
Courting reform

Here’s one number to cut right to the heart of Tuesday’s Democratic primary for Charlottesville commonwealth’s attorney: 19. That’s how many times Joe Platania’s office says it has prosecuted felony simple possession of hard drugs as a standalone charge in the last two years.     

Platania says that the statistic proves his office isn’t punishing people who break the law too harshly. “In the 19 cases that I had pulled, almost all resulted in treatment and dismissal,” he says. “Very few ended up serving active jail sentences.” He also notes that those cases represent a tiny fraction of the thousands that come across his desk. 

Ray Szwabowski, a public defender running to unseat Platania, sees things differently. “I’m not okay with 10 extra, unnecessary, racist felonies every year, and I won’t be if I’m elected prosecutor,” Szwabowski said at a candidate forum hosted by The People’s Coalition last week. He’s challenging Platania from the left, and the key plank in his platform is a promise not to hand out any felonies for drug possession.

The race between Szwabowski and Platania, who himself worked as a public defender early in his career, offers a peek at the path forward for reforming the groaning, serpentine American criminal justice system.

The United States incarcerates more of its own citizens than any other country in the world, by a comfortable margin. Both Szwabowski and Platania agree that one driver of that over-incarceration is overly aggressive prosecutors, who seek harsh punitive sentences for crimes that could be handled more gently—in particular, progressive prosecutors argue that drug infractions should result in treatment rather than jail time. That argument has recently won elections for reform-minded prosecutors in places like Philadelphia and San Francisco.

Platania says he’s proud of his progressive bona fides: The jail population decreased 12 percent in his first year in office, and has continued to decrease as many people have been transferred to house arrest as a COVID precaution. “We don’t use cash bail, we don’t charge mandatory minimum [sentences] without supervisor approval, and we reduce all nonviolent first-time felonies to misdemeanors,” Platania says. He’s also a founding member of Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice, a statewide group made of up 12 of Virginia’s 120 elected prosecutors that has advocated for reforms like marijuana decriminalization.

“Our philosophy is diversion and treatment over incarceration and prosecution, and jail as a last resort not a first option,” the prosecutor says. “But at the same time, we’ve tried to keep an eye on prosecuting violent offenses. It’s a complicated tension that we navigate through.”

Szwabowski, however, says the way Platania’s office operates allows individual prosecutors too much discretion, and that cases have slipped through his fingers as a result.

“I’ve heard Joe brag that culture eats [strategy] for breakfast,” Szwabowski says. “The idea is if you create the right office culture, then people who work for you will make the right decisions in the cases.” 

“Having lived through that on the defense side, I don’t think it works,” the public defender says.

Szwabowski wants to bring a more policy-focused approach, and says that his office would have rules in place that would guarantee fewer people are put on probation, probation terms are shorter, and drug possession felony charges would be downgraded to misdemeanors. 

At the candidate forum, Szwabowski put his frustration in straightforward terms. “Charlottesville has no systemic approach to criminal justice reform,” he said. 

Giving out fewer felonies is a key tenet of progressive prosecution, as a felony charge can derail a person’s life, making it harder to rent housing, take out loans, and find work. And drug felonies in particular are handed out to Black people at heartbreakingly disproportionate rates. Around the country, “African Americans and whites use drugs at similar rates, but the imprisonment rate of African Americans for drug charges is almost six times that of whites,” reports the NAACP.

“Generally speaking, a prosecutor should always be thinking, ‘I am wielding a very powerful sword. I should be careful swinging it,’” Szwabowski says. 

The commonwealth’s attorney race might not jump off the page when you eye your ballot. Four years ago, Platania swept past local criminal justice lawyer and advocate Jeffrey Fogel, winning 62 percent of the vote in an election where less than 8,000 votes were cast. In 2011, Dave Chapman won re-election for his sixth term in a primary with just 2,500 votes. The results have real and immediate differences in the city, however.

