
Independent upset: Dems crush everywhere—except Charlottesville


Election night 2017 in Charlottesville had quite a different feel from 2016. Democrats swept statewide offices, with Ralph Northam winning the governor’s race by an even wider margin—9 percent—than pundits had predicted. And no one saw it coming that Dems would dislodge the hefty 66-34 Republican majority in the House of Delegates, and, depending on recounts, Charlottesville’s own David Toscano could end up house majority leader.

The unprecedented evening continued in Charlottesville, where Nikuyah Walker bucked the Democratic groundswell and became the first independent to win a seat on City Council since 1948. Also unprecedented: It’s the first time two African Americans will serve on council when she joins Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy on the dais in January.

Walker’s supporters—a younger, more diverse crowd than the older, whiter Dems awaiting returns at Escafe—gathered at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, where she led from the first precinct report.

“She’s the first Charlottesville native in decades to serve on council,” former mayor Dave Norris, a Walker supporter, points out. “She’s someone who’s actually experienced some of the issues facing council. She lived in Garrett Square,” which is now known as Friendship Court.

Former mayor Dave Norris and Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy were on hand for Nikuyah Walker’s historic win. Photo Eze Amos

Her victory “is a rebuke to the dirty tactics of the anonymous source,” adds Norris, referring to the November 4 Daily Progress story prompted by an unnamed city official who suggested Walker’s “aggressive” communication style would make it difficult for her to work with other councilors and city staff.

Before the election, conventional wisdom predicted Laufer, who’s served on the school board, would get one of the open council seats now held by Bob Fenwick and Kristin Szakos, and the second would be a toss-up between Hill and Walker. Instead, Hill edged Laufer by 55 votes in what were extremely close margins between the three frontrunners.

“Heather worked her tail off,” says Norris. “Whenever someone criticized Heather, she would sit down and talk to them. She personally hit up every street in Charlottesville.”

Democrat Heather Hill had expected to sit on council with Amy Laufer, but the election, with everything else this year, was “unprecedented,” she says. Photo Eze Amos

The election “played out in a different way than I expected,” says Hill. “This year has been unprecedented, and there was no doubt in my mind this election was going to be unprecedented. I’m really excited to be part of this change.”

One big change for Walker: As a city employee with parks and rec, she will be her own boss as a councilor—sort of. State code on conflicts of interest says an elected official may keep her job with a government agency provided employment began before election to the governing body.

Surrounded by her son, two daughters and mother on stage at Jefferson School, Walker admitted, “I drove my family crazy.”

She said, “It’s hard growing up black in Charlottesville. I only ran because of [the late vice-mayor] Holly Edwards. She told me if I️ ran, I’d win.”

Walker said, “People told lies about me. They should have told the truth.”

And she acknowledged the broad grassroots support she had, with contributions ranging from $5 to $10,000. She urged her supporters to hold onto the “we” and stay engaged. “It’s not a temporary thing.”

Walker’s win “breaks up the total Democratic control on council,” says UVA Center for Politics’ Geoffrey Skelley. “It’s meaningful in the aftermath of all the terrible things that happened in Charlottesville” with the monument debate and neo-Nazi invasion, which some put at the feet of City Council.

“Walker was offering something different,” he says. “It’s a reaction locally when Democrats were crushing it everywhere else. It’s a reaction to local issues that have become national issues.”

In Albemarle County, the Samuel Miller District was the only contested Board of Supervisors race, and incumbent Liz Palmer handily beat Republican challenger John Lowry with 68 percent of the vote.

In county school board races, Katrina Callsen, who had opponent Mary McIntyre’s supporters grousing about outside money from a Teach for America affiliate, won 63 percent of the Rio District vote. In the Samuel Miller District, incumbent Graham Paige held on to his seat with 65 percent of the vote, fending off 18-year-old challenger Julian Waters.

Statewide, Skelley had anticipated a narrower race between Northam and Ed Gillespie. Northam’s win was the largest margin for a Democratic candidate since 1985, when Gerald Baliles won, says Skelley.

