
SLAPP-happy: Virginia’s weak anti-SLAPP law attracts defamation lawsuits

What do Johnny Depp, California Congressman Devin Nunes, and Confederate statue defender Edward Tayloe II all have in common?

This year, they all filed defamation lawsuits in Virginia. Depp sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for allegedly defaming him in a Washington Post op-ed in which she wrote about being a victim of domestic violence. Nunes sued both Twitter and his hometown newspaper, The Fresno Bee, for various perceived slights. And Tayloe sued UVA associate professor Jalane Schmidt, reporter Lisa Provence, and C-VILLE Weekly for writing about his family’s slave-owning past.

This bizarre collection of cases highlights the weakness in Virginia’s rules concerning defamation lawsuits. All of these suits have been called “strategic lawsuits against public participation,” commonly referred to by the acronym SLAPPs. 

In their statement about the Tayloe case, the ACLU described the suit against Schmidt as a typical SLAPP: “litigation intended to silence, censor and intimidate critics out of the marketplace of ideas by burdening them with the cost of a lawsuit they may not be able to afford.”

A recent high-profile SLAPP in West Virginia involved late-night TV host John Oliver, who was sued by coal tycoon Bob Murray after Oliver’s show “Last Week Tonight” aired an episode about Murray’s business practices. Oliver described the SLAPP in layman’s terms—“Obviously the lawsuit was a bullshit effort to silence us,” he said in a follow-up segment on the show. 

“Winning the case was never really his goal,” Oliver said, arguing that Murray simply hoped his lawsuit would intimidate and inconvenience “Last Week Tonight.” “Lawsuits are like famous Instagram pugs,” Oliver said. “They don’t have to work to be considered very, very successful.” 

Thirty-one states have adopted legislation—known as anti-SLAPP laws—to prevent these kinds of lawsuits from being filed. Virginia expanded its anti-SLAPP legislation in 2017, but  advocates say the new statute still isn’t strong enough to be effective. 

Evan Mascagni, policy director at the Public Participation Project, highlights two important components of strong anti-SLAPP statutes that are absent from the Virginia law: a mechanism for frivolous cases to be dismissed before the trial begins, and a provision that requires unsuccessful defamation plaintiffs to pay the attorney’s fees of the defendant.

In the Tayloe case, ACLU lawyers representing Schmidt argued that the case should be dismissed through the anti-SLAPP law. But although an Albemarle County Circuit Court judge found that there was no legal basis for the defamation claims, he declined to rule on whether the case was a SLAPP.

Jen Nelson, co-director of the UVA School of Law’s First Amendment Clinic, attributes that decision to Virginia’s weak anti-SLAPP statute.

In a state with stronger anti-SLAPP laws, she says, the Tayloe case might have been dismissed earlier and Tayloe might have been forced to foot the bill for Schmidt and Provence’s attorneys. That didn’t happen.

In fact, Virginia’s anti-SLAPP law is so weak that the state has become a popular site for non-Virginia residents to file defamation claims that they fear might not pass muster in other states.

“Forum shopping is when a plaintiff will seek to file a SLAPP in a state where there’s no protection against SLAPPs, or there’s very weak protection against SLAPPs,” Mascagni says. “We see that all the time.”

Nunes and Depp are obvious examples, Mascagni says. Both are California residents, but California has some of the country’s strongest anti-SLAPP laws, and so both chose to file in Virginia.

The connection to Virginia is tenuous in both cases. Depp can sue Heard, another California resident, in Virginia because “the op-ed at issue there was published by the Washington Post, who have printing presses in Springfield, Virginia,” Nelson says. 

In October, a judge ruled that Nunes’ suits against his hometown paper, The Fresno Bee, and two anonymous Twitter parody accounts, Devin Nunes’ Cow and Devin Nunes’ Mom, could take place in Virginia. Charlottesville-based lawyer Steven Biss is representing Nunes in both cases.

“If a plaintiff is filing what could potentially be a SLAPP in Virginia, when there’s no real connection to the state of Virginia, one can only assume that they did that to avoid a stronger state anti-SLAPP law,” says Mascagni. “Where does Devin Nunes live, California, right? He doesn’t want to file that lawsuit in California.”

Nelson says she believes the problem is on the radar of the state legislature, and that she “wouldn’t be surprised” if the incoming majority-Democrat government worked toward legislation to strengthen Virginia’s laws.