In a small race, in a small city, in a small legal community, personal relationships loom large. Platania and Szwabowski have been on opposite sides of plenty of cases in the last few years. “There’s a collegiality in the court system that I think is appropriate—we all are professional and try to treat each other with professional respect,” Szwabowski says. “And that’s why I think it was maybe a little surprising to Joe [that I ran]…There’s a way to advocate for change that is polite and professional but forceful.”

Was Platania surprised? “I’m not politically sophisticated enough to predict or know,” he says. “I knew that I thought we had done a good job and I feel like our team should be rehired.”

“For me, these issues are so important that you have to push past the awkwardness,” says Szwabowski. “He says his piece, I say mine, and the voters can decide.”


Turning up the heat: Albemarle Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Tracci faces a progressive challenger with deep pockets

Political races in Albemarle County are usually pretty staid compared to Charlottesville’s—except for the commonwealth’s attorney race.

Prosecutors Jim Camblos (in 2007) and Denise Lunsford (in 2015) were both ousted after controversial, high-profile cases. And 2019 has promised to be another closely watched contest—even before incumbent Robert Tracci’s opponent received an unheard-of $50,000 donation.

Republican Tracci, 47, is a former federal prosecutor and U.S. House Judiciary Committee counsel. Jim Hingeley, 71, founded the Charlottesville Albemarle Public Defender’s Office in 1998. Both men tout their experience—and their opponent’s lack of it.

Democrat Jim Hingeley, founder of the Charlottesville Albemarle Public Defender’s Office, faces Republican Robert Tracci in the commonwealths’s attorney race.

“He doesn’t have any prosecution experience at all,” says Tracci.

“I’m proficient as a criminal trial lawyer,” says Hingeley, noting his more than 40 years as an attorney. A factor in his decision to run, he says, “was [Tracci’s] inexperience and the mistakes he made…When he was elected, he’d never tried a case on his own in state court.”

Hingeley calls Tracci’s failure to secure a perjury conviction against Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler “a rookie mistake. He failed to prove the perjury occurred in Albemarle County.”

“The court made a finding with which I disagree,” says Tracci.

The two men differ on their interpretations of prosecutorial discretion and on the role of money in the campaign, notably activist Sonjia Smith’s $50,000 donation to Hingeley.

Hingeley says he also decided to run because he disagrees with Tracci’s approach. “Mr. Tracci has, for the most part, the view that prosecuting people, convicting them, and removing them from the community is the way to address criminal behavior and solve crime in the community,” says Hingeley, who describes himself as a progressive.

For his part, Tracci says Hingeley is part of a “political prosecution movement in which the commonwealth’s attorney is a political activist rather than a legal advocate.” He is “already expressing a reluctance to bringing felony offenses and that has consequences that are not good for public safety,” says Tracci.

“We don’t have authority to summarily disregard the law,” says Tracci, who suggests Hingeley is running for the wrong job and should be seeking a seat in the General Assembly to change the laws with which he disagrees.

“I have a different approach,” says Hingeley. “I know a lot about what is driving criminal behavior.”

Mass incarceration is the “result of the kinds of policies Mr. Tracci has in his office,” says Hingeley. “I think we need to look at ways to keep people in the community.”

Both Hingeley and Tracci cite support for treating substance abuse and mental illness outside of incarceration. “Jails and prisons are not equipped” to treat those issues as well as the services that are already available in the community, says Hingeley.

Tracci says, “I’ve sought alternatives to prosecution, including the therapeutic mental health and drug dockets.” He says his is the first commonwealth’s attorney office in the state to have overall responsibility for sexual assault at UVA, rather than have cases handled as Title IX. “We were ahead of the curve,” he says.

And while he’s committed to enforcing laws as written, Tracci says some reforms are in order. “I’ve written the attorney general that it’s time to look at cannabis laws.” And he wants to see a uniform standard to determine cannabis impairment.