Voter turnout was up 15 percent over the last governor’s race in 2013, and in some places like Charlottesville, it was up 31 percent. In Fairfax, 23 percent more voters went to the polls than in 2013, and that increase “has got to be looked at as a response to President Trump,” says Skelley.

Democrat Justin Fairfax won the lieutenant governor’s race and became the second African American to hold that position, which Doug Wilder won in 1985. Incumbent Attorney General Mark Herring held on to his seat and gave Democrats a sweep in statewide offices.

Before the election, Skelley predicted Democrats might pick up seats in the high single digits in the House of Delegates. “I was very cautious,” he says. Several close races will face recounts, and if the Dems win, it’s possible they could have their first majority in the house since 2000.

Almost all the Democratic gains came from the 15 districts that Hillary Clinton carried in 2016, says Skelley. “It’s not like they’re winning a bunch of red seats.”

A couple of Latina delegates, an African-American veteran, Dawn Adams, the first openly lesbian delegate, and Danica Roem, the first transgender legislator in the country, will change the makeup of the mostly white male House, says Skelley.

Roem’s win over 13-term social conservative Bob Marshall, who carried the state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and who last year carried an unsuccessful bathroom bill, is particularly significant and an outcome Skelley wasn’t willing to bet on. “Prince William County has changed,” he says. “[Marshall] didn’t change with it.”

No one was predicting an unseating of Albemarle’s three GOP incumbents—Steve Landes, Matt Fariss and Rob Bell—who held on to their seats, although Bell and Fariss did face challengers, unlike in 2015 when they were unopposed. While Dem Angela Lynn lost for a second time to Landes, this year she narrowed the margin from 32 points to 16.

For House Minority Leader Toscano, who was unopposed, the evening was particularly enjoyable. “I must admit I never really thought we could do it all this cycle,” he says. “I thought we’d pick up some seats.”

Currently the Dems have 49 seats, he says, and both sides are calling for recounts in a handful of races. He’s not speculating on what will happen if his party takes the majority—and he could potentially be elected speaker. “First we have to count all the votes,” he says.

However, even if the Democrats don’t hold a majority, with a 49-51 split, “immediately we’ll get a lot more representation on committees. Immediately we’ll make strategic alliances with Republicans to pass legislation,” says Toscano.

“The election makes clear Virginia is a bellwether election following Trump,” he says. It shows that voters like candidates engaged with their communities, they like what Democrats like Governor Terry McAuliffe have been doing with economic development, and says Toscano, “They don’t like the divisiveness and hate of Trump.”

Correction 10:22am November 9: The story originally said Walker would have to resign her job as a city employee, but apparently that’s not true if she held the job before being elected.


Legislator pleads guilty in hit and run

Albemarle’s favorite delegate with a rap sheet, Rustburg resident Matt Fariss, R-59th, pleaded guilty to a hit-and-run charge March 25 in Campbell County, and claims the incident that sent his Dodge Ram pickup airborne happened when he dropped a bottle of Mountain Dew and attempted to retrieve it. At the same hearing, Fariss was found not guilty of breaching the peace, a misdemeanor charge stemming from a separate incident.

Fariss veered off Red House Road July 29 and was not charged until December 10. His 2014 Dodge Ram plowed into several landscaped shrubs, a mailbox, a highway sign and approximately 60 feet of fence, according to the Virginia State Police.

The News & Advance in Lynchburg reports Fariss struck a tree, went in and out of a ditch, and then went airborne. He left the scene and said he intended to fix the fence himself, but his tires were leaking. When he left a note the next day, the fence already was fixed. He was ordered to pay a $250 fine, and said he’d already paid for the fence damage.

Gladys resident Ralph Ramsey, who also lives on Red House Road, filed the breach of peace complaint against Fariss January 5 after a dispute about Fariss’ sons blocking Ramsey’s driveway, which is an easement through land upon which property owner Sam Dawson allows people to hunt. Fariss filed his own complaint January 8.

Both men said the other was being confrontational, and the judge said he could find neither guilty, according to the News & Advance.

