
Odd couple: Remaining August 12 lawsuit defendants say they’re not paramilitary

An unlikely pair of lawyers sat together in Charlottesville Circuit Court June 12 to defend clients that don’t have much in common, except that they attended last summer’s Unite the Right rally and are being sued for it.

The Georgetown University Law Center’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection filed a lawsuit on behalf of the city, several local businesses and neighborhood associations in October that aims to prohibit 25 groups and individuals who they say participated in unlawful paramilitary activity on August 12 from returning to the city for the same reason.

“Touted as an opportunity to protest the removal of a controversial Confederate statue, the event quickly escalated well beyond such constitutionally protected expression,” says the complaint. “Instead, private military forces transformed an idyllic college town into a virtual combat zone.”

Jason Kessler, the organizer of the white supremacist rally, and anti-racist group Redneck Revolt are the only defendants actively litigating the suit.

Elmer Woodard, who represents Kessler in this case, as well as a bevy of other white supremacists with Unite the Right-related charges in other cases, sat next to Redneck Revolt’s attorney Pam Starsia, who, at one point, regularly attended events with local anti-fascist group Showing Up For Racial Justice.

Outside the courthouse, Starsia, who is working with local civil rights attorney Jeff Fogel on the case, said arguing on the same side as Woodard is “interesting” and “unexpected.”

“We haven’t communicated about the case at all,” she said, though they were making similar arguments in their motions and demurrers—and that’s that neither Kessler nor Redneck Revolt actually participated in paramilitary activity at the rally.

Woodard moved to dismiss Kessler from the lawsuit, which Judge Rick Moore denied, but said he’d take time to consider Woodard’s demurrer that the complaint didn’t include enough incriminating facts against his client.

According to Woodard, the lawsuit alleges that Kessler gave only “one tactical command” that weekend, and it was after the rally was declared an unlawful assembly in Emancipation Park, when Kessler instructed the white nationalists to move to McIntire Park. The suit also alleges that Kessler solicited and facilitated the attendance of the paramilitary groups.

“My gripe is that it’s not specific enough,” said Woodard. “I could invite all the bailiffs to my birthday party. That doesn’t make me a bailiff.”

Georgetown attorney Mary McCord said Woodard “selectively” pulled from the complaint, and that it specifically mentions that Kessler used a website called Discord to “funnel” specific plans to rally attendees and give tips, such as how to build shield walls, and that he organized conference calls that at least one representative of each white supremacist group headed to Charlottesville was required to attend.

The judge will also consider Starsia’s demurrer, which she says is based on evidence that Redneck Revolt is not a paramilitary group. While they do show up to events armed, members don’t wear uniforms or have an organized structure, she said. Unlike some of the groups that came carrying assault rifles while wearing tactical military gear, Redneck Revolt was never confused with the National Guard or other law enforcement, Starsia added.

Pam Starsia. Staff photo

She said Redneck Revolt is set apart from the additional 24 people and groups named in the suit because, “the other defendants are white supremacists” and her clients’ premise is that, “Maybe the Nazis and white supremacists shouldn’t be the only ones with guns.”

The case is scheduled for trial on July 30, and the judge said he’d need a week or two to decide if there are enough factual claims in it to proceed.

“It’s not going to be easy,” he said.

Of the 18 plaintiffs in the suit, McCord said one is the owner of a local toy store who locked customers, including a number of children, in the store on August 12 when an armed militia was standing outside the shop. A restaurant owner alleges that tourists have since inquired about the events of August 12 and asked to see where Heather Heyer died when she was bowled over by a white supremacist in a Dodge Challenger.

Most defendants in the case have settled and agreed not to participate in paramilitary activity in Charlottesville, including the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, New York Light Foot Militia, III% People’s Militia of Maryland, and their commanding officers: Christian Yingling, George Curbelo and Gary Sigler. Others who’ve settled are Matthew Heimbach, Elliot Kline (aka Eli Mosley), the Traditionalist Worker Party, Vanguard America, League of the South, its leaders, Michael Tubbs and Spencer Borum, and the swastika-loving National Socialist Movement and its leader, Jeff Schoep.

Updated June 13 at 3:30pm with the names of additional defendants who have settled.


This week in brief: Snuffing out tiki torches, ‘really dank bud’ and too cute puppies

Candles in, tiki torches out

Just ahead of Jason Kessler’s March 6 lawsuit against the city complaining that City Manager Maurice Jones unconstitutionally denied his permit for a two-day August 12 anniversary rally—Jones also denied five other applicants’ permit requests for the weekend—City Council updated its event permit regulations February 20.

  • 45-day notice if street closure requested, 30 days if not
  • Prohibited: Open flames, except for hand-held candles for ceremonial events
  • Prohibited (partial list): Pellet guns, air rifles, nunchucks, tasers, heavy gauge metal chains, poles, bricks, rocks, metal beverage or food cans or containers, glass bottles, axes, skateboards, swords, knives, metal pipes, pepper or bear spray, mace, bats, sticks, clubs, drones and explosives
  • Prohibited: Dressing like cops, military or emergency personnel
  • Small group exception: Up to 50 citizens may spontaneously demonstrate without a permit

Highlights from Kessler’s complaint:

  • The city couldn’t guarantee a clear path to enter Emancipation Park for his fellow Lee statue-loving protesters.
  • The permit denial is based on crowd size, but there’s plenty of room in the one-acre park, which could hold as many as 20,000 people “cheek to jowl.”
  • Because of the city’s “misconduct,” fewer people will attend and a “reduced crowd will dilute” Kessler’s message.
  • The city’s denial was based on Kessler’s viewpoint and violates his First and 14th Amendment rights.