That was an issue Hingeley cites as an example of Tracci’s inexperience. When a train collided with a garbage truck on the tracks in Crozet in early 2018, Tracci tried driver Dana Naylor on involuntary manslaughter and maiming from driving while impaired because he had THC in his bloodstream.

The problem, says Hingeley, is that the science on THC, including results from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is that “THC in the blood does not appear to be an indication of impairment.“ And when Tracci attempted to prove Naylor was impaired, “his own toxicologist said that’s not correct,” recounts Hingeley.

Hingeley has raised more than $150,000, the largest amount for any commonwealth’s attorney race in memory. That includes $50,000 from Smith, who also gave $10,000 to Andrew Sneathern, who, when he decided not to seek the prosecutor’s job, contributed those funds to Hingeley.

“I think it reflects the support I have gotten for change and for criminal justice reform,” says Hingeley.

Tracci thinks it reflects an “unprecedented” amount of campaign money in this district, if not the commonwealth, and that Smith’s $50K was almost equal to what he spent on the last election.

“The community should have the right to know what conversations were made before that contribution,” he says.

Tracci says he met with Smith, who disagreed with his support of the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail’s notification of ICE when undocumented immigrants are released from the jail. “After that, I learned she wrote the $50,000 check,” he says.

Smith says she’d contributed to Hingeley more than two months before she met with Tracci at his request on April 1, and that her record as an active Democratic donor shows “that I do not support Republicans.”

Tracci says he didn’t do any fundraising his first three years in office, and as the county’s current prosecutor he doesn’t accept contributions from any defense attorney with cases that will appear in Albemarle courts. “I’m going to be outspent and I know I’m going to be outspent.”

Hingeley says he wants to find solutions that will break the cycle of racial injustice and the disproportionate number of minorities in prison. “I’m seeing a lot of interest in this community in doing things differently.”

“We don’t have the authority not to prosecute violent crimes,” says Tracci. That disrespects the victims, he says, “and there’s nothing compassionate about that.”

Tracci and Hingeley will face off at The Center on Hillsdale Drive on October 9 at 1:30pm.


Vape escape: Raising the vaping age hasn’t deterred teens

Bathrooms. Locker rooms. Cars. Check any of these places on a typical school day, and you’re likely to find students taking part in the latest teen trend: vaping.

“It’s pretty common around my crowd,” says one Charlottesville High School senior, who estimates about 25 percent of his classmates vape. “Kids will duck out of class every once in a while [to go vape.]”

Teen vaping, declared an “epidemic” by the U.S. surgeon general last December, has been a growing source of concern for parents and public health officials for a couple years, leading Virginia to join several other states and more than 400 municipalities in raising the age to buy tobacco and vape products to 21. A mysterious new vaping-related illness has only increased the alarm. But has the new law had any effect?

At St. Anne’s-Belfield, the law has made it “a little more difficult” for students to vape, says one senior. “But it’s not like students are going to stop or have stopped because of that.”

“Everyone knows who the people are that you get all the vaping supplies from, who’s going to buy [them],” he says. “It’s just generally kind of accepted.”

Since the law went into effect in July, students have used fake IDs and their “connections with retail locations” to purchase vaping products, says the CHS senior.

According to a 2018 Monitoring the Future survey, more than 37 percent of high school seniors, 33 percent of sophomores, and 18 percent of eighth graders reported vaping within the past year—a dramatic increase from 2017. Experts say many teens vape because they’re not aware of its dangers.

Sally Goodquist, Virginia Department of Health’s Tobacco Control Coordinator for the Northwest Region, finds that many teens believe e-cigarettes just contain water vapor.

“Young people are only educated on cigarettes,” says Goodquist. “They see vaping … as a safe alternative to smoking.”

Even after learning about the dangers of nicotine, some St. Anne’s students simply switched over to using vapes containing THC, a chemical commonly found in marijuana, believing that it was healthier than nicotine, says the St. Anne’s senior.

