
Guns & PE: Firearm safety comes to high school health class

Charlottesville’s physical education teachers are already tasked with teaching a range of heavy topics in health class, from the dangers of opioid addiction to how to avoid unhealthy relationships. Now, gun safety will be added to the list.

Fifteen of the city school division’s PE teachers traded a day in the gym last week for a day in the classroom, where they joined volunteers from the local chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The group shared a training it developed called “Be SMART,” and asked the educators to take the information back to their school communities. Meanwhile, the school division will be working on adapting the curriculum for 10th graders at CHS, who will be the first in the area to learn it in a classroom.

“In America, we do have an issue with gun violence,” says Kristen Martin, a Moms Demand Action volunteer. She presented a range of security methods parents can use, including free gun locks handed out by many police departments upon request, and expensive safes that a gun owner can open only with his handprint.

Securing all firearms, unloaded and away from ammunition, is “the single most important thing we can do,” to protect against accidents, suicides, and kids toting their parents’ guns to school to commit mass shootings, she adds.

Moms Demand Action is now working with Jessica Brantley, the city school division’s health and physical education instructional coordinator, who will implement the gun safety course at CHS.

“They’re almost adults, so soon they’ll possibly be able to own a firearm and be responsible for its use,” says Brantley. “They will then have to understand the risk of having it in a home where there are other people.”

And it’s important for students to be trained on proper gun use, she adds. “If they are going to use them, it’s just like driving a car—you don’t just get in and drive.”

The gym teacher of 16 years says she thinks students will be shocked by some of the statistics presented by Moms Demand Action.

Every year, nearly 300 children under age 18 unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else—often fatally. American kids are 11 times more likely to die from gun violence than those in other developed countries. And 1.7 million children in the U.S. live in homes with guns that are both loaded and unlocked.

Priya Mahadevan, the leader of Charlottesville’s Moms Demand Action chapter, says they initiated the training because educators are crucial to the conversation of gun violence and school safety.

“We are proud of this inroad we’ve made and we hope that this will be the first of many in our school districts,” she says.


While the firearm safety protocol of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is mostly geared toward parents, Charlottesville City Schools will adapt it to cater to 10th graders. Here are some tips for parents:

  • Secure all guns in your home and vehicles.
  • Model responsible behavior around guns.
  • Ask about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes.
  • Recognize the risks of teen suicide.
  • Tell your peers to be SMART.

The fear, the fight, the future: The threat of gun violence is a new reality for today’s students

The lights were off and the door was locked in Shreya Mahadevan’s fourth-grade classroom at Johnson Elementary School. Small bodies huddled quietly behind a wall of backpacks—their teacher in tears.

“It was really scary. Petrifying,” says the 9-year-old girl about the lockdown her school was under last October, when a man in nearby Johnson Village was on the run after a reported burglary and sexual assault.

But as she huddled near the backpacks, and then ducked behind a bookshelf for cover, she didn’t know why—she just knew it felt different than the drills she’d been practicing.

“It’s not scary if we’re having a drill,” says Shreya. “It just makes you feel like you know what to do when something happens.”

Pausing for a moment, she corrects herself: “If something happens.”

Shreya Mahadevan says she was “petrified” and her teacher was in tears when Johnson Elementary School went on lockdown last year. Photo by Amy Jackson

Across a small table in a Charlottesville coffee shop sits her sister, 20-year-old Samyuktha, an Albemarle High School graduate, who says young people have come to expect violent activity in schools. And they aren’t shocked anymore when it makes headlines.

She refers to the May 18 shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, where a maniac with his father’s pump-action shotgun and .38-caliber revolver murdered eight students and two teachers, where he wounded 13 others, and where surviving students immediately told reporters outside the crime scene that they weren’t surprised it happened.

“I think the expectation of violence has increased,” says Samyuktha, a rising senior studying international relations at the College of William & Mary, who notes increased awareness of violence in schools over the past year. And while that certainly doesn’t only equate to on-campus firearm fatalities, a quick search turns up 34 school shootings during the most recent academic year that resulted in 50 deaths and double the injuries.

