One of the earliest Marx Brothers comedies, The Cocoanuts finds the farcical siblings at their wackiest. Groucho runs the eponymous seedy hotel in Florida, but in reality spends most of his time trying to sell questionable land to unwitting tourists. As with most of the troupe’s wacky tales, the plot is less important than the verbal and physical gags, which abound in every scene of this production directed by Frank Ferrante, who also stars as Groucho.
Tag: Culbreth Theatre
ARTS Pick: UVA Drama takes on Urinetown
UVA Drama takes on satire, politics, capitalism and social justice as man’s desire to pee in private leads to revolution in the Broadway smash Urinetown. When a water shortage occurs, a lockdown on toilet flushing requires citizens to use paid public facilities, but not everyone can afford the fee to pee. A hero emerges, and leads a rebellion against the evil corporation that’s controlling the commodes, until finally the people are allowed “to pee whenever they like, as much as they like, for as long as they like and with whomever they like.”
Through April 6. $10-16, times vary. Culbreth Theatre, 109 Culbreth Rd. 924-3376.
ARTS Pick: The Comedy of Errors
Sorcery, magic and family feuds combine in The Comedy of Errors, one of 18 plays that entered the theatrical world when friends of William Shakespeare released First Folio in 1623, seven years after the Bard’s death. The tribute production coincides with the First Folio exhibit at the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library on UVA Grounds, and is filled with surprises, including its 1970s semi-modern setting.
Through October 9. $8-14, times vary. Culbreth Theatre, 109 Culbreth Rd. 924-3376.