And at CHS, says the senior at the school, most students think there is little chance vaping will harm them.

Virginia’s new law “typically carries a punishment by a civil penalty or fine,” for those who are caught vaping under age, according to a statement from the Charlottesville Police Department. But it hasn’t led to more teen vapers being charged.

“We have not requested enhanced enforcement, and I’m not aware that we have seen any increase in the number of charges [since July],” says Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania.

But the recent outbreak of vaping-related illness—and a ban on flavored e-cigarettes and nicotine pods that’s been proposed in response—could be a bigger deterrent for teens.

Since August 24, 535 cases of vaping-related lung illness have been identified across the country, and seven people have died.

In the Virginia Department of Health’s northwest region, which encompasses Charlottesville, there have been three confirmed cases and one probable case.

Many have blamed “kid-friendly” flavors of nicotine products for the growth of teen vaping, and in response to the latest health scare, the Trump administration announced September 11 that it would ban the sale of most flavored e-cigarettes and nicotine pods, excluding tobacco flavors.

“Nobody wants to use a tobacco Juul. Getting rid of those [flavors] will take away the appeal because now it’s just as gross as smoking a cigarette,” says the senior at St. Anne’s, who stopped vaping after he learned about the vaping-related illness.

It is also possible the ban could backfire.

“People don’t really care what [the vape] tastes like,” says the senior at CHS.

If there is a ban on most flavors, some teens may turn to the online black market, use tobacco-flavored vapes, or even switch to smoking regular cigarettes.

“I know people that have already switched to [cigarettes] because of the stories about vaping,” added the CHS senior.

It’s unclear when—or if—a nationwide ban on flavored e-cigarettes will be enforced. For now, the CDC has advised people to avoid using e-cigarettes and never buy them on the street. It has also warned against modifying e-cigarettes or adding any substances to them that aren’t intended by the manufacturer.


Immune system: Weiner sues Lunsford for prosecutorial misconduct

The man who was convicted of abduction with intent to defile and who spent two-and-a-half years in jail before the alleged victim’s story fell apart filed suit July 14 against the former commonwealth’s attorney who prosecuted him.

Mark Weiner, now living in Maryland, filed a civil lawsuit in federal court July 14—exactly two years after the day he was released from jail—against Albemarle County, the commonwealth’s attorney office and Denise Lunsford.

In December 2012, former Food Lion manager Weiner offered a ride to then-20-year-old Chelsea Steiniger, whose boyfriend had refused to let her spend the night. Steiniger claimed that Weiner put a cloth over her face with a mysterious agent that rendered her unconscious, used her phone to send taunting texts to her beau, and that she awakened in an abandoned house on Richmond Road, where she grabbed her phone, leaped off a second floor deck and escaped.

After Weiner was convicted in May 2013, his lawyer complained that Lunsford prevented him from entering exculpatory cell tower records that showed Steiniger was likely at her mother’s house.

The case became a national story and was a major factor in Lunsford’s unsuccessful bid for a third term in the November 2015 election, when Republican Robert Tracci unseated her.

Weiner’s civil attorney, Barton Keyes, is a member of a wrongful conviction practice in Columbus, Ohio.

Despite the formidable immunity Lunsford had as prosecutor, Keyes says, “We think in this case, the circumstances will let us hold her accountable.”

The complaint did not specify monetary damages but Keyes says, “Mark spent over two years in prison. We’re talking substantial damages.”

Lunsford sent a statement through her Richmond McGuireWoods attorney and says she conducted her duties as commonwealth’s attorney “diligently, ethically, and to the best of my abilities.” She says she’s proud of her service in protecting the interests of justice and safety in the community. “As a private citizen now, I intend to defend my personal and professional reputation in court, and not in the press,” says Lunsford.