For now, though, Virginia will remain an appealing destination for those hoping to file intimidating defamation cases. “If your goal is to punish the defendant for having spoken out or made a statement on a matter of public concern,” Nelson says, “to drag them through litigation for as long as possible, and make them pay a lot in attorneys’ fees, then Virginia right now is one of the states where you can do it pretty successfully.”



In brief: UVA’s enslaved laborers memorial, SLAPP relief request, ECC hits reset, and more

First glimpse of enslaved laborers memorial

On July 16—just as we were sending last week’s issue to press—community members got to peek behind the construction fencing of the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at UVA, adjacent to the Rotunda and across the street from Bodo’s on the Corner.

Made of stone and 80 feet in diameter, the Freedom Ring, as it’s called, is a dual circle with a single opening, symbolizing a broken shackle. The opening is meant to invite people inside to gather on the small, round lawn for celebration, commemoration, or contemplation.

The Charlottesville community (including likely descendants of the people the memorial honors) had a say in the design. During a July 11 conversation at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, Mabel O. Wilson, design team member and architectural historian at Columbia University, said that folks insisted the memorial express some of the many dualities of the African American experience.

For example, the monument’s exterior wall, made from Virginia granite, is textured to evoke scarring—a symbol of both the terrible violence of slavery in the American South and ceremonial beautification practices honoring life achievements in some West African cultures.

It’s estimated that 5,000 enslaved people built and helped maintain the university before emancipation. The names of approximately 3,000 of them will be engraved in the polished stone on the inside of the ring. Memory markers that can be engraved at a later date will honor those whose identities are not yet recovered.

Construction on the monument began in January, and when it’s done in the fall, it will be the second memorial to African American history erected in Charlottesville this year. A marker commemorating the lynching of John Henry James was dedicated July 12 in Court Square. The plaque is part of an Equal Justice Initiative to make more visible the stories of racial terror throughout the United States.

And, the heritage center is fundraising for a third local monument to the African American experience: an abstract sculpture by Melvin Edwards memorializing Vinegar Hill.

C-VILLE and ACLU attorneys ask for suit dismissal

Attorneys representing C-VILLE Weekly, news editor Lisa Provence, and UVA professor Jalane Schmidt filed motions July 22 asking that a defamation lawsuit by Edward Dickinson Tayloe II be dismissed. Tayloe is a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the city and City Council for its votes to remove Confederate monuments, and he alleges an article in C-VILLE about the plaintiffs in the case defamed him “by implication.”

Schmidt, who is represented by the ACLU of Virginia, says in a statement, “As a public historian, being able to give accurate historical context regarding current events is crucial. That is why I am working with the ACLU to defend my right to free speech.”

The ACLU’s court filing says Tayloe “seeks to censor the opinion of those [who] question both his support for the Confederate statues and his motivations for defending them,” and that his suit sends “a clear message to others who wish to opine on matters of public concern” that if they disagree or critique him, they, too “will face the threat of a lawsuit.”

C-VILLE’s filing says, “Not a single fact in the article is alleged to be false.”

All defendants are asking the judge to award attorneys’ fees under Virginia’s SLAPP—strategic lawsuit against public participation—statute.

Quote of the week

“Send him back.” Virginia House and Senate Democrats say they’ll boycott the 400th commemorative session in Jamestown on July 30 if President Trump attends

In brief

Inciters sentenced

On July 19, a federal judge found three Rise Above Movement members from California guilty of violence they committed as part of their conspiracy to riot—but not for hate crimes—for incidents related to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. RAM leader Benjamin Daley was sentenced to 37 months, while Thomas Gillen and Michael Miselis received 33 and 27 months, respectively.

Emergency management

The board of the beleaguered Emergency Communications Center, whose director abruptly resigned in March and where the employees who handle 911 calls had complained about excessive overtime and serious understaffing, announced a new executive director July 18. Larry “Sonny” Saxton Jr. has 25 years in public safety in Missouri and will start August 26.

Paycheck ends

Former Charlottesville police chief Al Thomas, who resigned effective immediately in December 2017 following the events of August 12, continued to collect his $134,000 salary until July 15, NBC29 reports.

Caplin dies

Mortimer Caplin, whose name adorns several facilities at UVA, died July 15 at 103. Caplin was a UVA law professor emeritus and taught 33 years at the law school. He served as IRS commissioner under JFK, and was the only chief tax collector to appear on the cover of Time magazine.

License of champions

UVA basketball fans can keep the national championship thrill going with license plates proclaiming this year’s NCAA tournament win. The plates are limited editions, and the DMV says don’t wait around if you want one.