Fariss, who represents southern Albemarle County, was first elected to office in 2011, amid media reports of three hunting charges, a 1997 DUI and a 2002 emergency protective order filed by a woman who said Fariss crashed through her back door when she told him to leave.

He won 53 percent of the vote, and ran unopposed in 2013 and 2015.

Diana Mead is one of Fariss’ constituents in North Garden, and she finds it “a little embarrassing that my Virginia state delegate has such a long rap sheet.”

Her more immediate concern is that Fariss has been invited to the annual League of Women Voters’ Legislative Luncheon since he was first elected, and has been a no-show every year. This year’s luncheon is April 7.

“This is the perfect opportunity for him to meet some of his constituents, who eagerly await the chance to make his acquaintance,” writes Mead in an e-mail. “As far as I know, he has still never ventured north of Lovingston, so he is missing out on getting to know an important part of his district.”

She offers to drive to Rustburg and pick him up if that would help get him to the Boar’s Head Inn event. “It’s time to represent!” she says.

Fariss did not return a phone call from C-VILLE. In a call to the Republican Party of Virginia, when asked about the hit-and-running delegate, Executive Director John Findlay said, “Oh gosh.” He then referred a reporter to spokesperson David Donofrio, who did not return a call. Nor did Fariss’ attorney, Mark Peake, who said in court Fariss accepted “full responsibility” for the fence-smashing incident.



Jammed session

The General Assembly is in full swing and the No.1 agenda item is to craft a two-year budget. Governor Terry McAuliffe’s budget included Medicaid expansion, which the Republican-controlled legislature has repeatedly said was DOA, so there was that going into the session. Here’s what some of our many local legislators have been up to.

Delegate Steve Landes, R-Weyers Cave and vice chair of the House appropriations committee, proposed some cost-saving cuts to the budget, which include eliminating new funding for substance abuse treatment, for development of biotech spin-off companies and for new hires in the attorney general’s office, where AG Mark Herring made the unpopular-with-Republicans decision to stop concealed-carry permit reciprocity with other states.

Landes submitted budget amendments that increase funding for the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Discovery Virginia project, UVA’s Focused Ultrasound Center, the Frontier Culture Museum and for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

In a surprise turn, the highly contentious issue of gun safety reached unusual bipartisanship January 30. McAuliffe announced that Virginia would recognize other states’ concealed-carry permits, reversing Herring’s decision. In exchange, Republicans agreed to support making it illegal for the subject of a protective order to possess a firearm and voluntary background checks at gun shows. State Senator Bryce Reeves, who represents part of Albemarle, carried a bill that reverses Herring’s decision.

Despite a growing majority of Americans who support the legalization of marijuana, the General Assembly remains steadfastly unswayed. Three days after a House subcommittee chaired by Delegate Rob Bell, R-Albemarle, killed nine pot bills that would have allowed expungement of criminal records, reduced simple possession from a misdemeanor to a $100 civil fine and axed the six-month driver’s license forfeiture that comes with a marijuana possession conviction, a Virginia Commonwealth University poll showed that 78 percent of Virginians support a civil fine, and 62 percent favor legalization for recreational use.

In other Bell news, his perennial Tebow bill, which would allow home-schooled students to play in public school sports, passed the House of Delegates for the third year in a row.

And our legislator with the lengthiest rap sheet, Delegate Matt Fariss, R-Rustburg, is carrying a bill that would prohibit the governor’s security detail from carrying firearms. Language in the bill suggests retaliation for the now-abandoned revocation of concealed carry reciprocity. Other Republicans threatened McAuliffe’s security detail when he banned guns from government buildings last year.


More misdemeanors: Delegate Matt Fariss charged with hit-and-run

Southern Albemarle County’s infrequently seen representative to the House of Delegates, Rustburg resident Matt Fariss, R-57th, has been charged with misdemeanor hit-and-run as well as breach of the peace in two separate Campbell County incidents.

In a story originally reported by the Lynchburg News and Advance, a 2014 Dodge Ram truck traveling north on Red House Road in Rustburg ran off the right side of the road, plowed into several landscaped shrubs, a mailbox, a highway sign and approximately 60 feet of fence around 6:24pm July 29. The truck, which Virginia State Police say was driven by Fariss, stopped momentarily and then took off.