Tracci issued his own statement: “Because the office I serve is named in this suit, I will reply to its merits when appropriate and in due course. Without speaking to the merits of this suit, my personal views concerning the handling of the Mark Weiner case are widely known and a matter of crystal clear record.”

Experts say prosecutorial immunity will be a tough hurdle for Weiner to overcome.

“The main legal obstacle to holding prosecutors accountable for misconduct that leads to wrongful convictions is that they have absolute immunity for civil damages for their lawyering in the courtroom,” says UVA Law’s Brandon Garrett. It’s even harder to know if prosecutors concealed evidence of innocence “because in states like Virginia, they need turn over so little of what is in their files,” he adds.

Steve Rosenfield was an attorney in one of the few successful civil suits waged in a wrongful conviction, in which his client, Earl Washington Jr., came within nine days of execution. Rosenfield says Weiner “is on solid footing morally. Legally, he’s likely to run into serious barriers.”

Deirdre Enright heads UVA’s Innocence Project Clinic, and three years ago she said Weiner’s case “had all the earmarks of a bad case because it didn’t make sense.”

Immunity makes prosecutors and police “Teflon to meaningful consequences,” even though their misconduct is a leading cause of wrongful convictions, she says. “The average citizen will pay a fine for a broken taillight, but most prosecutors won’t pay a dime for their role in wrongfully convicting someone, however nefarious their conduct.”

Keyes says Lunsford proceeded to prosecute “despite clear evidence that contradicted [Steiniger’s] story. Most egregious, he says, was that it appears “the prosecutor was thinking her sole role was to secure a conviction when in reality a prosecutor’s job is to secure justice.”


Miller’s time: Candidate arrested in mall shout-down

Commonwealth’s attorney candidate Jeff Fogel was arrested in the wee hours today when five police cars came to his house following an alleged assault earlier in the evening outside Miller’s on the Downtown Mall.

That was where the latest confrontation between whites-righter Jason Kessler and Showing Up for Racial Justice took place after Kessler dined at the popular venue’s outdoor patio and was spotted by SURJers, who put out an APB for its members.

“White supremacists should not be allowed to move quietly in public spaces,” SURJ member Pam Starsia recently told C-VILLE. And the group has admonished Miller’s for serving white nationalists after Richard Spencer’s tiki-torch procession in Lee Park May 13.

SURJ members serenade diners at Miller’s with chants like “Nazi go home.” Photo Eze Amos

Fogel says he had been to a candidate event last night and had just gotten home when a friend called and asked him to come observe things at Miller’s, where he dined with City Council candidate Nancy Carpenter. “I had a delicious hamburger and a beer,” he says.

Jason Kessler, center, airs his grievances to police officers about SURJ members such as Joe Starsia, right. Photo Eze Amos

Kessler was surrounded by SURJ members shouting, “Nazi go home,” and “No fascists, no KKK, no Nazis in the USA,” as he filmed the event. Kessler spotted Fogel dining in front of Miller’s, and chastised him for calling Kessler a “crybaby” in April.

On video, a man with Kessler called Fogel a “communist piece of shit.”

Fogel replied, “What did you say?” and is seen reaching in with his hand toward the man on the video.

“Oh my God, this guy just assaulted my friend,” an elated Kessler says, and he urged his friend to press charges.

Fogel declined to comment on the alleged assault, but he did say he went home and had gone to bed when five police cars and officers showed up at his house at 12:30am. He says he was arrested, rather than given a summons for the misdemeanor charge, because the magistrate told him, “I didn’t like the way you talked to the sergeant.”

Fogel’s client, Veronica Fitzhugh, was arrested in a similar manner the night before with five officers coming to her home for misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and assault and battery, stemming from a May 20 encounter with Kessler on the mall, according to Fogel. His arrest “was just like what happened to Veronica,” says Fogel.

Charlottesville police spokesman Steve Upman did not immediately respond to inquiries from C-VILLE about the show of force in making the night-time arrests, and whether any other arrests would be coming from the scene at Miller’s.