School security systems

“Safety is always top-of-mind for school administration,” says Kim Powell, an assistant superintendent for Charlottesville City Schools. “I think what’s changed is the context we have to think about safety in.”
Powell says schools are still one of the safest public places to be, and with mass media attention given to instances of school violence, “I think it changes people’s situational awareness.”
Local schools use a threat assessment approach, where teachers and faculty are trained to attend to students who show higher levels of concern.
“If a student is showing signs of not being comfortable or acting differently, staff are trained to reach out and find out what’s going on,” says Powell.
As the administration is gearing up to go back to school, Powell says the conversations around safety have weighed heavily in three areas: processes, plans, and procedures; climate and culture; and the physical safety of the facilities.
Albemarle County Public Schools spokesperson Phil Giaramita says a new committee of students, senior staff, and community advisers will meet quarterly to evaluate safety practices and advise the county superintendent and school board.
At Woodbrook Elementary School, which is under renovation, there’s an opportunity to test a new electronic entry card system for teachers and administrators. County schools will also spend $160,000 this year to expand mental health services, including a pilot program to staff a Region Ten counselor at the middle school level. That person will work through in-school and at-home issues with students.
Schools can’t disclose their safety plans for obvious reasons, but many other security measures exist in Charlottesville and Albemarle County classrooms, including the following at various schools*:
County schools:
-All classroom doors lock from the inside
-Protective coating on door windows
-Blinds or shades for all windows
-Controlled entrances prevent direct access to hallways and classrooms
-Security screening for visitors
-Security cameras at schools and on buses
-Safety drills
-Armed and unarmed school resource officers
City schools:
-Various schools have buzz-in systems at front doors
-Interior doors route visitors through main offices
-Security screenings for visitors
-Threat assessment teams at all schools
-Surveillance cameras
-Lighting upgrades
-All classroom doors lock from the inside
-Safety drills
-Armed and unarmed school resource officers
*Provided by school spokespersons Phil Giaramita and Krissy Vick

“At this point, it’s not shocking,” says Samyuktha. “It’s more frustrating. I mean, sadness is probably the first emotion that comes out because it’s terrible to know that even more families and individuals have been affected.”

And, says 14-year-old Aidan O’Brien-Olwell, “The real fear behind this is it’s random.”

He was at Buford Middle School during the lockdown that scared Shreya and her schoolmates at Johnson Elementary. The Cherry Avenue schools were the only two that battened down the hatches during that event.

While he says it was “worrying,” he mostly remembers the confusion, and says he was in gym class when teachers instructed students to leave the gymnasium and hide in the locker room.

The then-eighth grader says it seemed like a “weird choice. …Why take us out of the large gym with many different entrances and exits to the cramped, small room with one entrance and one exit?”

Unlike Shreya’s, his teachers shed no tears, but did appear concerned and perplexed. “They were confused, just as much as we were,” he says.

O’Brien-Olwell will enter Charlottesville High School this month, but when he walked the halls of his middle school, he says safety was often on his mind.

“I mean, now, you kind of have to think about it,” he adds. And while he did generally feel safe at Buford, and thinks the lockdown protocols are mostly well-designed, he adds, “There is one area that everyone worries about.”

Translucent glass walls line the school’s science hallway, which O’Brien-Olwell says would make it hard to hide from someone peering in, and would be easy to break into. “You can see everywhere in the room. Students were the first to point it out, and realized this is the worst possible place to be.”

In today’s climate, these are topics of casual conversation for middle schoolers.

“We have had many conversations like that,” O’Brien-Olwell says, adding that the discussions are heightened in the days surrounding lockdowns and major media attention for “stuff like this.”

He goes back to the first word he used to describe that kind of “stuff,” which was “random.”

“I know I can set up a boundary between myself and the other crimes—those crimes aren’t really random,” he says. “Like I know I’m not in a gang, I know I’m not involved with drug violence, so I can kind of set up a mental boundary against the fear of something like that. But this? There’s just no way to exempt yourself from the possibility.”

When he hears about more kids who died at their schools, he feels “very upset that that could have been anyone. I could have just been unlucky in the wrong school that day.”

And while children are aware of the grim possibility, parents are perhaps even more conscious of sending their kids off to places where they know that type of violence can happen. When Priya Mahadevan waves goodbye to her daughter, Shreya, every morning, she no longer tells her to have fun at school. Now, she says she tells her to be safe.

“That’s not the kind of message you want to send,” says Priya. “It was not an issue when my older daughter was going to school. We were never scared that someone was going to walk down the school corridors and shoot people up. That was never on my mind.”

Now? “It has become much more of a reality for us.”

Boots on the ground

Priya leads the local chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which started as an intimate group of about 10 parents who were ready to advocate for common sense gun laws last fall, and who “were actually caught literally off guard” in February, when about 150 people showed up to a call for new members.

This was in the wake of the Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 students and faculty dead, and the same amount injured. It was the shooting that changed the conversation.

Priya Mahadevan, who leads the local chapter of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America, says there’s no Band-Aid solution to ending gun violence, and it starts with electing representatives who will work toward it. Photo by Amy Jackson

“It’s a movement,” Priya says, describing an unprecedented reaction of anger and frustration within our community, where people found her group in an effort to advocate for immediate change. “We were not able to give them the Band-Aid solution that they really wanted,” she adds.

And that’s because there isn’t one. Affecting real change takes time, and that’s what Moms Demand Action aims to do—to continue the conversation on common-sense gun laws, to keep weapons out of the hands of known felons, domestic abusers, and people with dangerous mental illnesses, she says.