No one was injured in the crash, and charges were filed on December 7. A special prosecutor from Augusta County will handle the case against Fariss, 47, according to Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller, who did not elaborate on why it took four months for charges to be filed.

Nor would she say how Trooper D.B. Hill identified the truck and its driver.

Gladys resident Ralph Ramsey, who also lives on Red House Road, filed the breach of peace complaint against Fariss January 5 stemming from a December 22 dispute about a right of way. Ramsey’s complaint alleges Fariss threatened violence over a blocked driveway, the News and Advance reports.

Fariss filed an abusive language complaint against Ramsey January 13 for an incident alleged to have occurred January 5, according to court records. Ramsey did not respond to a phone call from C-VILLE, but according to the News and Advance, he threatened to hit Fariss in the head with a block of wood.

On January 21, C-VILLE received an e-mail from Fariss’ legislative aide saying he “plans to give you a call to discuss,” but at press time Fariss had not been in touch.

His attorney, Mark Peake, says, “I don’t have any comment on the charges. They don’t impact his ability to represent the district.” Peake notes that Virginia has a statute that says sitting legislators are not required to be in court for civil and traffic cases until 15 days after the session ends.

Fariss is scheduled to appear in court March 25 for both charges, which are not his only brushes with the law.

When Fariss ran for office in 2011, the Alta Vista Journal reported he had four misdemeanor convictions: three hunting violations and a 1997 DUI. That same year, the News and Advance reported a 2002 emergency protective order required Fariss to stay away from a Lynchburg woman, who told police he crashed through her back door to get into her house when she told him to leave. The order also noted, “History of violence.”

Despite his rap sheet, Fariss won the election with 53 percent of the vote, and was unopposed in the 2013 and 2015 elections.

Since he’s been in office, Fariss has picked up a few other traffic violations. In 2013, he was cited for going 56mph in a 35mph zone in Nelson County, and paid a $147 fine and $99 for court costs. He was charged in 2014 in Campbell County with driving 53mph in a 25mph school zone, and paid a $119 fine and $96 in court costs. And on March 24, 2015, he was charged with a right-turn-on-red violation in Appomattox, which has been continued five times and currently is on the docket for May 11, according to court records. 

He was found not guilty of following too closely in November 2012 in Campbell County.


UPDATED- Mass murder in America: What General Assembly candidates say

The slaughter of unarmed people has become a regular feature of American life. Relatively unknown Umpqua Community College in Oregon joined the body count list with nine gunned down in the October 1 rampage. President Barack Obama made his 15th speech on mass shootings since he took office, according to CNN. “We’ve become numb to this,” he said.

Obama called for politicization of the issue of gun safety: “This is a political choice that we make, to allow this to happen every few months in America.”

Virginia itself tops the list of massacres with Virginia Tech, where 32 people died April 16, 2007. Two months ago, the state was stunned when WDBJ’s Alison Parker and Adam Ward were gunned down during a live broadcast at Smith Mountain Lake.

Last week, Governor Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order he says is designed to keep guns away from people who would use them for harm. The order includes forfeiture of guns for those convicted of domestic violence and a ban on firearms in state government buildings.

C-VILLE asked the candidates for General Assembly what they would do to stop the carnage.

State Senator Creigh Deeds, D-25th District

This is a very complicated issue and a simple answer is not easily found. We have to adequately fund and staff our law enforcement agencies and give them the tools they need to combat crime. We need to improve services for those with mental illness, who are more likely to be the victim of a crime than the perpetrator, but some of these horribly tragic cases have involved someone who has struggled with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. We need to make certain that someone who is not legally able to possess firearms does not have access to them. And we need to remember the importance of early intervention programs and services to at-risk youth.

State Senator Bryce Reeves,
R-17th District

All life has a purpose. The indiscriminate slaughter of any individual is a tragedy. I believe that the General Assembly has a responsibility to do everything within its power to promote, protect and secure life at every stage.

