her fault and she was “asking for it,” lost a job for missing work, had animal carcasses left in her front yard—”dead rats, because I told on an officer, so I’m a rat,” she explains. Her house has been shot with paintballs, her motorcycle vandalized and her tires slashed.

Now she has a surveillance camera peeking through her front window, and “shockingly,” she quips, knocking on her wooden coffee table, “the incidents have stopped.”

“And [the defense] is threatening me in court with bringing out stuff about my past,” Gary says. “There’s nothing in my past that I’m ashamed of. Not one thing. But that’s what they do to victims—they put you on the stand and they rip you in half.”

In an April 13 preliminary hearing, during which Gary gave an emotional testimony about the sexual assault for more than an hour, she says she saw Seymore for the first time since the incident in her bedroom.

“I wanted to look him in his eye when he didn’t have on that blue uniform and he didn’t have a gun,” she says. “It was important for me to look at his face.”

He looked at the ceiling and he looked at the floor, but Gary says he wouldn’t look back at her.

“I was disgusted and angry,” Gary says. “He took my spirit for a bit.”

Back in her living room, there’s a painting of a woman who looks much like the alleged victim, with light brown skin and boldly lined lips of a darker hue. The woman on the oversized canvas has lustrous tears pouring from sad brown eyes, and inside her pupils are small, circular cutouts of the faces of people Gary has loved and lost in her own lifetime, she explains about the piece of art commissioned from Maryland-based artist Geraldine Lloyd.

Gary has lived in town for nearly five years, but says she hopes to move back to Maryland where her two young daughters are currently located.

“I want out of Charlottesville,” she says. “I could fight harder and stronger if I weren’t here.”

To help her raise enough money to relocate, a friend of Gary’s has started a donations campaign called Get Ronna Safe on, a lesser-known crowdfunding site.

Gary encourages victims who feel like they don’t have anyone to confide in to reach her through the website.

“I’m proud of every woman who has come out,” she says about the #MeToo movement. “There’s safety in numbers.”

She adds, “I can honestly say I see why women don’t. You’re treated like hell.”


Charges certified: Victim testifies in forcible sodomy case against ex-officer


A 35-year-old former cop made an April 13 appearance in the courthouse attached to the Charlottesville Police Department, where he was employed as a patrol officer when he allegedly pressured a woman to her knees, unzipped his pants and forced her to perform oral sex while on the job.

In a lengthy testimony, the victim described the events that took place in the early morning hours of November 18, when Christopher Seymore responded to a drunk driving incident on her street and entered her Shamrock Road apartment to ask about what she saw.

C-VILLE does not release the names of sexual assault victims.

The victim testified that she sat on her couch with the officer while he waited for a truck to tow the abandoned and damaged vehicle from the scene. He said she was beautiful and he recognized her from a bar on The Corner that she used to manage. When the tow truck finally arrived, he left some of his equipment in her living room and said he’d be back to get it, she said.

He then left the apartment.

Exhausted, she approached him near the tow truck and asked if he could come in and get it because she wanted to go to bed. He told her he’d be back soon, the woman said.

About five minutes later, she said Seymore returned with his badge covered and his body camera removed from his vest.

“He was just very different this time,” she said, adding that he was looking around her apartment in a “weird fashion” and told her he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. “He kept saying how pretty I was and then he shut the front door.”

She then described his “dry, thin lips” kissing her.

“I guess I didn’t push him away,” she said. “It was very clear to me that I had no choice.”

She described the way he lifted her shirt, fondled her breasts and with his hand on her shoulder, he pushed her down to her knees. “His penis was in my face and that gun [on his hip] was staring at me,” she said. When it was over, she rushed to the bathroom to clean up, she testified.

Becoming emotional in the courtroom, the victim said Seymore immediately started to apologize and did so over and over and asked her not to tell anyone. When he stepped out of the house, he came back to the door several times before he finally left.

“I was just in shock,” she said. “I wanted to feel safe. I would’ve said anything to get him out of there.”

The victim testified that she took ZzzQuil to help her sleep that night, and around 7am, she heard knocking on her bedroom window. Then the kitchen door. It was him.

“I should have never opened the door,” she said. Seymore entered her house in plain clothes, made small talk about the drunk driver from the night before, began apologizing profusely, again, for what happened between them, started kissing her and led her to her bedroom where he took off his jacket, pulled down his pants and “sprawled himself on my bed as if he owned my house.”

Testified the victim, “He kept saying, ‘Do you like what you see?’ and motioned for her to perform oral sex on him again. After ejaculating “in 2.5 seconds,” he got himself together and before he left, he said, “Next time I would like to fuck,” she told the judge.

She said she agreed not to tell anyone what happened. “I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. I didn’t think anybody would believe me over a cop.” But after two weeks of no sleep, she called another CPD officer she trusted to ask for the name of his colleague who signed for the tow truck on November 18—because Seymore covered his badge, and when she asked for his name, he said, “Chris, that’s all you need to know.”

The officer convinced her to tell him what happened, she said, and once she did, he said he had no choice but to report it.

A lieutenant with the CPD testified that Seymore, who lives in Goochland, admitted on December 1 to receiving oral sex from her on two occasions, but said they were consensual.

In Charlottesville General District Court, Judge Robert Downer certified Seymore’s charges to the grand jury, which will hear his case in June.


UPDATED: City cop charged with sodomy denied bond

Christopher Seymore, an ex-officer with the Charlottesville Police Department, appeared in the city’s general district court via webcam December 2. Charged the previous day with two counts of forcible sodomy, he was denied bond until he can meet with his court-appointed attorney.

Seymore, 35, was employed with the CPD for 18 months and terminated December 1, the day of his arrest. In court, he testified that he lives in Richmond with his wife, 6-year-old daughter and 15-week-old son.

His wife told Judge Robert Downer she did not want to testify.

Hours later, outside the CPD, Major Gary Pleasants said Seymore met the victim, a female, while off duty—though the first incident of forcible sodomy happened while he was on the job. The second happened hours after the first, when Seymore was off the clock.

Pleasants also discussed how officers within the department are reacting to the situation.

“They’re mad at him for bringing discredit,” he said. “They’re worried there will be people in the community—and there will be—who look at us all the same.”

He said the department immediately launched an investigation after being notified of the incident on November 29, and officials didn’t feel it necessary to wait for a conviction before firing Seymore. “The fact that we arrested him for criminal charges was all we needed,” Pleasants said.

“There is nothing more important to the members of the Charlottesville Police Department than the trust of the citizens we serve,” Police Chief Al Thomas said in a press release. “To have that trust violated by one of our own deeply affects all members of this agency as well as the community. We will not tolerate misconduct by our officers and citizen complaints will be investigated thoroughly and appropriate action taken.”

Seymore will appear for a preliminary hearing February 2.

Updated December 2 at 2:30pm