Arts Culture

PICK: The Art in Life

Comic energy: When it comes to fine art, comic books have long been excluded, but anyone who’s curled up with a good one knows they can be creative masterpieces. With their virtual series The Art in Life, The Fralin Museum of Art and the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection are on a quest to remove the arbitrary and often unhelpful labels that plague Western conceptualizations of art. In the latest installment, illustrators J. Gonzo, Shilpa Davé, and Jonathan Marks Barravecchia discuss the legacy, ingenuity, and creativity of comic books.

Thursday 3/4, Free, Zoom required.

Arts Culture

PICK: Like A Wrecking Ball

Breaking walls: Miley Cyrus, watch out: multidisciplinary Australian artist Tony Albert comes in swinging with his latest work, Like A Wrecking Ball: Using Art and Humor to Confront Racist Statues in Australia and the USA. Scholar-activist Jalane Schmidt will moderate as Albert and Native American artist Nicholas Galanin address problematic colonial legacies. The virtual workshop is presented by the Kluge-Ruhe Aborginal Art Collection of UVA and The Fralin Museum of Art.

Thursday 11/19, Free, 7pm. Registration and Zoom required.