The complaint was filed by Caleb Norris, says Fogel.

It’s unclear how the arrest will impact the Democratic primary for commonwealth’s attorney, where Fogel faces Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania. Platania declined to comment on the arrest of his opponent. In an interview yesterday, Fogel noted that he’d never been arrested.

The first-hand experience of being hauled to the jailhouse was eye-opening for Fogel, who has sued city police for stop-and-frisk records and has made criminal justice reform his platform.

Attorney Jeff Fogel experiences the other side of the legal system with his early morning arrest. Charlottesville Police

“I never realized how uncomfortable it is to sit in the back of a police car with handcuffs,” he says. “You have to sit forward and there’s no leg room in the back of a cruiser.”

He says, “I’m sure there are people treated much worse than me. I’m a 72-year-old who’s running for commonwealth’s attorney with no record.”

Miller’s did not respond to a request for comment at press time, but the Newplex’s Taylor Cairns reports Kessler was banned for life from Miller’s, and Fogel says Carpenter also was told not to come back.

Miller’s had more going than John D’Earth’s regular Thursday gig last night. Photo Eze Amos



Chapman passes prosecutorial torch to Platania

Charlottesville’s legal community turned out today for Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania’s official announcement that he wants the job of his boss, Dave Chapman, who will not be seeking a seventh term.

Chapman introduced and endorsed Platania, whom he hired in the city prosecutor’s office in 2003. “It’s important to me who’s the next commonwealth’s attorney,” said Chapman, and that person should be able to “look on the face” of a lengthy murder trial and “not have knees knocking.”

The commonwealth’s attorney should be able to “walk down the mall without fear, even when you’re near people you’ve put in jail and who call you by your first name,” said Chapman.

Platania, who worked in the public defender’s office when he came to Charlottesville in 1999, stressed prosecutorial discretion. “This community demands more from its prosecutors than simply jailing those who commit crimes,” he said.

Joe Platania. Staff photo

“I will strive to keep the community safe while prosecuting those who commit crimes fairly,” said Platania.

The position requires experience, integrity and innovation, along with a “common-sense perspective,” he added.

City Space was packed with Platania supporters, despite another big Dem event taking place 45 minutes later: Tom Perriello’s announcement he was running for the party’s nomination for governor. Among those present for Platania were former Albemarle commonwealth’s attorney Denise Lunsford, county clerk Jon Zug and city clerk Llezelle Dugger, city Sheriff James Brown, Mayor Mike Signer, Councilor Kathy Galvin and former city Republican chair Buddy Weber.

“I’m going to support Joe,” said Weber. “I think he’s the best and that’s why I’m here.”




Tracci sworn in as Albemarle commonwealth’s attorney—twice

Robert Tracci won’t officially take the job as Albemarle’s top prosecutor until January 1, but he was in court December 17  to be sworn in, an oath Judge Cheryl Higgins requested he take a second time because she had instructed him to say “fairly and impartially perform the duties” rather than “faithfully and impartially.”

Republican Tracci unseated incumbent Commonwealth’s Attorney Denise Lunsford in the November election by 510 votes, The Albemarle Circuit Court was filled with Tracci supporters like Sheriff Chip Harding, former sheriff Ed Robb, outgoing Clerk Debbie Shipp, Albemarle police Chief Steve Sellers, state Board of Elections member Clara Belle Wheeler, local NAACP president Rick Turner—and former commonwealth’s attorney Jim Camblos, who held the position eight years ago before Lunsford won it in 2007.

Also sworn in were other county prosecutors: Darby Lowe, Matt Quatrara and Holly Vradenburgh. Lowe, like Tracci, had to repeat the oath to “faithfully” perform the duties of commonwealth’s attorney.

In that same courtroom a few hours after the swearing in, Tracci will observe a status hearing for Jesse Matthew, who faces a capital murder trial in July.

Updated December 18.