Quote of the Week: “You’re more likely to be killed by @timkaine running mate @HillaryClinton than you are by an AR-15.” —A March 8 tweet by failed gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart, who stopped by Charlottesville March 10 during his campaign for Senate.


How much is that puppy in the browsing window?

Attorney General Mark Herring says his consumer protection team continues to receive complaints from people “who thought they were buying an incredibly cute puppy from an online breeder, only to find out it was a scam and the dog didn’t exist.” Red flags for this scam include stock photos, exotic or designer breeds for cheap, and poorly made websites that include misspellings and grammatical errors, he says.

Life and then some

Cathy Rothgeb

A jury recommended a 184-year sentence for Cathy S. Rothgeb, the former Orange County youth softball coach found guilty on March 12 on 30 of 34 charges, which include forcible sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and object sexual penetration of two former athletes. The alleged molestations began in the ’90s, when one victim testified that she was 9 years old.

Assault and battery

A Western Albemarle High School teacher has been placed on administrative leave after he was arrested for a physical altercation with a student on February 16. Oluwole Adesina, a 53-year-old Crozet resident, faces up to a year in jail or a $2,500 fine for the misdemeanor assault and battery charge.

Green acres

Hogwaller Farm, a nine-acre development with 30 apartments and an urban farm, has been proposed near Moores Creek along Nassau Street, according to the Daily Progress, which reported March 11 that developer Justin Shimp submitted a zoning amendment pre-application last summer to ask Albemarle officials to change the light-industrial designation to rural so he could plant seven acres of “really dank bud.”

New hire

Roger Johnson. Courtesy of Albemarle County

Albemarle County announced its hiring of economic development director Roger Johnson from Greenville, North Carolina on March 7, for a job that’s been open for over a year. The last person to hold it lasted for 19 months.

Guilty plea

Joshua Lamar Carter, 27, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on March 12 for firing a gun at city police officers in 2016. In a plea agreement, he entered an Alford plea to one charge of attempted second-degree murder and pleaded guilty to shooting a gun in a public place and illegally possessing a firearm as a felon.

A headline we’re starting to get used to: Another August 12 lawsuit

Georgetown Law’s Civil Rights Clinic filed a federal defamation lawsuit March 13 on behalf of a Unite the Right rally counterprotester who claims to be a victim of fake news conspiracies.

Brennan Gilmore’s cell phone footage of the deadly car attack on Fourth Street went viral on August 12, and “Gilmore was contacted by media outlets to discuss his experience and soon became the target of elaborate online conspiracies that placed him at the center of a ‘deep-state’ plot to stage the attack and destabilize the Trump administration,” says a press release from the law group.

Now he’s suing defendants Alex Jones, Infowars, former Congressman Allen West and others for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” and “mobilizing an army of followers to pursue a campaign of harassment and threats against him.” The lawsuit seeks punitive damages and compensation for Gilmore’s alleged reputational injuries and emotional distress.

“From Sandy Hook to Pizzagate to Charlottesville, Las Vegas and now Parkland, the defendants thrive by inciting devastating real-world consequences with the propaganda and lies they publish as news,” says Gilmore. “Today, I’m asking a court to hold them responsible for the personal and professional damage their lies have caused me, and, more importantly, to deter them from repeating this dangerous pattern of defamation and intimidation.”


Keeping out the militia: Law group says legal remedies exist to prevent another August 12

New research shows that all 50 states can legally restrict private militia and paramilitary activity at events such as the summer’s deadly Unite the Right rally, according to the University of Georgetown Law School’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection.

The legal organization, which filed a lawsuit on behalf of the city last October against 25 groups and individuals that allegedly engaged in unlawful militia-like activity on August 12, claims the independent militiamen and women, many with AR-15s slung over their shoulders, made tensions boil at the rally.

In its litigation, ICAP aims to prohibit the defendants from returning to Virginia to engage in the type of behavior seen over the summer, and during a February 8 press conference, senior litigator Mary McCord announced a set of new tools every state can use.

“Violent conduct is not protected by the First Amendment,” she said.

Aside from independent groups such as the Pennsylvania and New York light foot militias present at Unite the Right, McCord says several of the white supremacist groups also fall into that category because of their “militaristic battle behavior,” combat-type helmets and reliance on bats, batons, clubs, sticks and reinforced flag poles for protection.

But perhaps this could have been prevented due to already existing clauses, statutes and prohibitions, which could be used proactively to impose restrictions during an event’s permitting process to reduce the possibility of violence while protecting the right to free speech and peaceable assembly.

“All in all, what this research found is that all 50 states have one of these,” McCord said.

On October 28, the League of the South —a white nationalist group named in ICAP’s lawsuit—planned two White Lives Matter rallies in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Adam Tucker, an assistant city attorney for Murfreesboro, said the folks at ICAP immediately reached out with suggestions for restrictions the locality could impose to prohibit violent paramilitary activity like that seen in Charlottesville.

Tucker said city officials were able to write a prohibition of paramilitary activity into the rally’s permit, and on the day of the planned rallies, though members of the league showed up at their first planned rally in Shelbyville, they canceled the second one, calling it a “lawsuit trap” on Twitter.

Legal remedies

Paramilitary activity prohibitions: 25 states (including Virginia, where it’s a Class 5 felony) criminalize assem-
bling a group to train or practice with firearms or techniques that could hurt or kill someone, and intending to use those practices in a civil disorder.

False assumption statutes: 12 states (including Virginia) bar acting like a cop or the unauthorized wearing of military-like uniforms.

—University of Georgetown Law School’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection