
‘No new crimes’

During a heated one-day veto session last week, the Virginia General Assembly killed Governor Glenn Youngkin’s amendments that would have created two new misdemeanor crimes for possessing more than two ounces of marijuana, accompanied by potential fines and jail time. The controversial legislation also would have banned the sale of Delta-8—a popular form of THC that gives users a less potent high than regular weed—starting in October.

The Democratic-controlled Senate initially rejected Youngkin’s amendments, which would have allowed the governor to sign or veto the original bill prohibiting marijuana products in the shape of a human, animal, vehicle, or fruit. However, after a lengthy debate, the senators decided to send the bill to the Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee, taking the new crimes off the table—at least until next year.

Since Virginia legalized marijuana last year, the laws surrounding the drug have continued to stir up debate among legislators. While adults 21 and over can legally possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to four plants at home, it will not be legal to sell it until 2024. Individuals found guilty of possessing more than an ounce—but less than a pound—are subject to a $25 civil fine. (Possessing more than a pound remains a felony.)

Multiple racial justice groups rallied against the governor’s amendments, which they said would have had a disproportionate impact on Black people. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, Black people are nearly four times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession, even though both use the drug at about the same rate.

“This re-criminalization of possession is really just a re-targeting of law enforcement back on Black and brown people in Virginia,” says Chelsea Higgs Wise, executive director of Marijuana Justice. “You’re separating families, you’re putting people in a cage, and you’re now putting up barriers to housing and education.”

Last month, the CannaJustice Coalition—including Marijuana Justice, Rise for Youth, Justice Forward Virginia, and the Virginia Student Power Network—delivered a petition signed by more than 1,300 supporters to the General Assembly, urging it to not create any new marijuana crimes, among other demands. Instead, the coalition says legislators should focus on resentencing the hundreds of people incarcerated for using a now-legal substance.

“We are also disappointed that legislators and even some advocates are publicly discussing which new crimes would be more acceptable than other new possession crimes, when the demand should be no new crimes,” adds Higgs Wise. “If we can’t agree on that, then we definitely can’t agree on who should be making the millions and billions of profit.”

The proposed penalties would have taken the state’s criminal justice reform efforts a step backwards. Last year, Virginia automatically sealed all records of misdemeanor possession with intent to distribute marijuana, including arrests, charges, and convictions. And in 2020, all records of misdemeanor simple possession were sealed. 

The death of Youngkin’s amendments comes after the Republican-controlled House killed a bill earlier this year that would have allowed licensed medical dispensaries and 10 industrial hemp processors to begin selling recreational weed in September, but prohibited other retailers from selling the drug until 2024. Some advocacy groups protested against the proposed law, claiming it would give corporations an unfair advantage and increase enforcement in marginalized communities. Legislators are expected to discuss early sales again next year.

However, marijuana advocates like Virginia NORML continue to urge legislators to crack down on unregulated marijuana products, and establish a legal market as soon as possible. Over the past year, products like Delta-8 have increasingly popped up in convenience stores, smoke shops, and other businesses across the state, causing some users to experience adverse effects.

“Unregulated products containing synthetically-derived THC will continue to be sold at retail and wholesale outside of the strict regulatory oversight currently required for legally produced cannabis products,” said JM Pedini, executive director of Virginia NORML, in a press release. “Consumers deserve to know what they’re purchasing, and far too often what’s on the label is not what’s in the package.”

Still, Pedini points to a new law improving the state’s medical cannabis program as a victory for NORML this year. Starting in July, patients who have received written certification from a medical provider will no longer have to go through the lengthy process of registering with the Board of Pharmacy—they will be allowed to shop at a medical dispensary right away. There are currently around 8,000 patients waiting to access the program.

Higgs Wise remains worried about what the next legislative session will bring, and anticipates another tough fight to keep new marijuana crimes off the books.

“I am hoping that by then there will be one or at least a few champions that step up for legalization and will carry a bill that has our true demands in it,” she says. “We do not have to rush to legalize [sales] next session…It’s not just about the criminality but also the commercialization that is going to lead towards exploitation [and] leaving out small entrepreneurs.”

“We’re ready to hold the line strong,” she adds. 


In brief: Pipeline rally, Unite the Right legal fees, and more

For the win

A sense of hope and victory was strong among the over 200 people who attended a virtual, national rally to stop construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

The MVP is a 42-inch, underground natural gas pipeline system that stretches 303 miles from northwestern West Virginia to southern Virginia. Activists and environmental advocacy groups have expressed opposition to the project since it was first proposed in 2014. 

The rally, called We Believe We Will Win, included speeches from several climate activists and leaders of environmental organizations who shared their reasons for opposing the pipeline and the active roles they have played in the movement. 

According to the project’s website, 94 percent of the pipeline is already complete. Activists, however, say this is a ploy, and some of the most difficult work has yet to be started.

“They want you to believe that it’s inevitable and we’re here to say it’s not,” said Joshua Vana, director of ARTivism Virginia and MC of the event.

Crystal Cavalier-Keck, co-founder of Seven Directions of Service, spoke about her role in advocating against a key air compressor station for MVP. In December, a state regulatory board denied a permit for the compressor station in a 6-1 vote as a result of efforts from Cavalier-Keck and other Black and indigenous activists. 

“We keep sending out postcards, phone calls, doing stuff, because we might be small, but we are mighty,” she says. “We can accomplish anything if we do it together in unity.” 

In January, a federal court stopped the MVP from crossing into the Jefferson National Forest. A week later, the same court invalidated another permit. 

Speakers including Karenna Gore, the daughter of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, told stories of their own experiences joining the movement, many of which were sparked by a desire to protect future generations. The MVP has led to the destruction of sacred ancestral sites along its trail, displaced indigenous communities, and disrupted the connection between the land and the people who live there. 

The speakers on the call were all certain about ultimate victory in this fight. 

“People are tired of the landscape being torn up and the waterways and the property being seized,” says Gore. “They want it to seem inevitable and all-powerful, a goliath of a project…But guess who will win. We will win.” 

Money woes

Sanctions are still piling up against one of the neo-Nazi co-defendants in the Sines v. Kessler lawsuit.

According to The Daily Progress, federal Judge Norman K. Moon added $18,000 to the amount due from Robert “Azzmador” Ray for attorneys’ fees and out-of-pocket expenses. Ray disappeared after coming to Charlottesville for the torch rally at the Rotunda on August 11 and the Unite the Right rally the next day. He didn’t show up for the November trial, and is considered a fugitive on a criminal warrant stemming from the torch rally and a bench warrant for contempt of court in 2020.

Robert “Azzmador” Ray is among the Unite the Right planners who continue to rack up legal fees. Photo: Youtube

The lawsuit sought to hold the Unite the Right planners, including Ray, responsible for the carnage inflicted that weekend. At trial, the jury was instructed that they could view Ray’s absence in an adverse light, and found him liable for $700,000. 

According to the Progress, plaintiffs asked the court for nearly $26,000 for attorneys’ fees and expenses. Moon arrived at $18,000 by reducing the hourly rate charged by plaintiffs attorneys and the number of hours they claimed.

In brief

Bottoms up

To-go margaritas, Long Islands, and other boozy libations are here to stay—for now. Last week, Governor Glenn Youngkin signed legislation extending Virginia’s takeout cocktails policy until July 1, 2024, in an effort to support the state’s struggling bars and restaurants as they recover from pandemic losses. It remains unclear if Virginia will join the 18 other states—plus Washington, D.C.—that have permanently legalized to-go and delivery alcohol sales.

Due time

This week, the City of Charlottesville resumed utility cutoffs for past-due accounts, after pausing all service disconnections at the beginning of the pandemic. Customers who are behind on their utility bills are encouraged to call (970-3211) or email ( Utility Billing to set up a payment plan as soon as possible.

Stage exit

Crozet native Kenedi Anderson has dropped out of this season of “American Idol,” just after making it to the competition’s Top 24. In an Instagram post on Monday evening, the 18-year-old Western Albemarle High School student shared that she was unable to continue on the show “for personal reasons.” She thanked her supporters and said it was “one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, but I know it’s necessary.” Host Ryan Seacrest made the announcement during Monday night’s show, following Anderson’s previously recorded performance of Christina Perri’s “Human.”  Anderson had secured her spot in the final group of contestants last week with a duet of Bill Withers’ “Lean on Me” and a solo performance of Bruno Mars’ “Talking to the Moon.” 

Bills, bills, bills

More than $2,400—that’s how much the Virginia Department of Transportation billed Lake Monticello residents Charles and Carolyn Westrater for removing a pine tree that fell on their car while they were driving on Route 53 last month, according to the Fluvanna Review. The uprooted tree trapped the elderly couple inside their 2014 Toyota Avalon until help arrived, and blocked both lanes on the road near Hillridge Drive. They are now awaiting a verdict from the state attorney general’s office, the only agency that can dismiss the exorbitant charges.


In brief: Basketball blues, divisive tip line

When the music stops

Virginia’s men’s basketball team, three years removed from a national championship, failed to qualify for the NCAA Tournament when the brackets were announced on Sunday. (To make matters worse, Virginia Tech won the ACC Tournament and qualified as an 11-seed.) It’s the first time the Cavaliers have missed the tourney since 2013, a rare down year in the gilt-edged Tony Bennett era.

The 2022 team boasted Virginia’s signature tough defense, but displayed shocking ineptitude on offense, averaging 47 points per game across two ACC Tournament appearances. “When we did get some decent quality looks, we didn’t hit them,” Bennett reflected after the team’s loss to UNC—a fitting summary of the season as a whole.

The Hoos will host Mississippi State in the first round of the 32-team undercard National Invitational Tournament on Wednesday. The Cavaliers last qualified for the NIT in 2013, and lost to Iowa in the quarterfinals. Virginia has won the NIT twice, in 1992 and 1980. “The margin of error for this team was probably a little smaller than most, and I think they did a pretty good job most of the year. But it stings right now,” Bennett said.

2022 men’s basketball numbers to know

62.6 points scored per game, 14th out of 15 teams in the ACC
5.0 3-pointers made per game, 15th out of 15 teams in the ACC
15.3 points per game for leading scorer Jayden Gardner, 12th in the ACC
3.6 assist to turnover ratio for Reece Beekman, first in the ACC

Call off the tip line, say supes

The executive director of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents penned a letter to the Youngkin administration calling for changes to the way the Virginia Department of Education has been operating since the new gov took over.

The superintendents association “disagrees with your assumption that discriminatory and divisive concepts have become widespread in Virginia school divisions,” reads the letter from Howard Kiser. The association also calls for the elimination of the tip line, an early Youngkin initiative that allowed parents to report the teaching of “divisive concepts” to the state. The Youngkin admin’s education policies “can set public education in Virginia back many years,” the letter states.

Glenn Youngkin. Supplied photo

In brief

Wheeling and dealing

Democrats in the legislature denied Andrew Wheeler, a former Trump admin EPA leader, an environmental policy post in Governor Glenn Youngkin’s cabinet earlier this year, citing Wheeler’s history as former coal lobbyist. The Youngkin administration instead decided to hire Wheeler as a “senior adviser.”

For future generations

Third Act, a group of self-identified “old and bold” activists held a rally outside Chase Bank on the Corner this week, demanding the bank pull fossil-fuel development funding. The environmentally-minded seniors, who at one point laid on the ground, spent the afternoon chanting and holding signs.

Windy city blown away

If you’ve got a hankering to see a Cubs game or gaze into the Bean, it’ll take a little longer to get there than it used to—United Airlines will no longer run nonstop service from C’ville to Chicago’s O’Hare airport, the airline announced this week. CHO still has flights to D.C., New York, Atlanta, and Charlotte.

We guess technically it’s called the Cloud Gate. File photo

COVID lows

The number of new COVID cases in the Charlottesville area is as low as it’s been in months. From March 4 to March 10, Charlottesville and Albemarle combined saw 67 new cases. The Blue Ridge Health District reports that the latest seven-day rolling average for new cases per day is 9.6, the lowest it’s been at any point in the last six months. UVA reported just six new cases between February 27 and March 6, down from the peak in late January, which saw up to 130 cases reported in a single day. Forty-four percent of city residents, and 46 percent of county residents, have received two vaccinations and the COVID booster.


In brief: Youngkin’s executive orders

Glenn Youngkin’s First Day

Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as governor over the weekend, and right away he signed nine executive orders. Number one is entitled “Ending the Use of Inherently Divisive Concepts, Including Critical Race Theory, and Restoring Excellence in K-12 Education in the Commonwealth.” Though educators say that critical race theory, an advanced conceptual framework for discussing the interactions between race and law, is not part of the curriculum in K-12 classrooms anywhere in Virginia, Youngkin used the term as a bogeyman throughout his campaign.

“Political indoctrination has no place in our classrooms,” reads the executive order in which a politician attempts to dictate what can and cannot be taught in Virginia’s classrooms.

Youngkin’s second executive order states that “parents should have the ability to decide whether their child should wear masks for the duration of the school day.” Already, the order has drawn pushback from school districts around the state, including here in Charlottesville. On Monday morning, both Charlottesville and Albemarle public schools released statements confirming that the districts will keep mask mandates in place. “We are following Virginia Senate Bill 1303, which requires schools to follow the mitigation recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ‘to the maximum extent practicable,’” reads the Charlottesville City Schools bulletin.

Below is a brief summary of the Youngkin administration’s nine first-day executive orders. Opponents of the Republican have questioned whether all of these edicts will stand up to greater legal scrutiny in the coming weeks.

EO 1: Directs the state superintendent of public instruction to remove “inherently divisive concepts” from school curriculums.

EO 2: Allows parents to determine whether their children wear masks in school.

EO 3: Adds five new members to the Parole Board, which had become more lenient during the Northam administration, and orders a review of the board by the attorney general.

EO 4: Orders an attorney general investigation into sexual assault at Loudoun County Public Schools.

EO 5: Creates a chief transport­ation officer to review the performance of the DMV and the Virginia Employment Commission.

EO 6: Orders a review of state-mandated COVID safety practices for businesses.

EO 7: Creates a commission to fight human trafficking, through increased enforcement and penalties for perpetrators.

EO 8: Creates a commission of governor appointees “to study antisemitism in the Commonwealth, propose actions to combat antisemitism and reduce the number of antisemitic incidents.”

EO 9: Ends Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, an 11-state cooperative program aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In brief

Provost off to Penn

UVA Provost Liz Magill is leaving for a job as the next president of the University of Pennsylvania. Magill has headed UVA’s academics since 2019, after serving as the dean of Stanford Law and a UVA School of Law professor. She starts her new job on June 1, replacing outgoing Penn President Amy Gutmann, who headed the Ivy League university for 17 years. Ian Baucom, currently the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will be UVA’s next provost.

Fool me once

The winter storm earlier this month left thousands of area residents without power for as many as five or six days. Naturally, news of a second snowfall found central Virginians checking the batteries in their flashlights and in some cases preemptively booking hotel rooms. Though some snow fell, real disaster never struck—on Monday morning, less than 24 hours after the snow began to come down, PowerOutage.US reported just 12 Dominion Energy customers without power in Charlottesville and Albemarle combined.

Kessler won’t go away

Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler has filed a motion challenging the decision in Sines v. Kessler, a month-long trial that late last year determined he owed $500,000 in punitive damages for his role in setting up the deadly 2017 rally. James Kolenich, attorney for Kessler, argued that the damages were “unconstitutionally excessive,” reports The Daily Progress.

Photo: Eze Amos

Former mayor is anti-snow day

When Charlottesville City Schools announced a snow day on Tuesday, former mayor Mike Signer took to Twitter to call for remote instruction during inclement weather. “Gov’ts largest agency is dark. While other systems have more progressive snow day policies,” the current WillowTree exec wrote. Our 2 cents? Get out there and make a snowman, Mike. Live a little.


Painting the town red

By Kristin O’Donoghue

“When I was a young man…I’d get so wrapped up in elections,” says state Senator Creigh Deeds, who represents Charlottesville and some surrounding rural areas. “But an election is not an event, it’s part of a process. The work continues after the election.” 

Still, it was a consequential election: For the last two years, Democrats controlled all three branches of state government. Then, on Tuesday, Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe by 2 percent, ending a losing streak for Republicans, who haven’t won a statewide Virginia election since 2009. The GOP also flipped the House from a 55-45 Democratic majority to a 52-48 Republican advantage. Democrats hold a slim 21-19 majority in the state Senate. 

The change in party control of the legislature could have huge consequences for the state’s future. 

Despite the losses, Deeds remains hopeful that there’s legislation the Democrats can get passed with a Republican House of Delegates and a Democratic Senate. Deeds has spent 29 years in the state legislature, and he’s been in the minority for 16 of those years. “Democrats won’t put the breaks on anything, they’ll just temper policy goals with a little realism,” he says. 

Delegate Sally Hudson, meanwhile, is concerned that some of the progress of the last two years will slow or halt. For example, meaningful change Democrats had made on criminal justice reform risks being undone by Republicans. 

“Virginia still has draconian laws that Democrats were trying to unwind,” Hudson says. “I worry that work will start slowing down.”

Some new initiatives, too, are suddenly in jeopardy. “Marijuana legalization is still a work in progress and there’s a lot to be determined,” Hudson says. “Democrats and Republicans have a very different vision for that.”

On the bright side, “we still have a lot of energetic members of the House—there’s been a sea change in the past few years and we now have a diverse and vibrant body of members in the House,” Hudson says. 

Rob Bell, a Republican delegate representing parts of Albemarle County, declined to  comment.  

Shenandoah Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert is set to move from House Minority Leader to Speaker. In a recent statement, he claimed that for the past two years, “the Constitution and the rules and our procedures have been run over.” Republicans are going to try to “run a more open process,” and fix some of the institutional damage they claim was caused by the Dems. 

Gilbert said in a news conference that Republicans’ top priority will be education and that they’ll also work on “tweaking, not scrapping” the recently implemented marijuana legalization bill. 

Many of the promises Youngkin made on the campaign trail, such as slashing the transportation budget, privatizing public education, and limiting women’s access to safe and legal abortions, will likely be “hugely unpopular” in Virginia, says state Senator Ghazala Hashmi, a Democrat representing District 10, which contains parts of central Virginia from Powhatan to the outskirts of Richmond. 

“We know that Virginians have no desire to replicate the failures of other GOP-led states such as Texas and Florida,” she says. 

Looking around the country, Youngkin’s win could change the way Republican candidates approach their 2022 races. In particular, other GOP candidates might borrow from Youngkin’s education playbook, according to J. Miles Coleman of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. 

In the final stretch of the campaign, Youngkin promised more parental involvement in the educational process and emphasized his opposition to critical race theory, a high-level framework for understanding race, which is not taught in any primary schools in Virginia. 

“By the end of the 2021 campaign, Youngkin was very clearly the ‘education’ candidate. Perhaps the bigger lesson there is that candidates would be smart to pick one or two signature issues like that and stick with them,” Coleman says.

Virginia’s 11 U.S. Congressional representatives are up for reelection in 2022. Democrats currently hold seven of those seats, but at least two will be very competitive elections. Democrats need to “communicate their successes better,” Hashmi believes, pointing to the recent federal infrastructure bill as an example of the kind of thing worth emphasizing. 

UVA politics professor Jennifer Lawless agrees, saying that “Democrats need to focus on what they have delivered to everyday Americans.”

“No politics is local,” Lawless says. “In recent decades, national issues have dominated local political agendas. National figures endorse and stump for local candidates. And money for state-level candidates floods in from national donors. Despite talking points to the contrary, that’s exactly what we saw this time around.”

Hudson says delegates have to push back on this trend. “Candidates who prevailed did the best job connecting with their community, and addressed issues at the top of their constituents’ minds,” she says. “There is something very small-d democratic about running for delegate.”

Democrats won’t change their policy priorities given the new landscape, say Hashmi and Deeds. The party will continue to prioritize public schools, higher education, infrastructure, the environment, support for small business, and access to health care. 

“We’ll get through this,” Deeds says. “We just have to work harder.”   

Kind of blue

Charlottesville City went 82.9 percent for McAuliffe and 16 percent for Youngkin, and McAuliffe took Albemarle County 61.9 to 37.4. Those might sound like Democratic blowouts, but it’s a lower margin of victory than other Democrats have enjoyed here in recent elections. In total, McAuliffe won the combined Charlottesville-Albemarle area by 36 percent. In 2020, Joe Biden won the area by 46 percent, and in 2017, Ralph Northam won here by 40 percent. Cutting down Democratic margins of victory in super-blue areas was one key to Youngkin’s victory. 

Additionally, turnout fell from the 2020 presidential election, as always happens in off-year elections. Biden got 17,500 more votes in Charlottesville and Albemarle in 2020 than McAuliffe did last week.

Local winners and losers

Republicans Chris Runion, Rob Bell, and Matt Farris, and Democrat Sally Hudson, the four House of Delegates members who represent Charlottesville and Albemarle, each easily won re-election for another two-year term.

Locally, former school board member Juandiego Wade and UVA planner Brian Pinkston cruised to victory in the City Council race, earning 42.5 percent and 36.9 percent of the vote, respectively. Independent candidate Yas Washington finished third with 12.5 percent. Current Mayor Nikuyah Walker, who dropped out of the race in September, after her name had already been printed on the ballots, earned 7 percent of the vote. The vote split between council candidates was remarkably even across the city’s voting precincts; no candidate had particular strengths or weaknesses in any part of town. 

Lisa Larson-Torres won re-election to the Charlottesville school board, where she’ll be joined by newcomers Emily Dooley, a former teacher, principal, and realtor, and Dom Morse, a teacher at Community Lab School. In Albemarle County, incumbent Graham Paige dispatched a write-in challenge from conservative Randy Zackrisson. —Ben Hitchcock


In brief: Election stunts, Boyles moves on

Governor’s race torch stunt fans flames locally 

Five young people wearing identical white shirts, glasses, and baseball caps, holding tiki torches, standing in a straight line in front of Glenn Youngkin’s tour bus, praising the Republican gubernatorial candidate: It all seemed a little too neat. And indeed, it was—shortly after images of the demonstration began circulating on social media, it came to light that the torch-wielders weren’t neo-Nazi Youngkin fans who attended the rally to support the candidate. Instead, they were deployed by The Lincoln Project, a political action committee comprised of former Republicans aimed at defeating Trump and his allies. (Posing as a neo-Nazi—do you think that was listed in the internship description?)

A statement from the project said the ham-fisted stunt was an attempt to “remind Virginians of what happened in Charlottesville four years ago, the Republican Party’s embrace of those values, and Glenn Youngkin’s failure to condemn it.”

The Youngkin campaign accused Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe of organizing the event, prompting McAuliffe’s campaign manager to denounce the demonstration and call for an “immediate apology” from whomever was behind it. 

During Monday’s City Council meeting, Tyler Magill, who was injured during the August 11 torch-lit rally on the UVA Lawn, spoke out against the “nasty prank,” and asked council to demand The Lincoln Project donate money to equity groups helping Unite the Right victims.

“We’re tired of the pain of our community being used as a prop [and] our community being used for everything but the uplift of our community,” he said. “There’s still a lot of pain in this town, and it needs to be addressed.”

Councilors Lloyd Snook and Heather Hill agreed the city should issue a response denouncing the stunt.

“People who are not from Charlottesville don’t realize the extent to which I think Charlottesville is still struggling with PTSD from that experience four years ago,” said Snook. “Even the TV ads that we’re seeing are triggering for a lot of people in Charlottesville.”

Mayor Nikuyah Walker did not comment on The Lincoln Project, but acknowledged the “people in this community who have had pain and suffering and trauma long before 2017.”

“That is the main problem that we need to focus on in this community,” added Walker.

At press time, we were sitting around biting our nails, awaiting the results of the governor’s race. Check back for in-depth coverage of the election online and in next week’s paper. 

Chip Boyles gets new gig  

After resigning as Charlottesville City Manager on October 12, Chip Boyles has landed a new job as executive director of the George Washington Regional Commission in Fredericksburg. Cathy Binder, chair of the search committee, expressed the commission’s excitement about its new man on the job, saying that committee members “were impressed by his knowledge, demeanor, and professional reputation, and believe that he will be an excellent leader of the GWRC staff.” Boyles says he looks forward to “addressing the needs of the region” alongside the GWRC staff and partner agencies. This latest post adds to Boyles’ lengthy list of experiences working in city government. We’ll see if he lasts longer than eight months. 

In brief

Bounty hunter plot goes wrong  

A Culpeper woman was arrested on federal criminal charges last Wednesday for attempting to hire a hitman over the internet. The 25-year-old placed an “order” on the dark web requesting muder-for-hire services, including photos of and personal information about the intended target. She deposited $3,200 in Bitcoin to get the job done, and offered information about the best time and place to kill the victim. U.S. Attorney Christopher R. Kavanaugh said the incident should serve as a reminder “to remain vigilant in the policing of those dark corners of the web where cybercrime thrives.” The accused party faces up to 20 years in prison.  

Jefferson plays defense

National Review Editor Rich Lowry and Texas Congressman Chip Roy visited UVA last week to give a lecture “In Defense of Mr. Jefferson,” hosted by the Young Americans for Freedom student group. Roy recently voted against creating a commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection, and was fined for refusing to wear a mask in the Capitol (alongside Marjorie Taylor Greene). Is it unfair to judge Jefferson by the company he keeps?