Ned Gallaway, D-17th District

This is a very complex question to answer in a few sentences. First, we need to address interconnected issues including education, access to health care and intervention support services, especially for individuals with mental health concerns, access to social services and responsible gun laws. Prevention of mass murder will not be solved by addressing one single issue alone.

Delegate Steve Landes,
R-25th District

We need to make sure the resources for treatment of those afflicted with behavioral health issues and mental illness are available and accessible at the community level.

Angela Lynn, D-25th District

We need to make sure we focus on public safety.

Delegate David Toscano,

D-57th District

Common sense gun safety measures coupled with initiatives in mental health.

Delegate Rob Bell,

R-58th District

Virginia’s crime rate is the lowest it has been in decades, and the violent crime rate is among the lowest in the country. We should continue to support laws like truth-in-sentencing that keep our most violent offenders in prison, and also continue ongoing efforts to address those with serious mental health issues.

Delegate Matt Fariss,

R-59th District

I believe that someone who would do harm to another person, who is not a threat,
has a mental illness. And until we get a better handle on the stigma around mental illnesses and start treating them like a disease with better treatments, programs and facilities, these horrible acts will unfortunately continue. Our mental health system, statewide and nationally, needs improvement.

Updated October 21

Original story

The slaughter of unarmed people has become a regular feature of American life. Relatively unknown Umpqua Community College in Oregon joins the body count list with 10 dead from yesterday’s rampage. President Barack Obama made his 15th speech on mass shootings since he took office, according to CNN. “We’ve become numb to this,” he said.

“As I said just a few months ago, and I said a few months before that, and I said each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough,” he said. “It’s not enough.”

Obama called for politicization of the issue of gun safety: “This is a political choice that we make, to allow this to happen every few months in America.”

Virginia itself tops the list of massacres with Virginia Tech, where 32 people died April 16, 2007. Little more than a month ago, the state was stunned when WDBJ’s Alison Parker and Adam Ward were gunned down during a live broadcast at Smith Mountain Lake.

C-VILLE asked the candidates for General Assembly what they would do to stop the carnage.

State Senator Creigh Deeds, D-25th District
This is a very complicated issue and a simple answer is not easily found. We have to adequately fund and staff our law enforcement agencies and give them the tools they need to combat crime. We need to improve services for those with mental illness, who are more likely to be the victim of a crime than the perpetrator, but some of these horribly tragic cases have involved someone who has struggled with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. We need to make certain that someone who is not legally able to possess firearms does not have access to them. And we need to remember the importance of early intervention programs and services to at risk youth.

State Senator Bryce Reeves, R-17th District
All life has a purpose. The indiscriminate slaughter of any individual is a tragedy. I believe that the General Assembly has a responsibility to do everything within its power to promote, protect and secure life at every stage.

Ned Gallaway, D-17th District
This is a very complex question to answer in a few sentences. First, we need to address interconnected issues including education, access to health care and intervention support services, especially for individuals with mental health concerns, access to social services and responsible gun laws. Prevention of mass murder will not be solved by addressing one single issue alone.

Delegate Steve Landes, R-25th District
We need to make sure the resources for treatment of those afflicted with behavioral health issues and mental illness are available and accessible at the community level.

Angela Lynn, D-25th District
We need to make sure we focus on public safety.

Delegate David Toscano, D-57th District
Common sense gun safety measures coupled with initiatives in mental health.

Delegate Rob Bell, R-58th District
Virginia’s crime rate is the lowest it has been in decades, and the violent crime rate is among the lowest in the country. We should continue to support laws like truth-in-sentencing that keep our most violent offenders in prison, and also continue ongoing efforts to address those with serious mental health issues.

Delegate Matt Fariss, R-59th District
I believe that someone who would do harm to another person, who is not a threat, has a mental illness. And until we get a better handle on the stigma around mental illnesses and start treating them like a disease with better treatments, programs and facilities, these horrible acts will unfortunately continue. Our mental health system, statewide and nationally, needs improvement.

Read more candidate responses to issues in this week’s C-VILLE Weekly on stands October 7.