This plaque sat outside Number Nothing Court Square until early 2020. Photo: City of Charlottesville

Former slave auction site sold    

Number Nothing Court Square, the historic building adjacent to the site of a slave auction block where people were bought and sold, changed hands last week. The new buyers are a mysterious entity called Excellent Horse LLC, reports Charlottesville Tomorrow. The property was purchased for $1,287,500, just below the initial asking price of $1.35 million. In the past, some community members have suggested turning the space into a museum of local history, but for now its future remains to be seen.


In brief: Dems debate, early voting open

 McAuliffe and Youngkin take debate stage   

Gubernatorial candidates Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin butted heads in the 2021 election’s first debate last week. 

McAuliffe, a longtime Democrat insider who served as governor of Virginia from 2014-2018, stood by his record, while former private equity boss Youngkin styled himself as a businessman who knows how to “get things done.” 

When asked about his position on abortion, Youngkin said that he would support a “pain-threshold bill” that included exceptions in the case of incest, rape, or if the mother’s life was in jeopardy.  “My opponent wants to be the abortion governor, and I want to be the jobs governor,” Youngkin said.  

McAuliffe warned that if Virginia instituted a ban like Texas, high-tech companies would be driven out of the state. The former governor pledged to defend women’s right to abortion, and advocated for enshrining Roe v. Wade in the Virginia constitution. 

One of the moderators pressed McAuliffe on his decision to mention Donald Trump in so many of his campaign ads, and in his rhetoric throughout the campaign. “My opponent is a Trump wannabe,” McAuliffe responded. 

McAuliffe repeatedly stated that Youngkin’s economic plans would “run Virginia into a ditch.” The Republican’s plans include a $10 billion education cut that McAuliffe said would force 43,000 out of work. 

When asked about climate change, Youngkin said he would not have signed the Virginia Clean Economy Act—which was passed in 2020 and aims to get Virginia electric utilities to 100 percent renewable generation by 2050—while McAuliffe said “of course” he would have signed it.

Both candidates opposed ending qualified immunity for police officers.

When candidates were given the opportunity to ask each other questions, McAuliffe asked Youngkin if he believed a nurse treating an immunocompromised patient should be required to get a vaccine. Youngkin asserted that it should be the nurse’s choice, and criticized McAuliffe for his intentions to mandate vaccines.

Youngkin has made “election integrity” a major talking point in his campaign, echoing false assertions from national Republicans that the 2020 presidential election included voter fraud. When pressed by moderators, both candidates pledged to absolutely accept the results of the election, win or lose. The next debate will take place September 28.—Kristin O’Donoghue   

Early voting is now open 

Early in-person voting for Virginia’s November 2 election began last Friday. Charlottesville residents can submit ballots at the City Hall Annex downtown, and Albemarle County residents can vote at the County Office Building on Fifth Street. Everyone in the state will have an opportunity to vote for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general, as well as their House of Delegates member. City residents will have to choose two of three City Council candidates, as well. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a comprehensive election preview from C-VILLE.

“It is a cruel irony that schools have only just returned to the classroom for full-time instruction since the start of the pandemic and we are already grappling with another act of senseless gun violence.” 

—Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott, after a Newport News school shooting left two students injured  

In brief

Map mixers

Virginia’s new bipartisan redistricting commission continues its attempt to create a map of state House and Senate districts that both parties consider fair. The commission is comprised of eight Democrats and eight Republicans, and each cohort hired a consultant to draw up statewide map drafts. Those drafts were submitted this week, and now the commission is tasked with mashing the maps together to create something passable for everyone. The group is supposed to finalize a new map by October 10. 

Bus bidding war 

Photo: Skyclad Aerial.

Thanks in part to the pandemic, local school districts are facing a dire shortage of bus drivers. In an effort to address the problem, this summer Charlottesville City Schools gave its drivers a $2,400 bonus. That sparked a bit of local free market competition—Albemarle County has announced that it’s now offering a $2,500 bonus for new drivers. The Daily Progress reports that Charlottesville is 20 drivers short and Albemarle currently has 18 transportation jobs open.  

More shots for all  

This week, Pfizer announced that its coronavirus vaccine is safe and effective for children ages 5 to 11, based on robust trial results. The company plans to apply for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration by the end of the month, according to the Associated Press. Also this week, the FDA is expected to approve Pfizer booster shots for high-risk adults. The Blue Ridge Health District continues to hold vaccination events regularly, including walk-in vaccination opportunities five times per week.