“We are not partisan, we’re not against the Second Amendment,” says Priya. “We’re just saying we want to keep our communities and children safe, and basic laws need to be in place.”

Several Moms Demand Action members met with Senator Creigh Deeds on August 16.

His platform aligns with the activist group’s in that he is against bump stocks, which make semi-automatic weapons shoot almost as fast as fully automatic machine guns, and he is for universal background checks for potential firearm purchasers.

Deeds, who was stabbed in the face and chest in November 2013 by his mentally ill son, who then shot and killed himself with a shotgun, “is opposed to seeing assault weapons in the hands of people [in which] they do not belong,” says Priya.   

“He also said he would be willing to work with us on other legislative proposals for common sense gun laws,” she says.

Photo courtesy David Toscano

On July 10, a delegation of five members of the local activist group, including Priya and her oldest daughter, Samyuktha, met with Democratic Delegate David Toscano to discuss gun control and school safety.

Toscano, along with Republican delegates Rob Bell and Steve Landes, are members of the state’s House Select Committee on School Safety, a 22-person bipartisan group that formed after the Parkland shooting and exists to find ways to make schools safer.

Toscano criticized the committee in a May 10 newsletter, where he said, “The Parkland shootings vividly reignited the gun safety debate all over America, including our Virginia House of Delegates. Republican and Democratic delegates, however, responded quite differently.”

He calls the safety committee’s focus “narrow,” and says the committee has been specifically instructed by House Speaker Kirk Cox, a retired teacher, not to discuss arming teachers, which was advocated by the president, or the broader issue of gun safety.

Rob Bell. By Amy Jackson

Priya mentions that Bell, the committee chairman, has a lifetime ‘A’ rating by the National Rifle Association, “so you see how it plays into such important issues being skirted around,” she says.

The first meeting, Toscano says, suggested that the group’s recommendations will likely focus on physical changes that can be made to schools, such as entrance control, locks in classrooms, and safety glass, and mental health counseling and conflict resolution for students.

Says Priya, “That is like turning a blind eye to the glaring problem at hand, which is guns, especially in the hands of the wrong people.”

Toscano also noted in a July Facebook post that his Subcommittee on Student Behavior and Intervention heard from UVA professor and national expert Dewey Cornell that the threat of deadly violence is much higher in many spaces than schools, such as restaurants and homes, which are 10 and 200 times more dangerous, respectively.

Some prosecutors in other parts of the country are considering charging parents who have unsecured guns that are used in a shooting, as reported by the New York Times in May 2018.

Priya says it should be considered child endangerment.

“They should be held accountable with an indelible felony charge and complete revoking of rights to own guns,” she says. “The Virginia laws are sadly lacking in this regard and they get away with a slap on the wrist and a small fine.”

Survey says

It’s not as bad as it sounds. Researchers with the University of Virginia’s Youth Violence Project, which is directed by Dewey Cornell and exists to prevent violence among young people, surveyed nearly 70,000 students and 15,000 teachers and staff at high schools across the nation in 2016. Here’s what they found:
-82 percent of students felt safe in schools
-92 percent of teachers felt safe
-80 percent of teachers reported adequate safety and security measures
-3 percent of students reported carrying a weapon to school

Democrats are examining the issue through a “broader lens” than the Republican-led committee Toscano says, with their own task force called the Safe Virginia Initiative, which focuses largely on gun safety.

“Virginians realize that thoughts and prayers are no longer enough to address our problems,” he said in his newsletter.

For Priya, one of the largest takeaways from her discussion with Toscano was his making the connection between a school and its community—“If the community has got a lot of issues of violence, then it definitely plays out in schools as well,” she says.

They also discussed framing gun violence as a public health crisis that requires legal attention.

“We’ve managed to get a statewide Medicaid expansion with the support of people who may in the past have opposed gun sense laws,” says Samyuktha. “So if you can frame gun sense as something tied to health, and something that would be contributing to safety and physical wellbeing, then it could be a more effective legislative path.”

Priya also notes that when a child dies because of not wearing a seatbelt, or for not being properly buckled into his car seat, legislators immediately write new laws to prevent such tragedies.

“I think we should have laws in place that make sure children are safe wherever they are, and anything short of that is not acceptable,” she says. The most important step to ensure that is electing people who are willing to hear those concerns and address them, Priya adds, and “I think [voting] is the biggest weapon we have.”

Members of Moms Demand Action gathered at the Northside Library August 13 to write letters to senators and legislators, urging them to stand firmly against their colleagues who are working to legalize the 3-D printing of firearms.

Firearm fatalities

Everytown For Gun Safety Support Fund, a sister organization of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America, reports 96 gun-related deaths in America every day. “If you think of every day as a mass shooting, that kind of shows you what’s going on,” says 20-year-old Samyuktha Mahadevan, an active organizer with Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action.
Firearms are the second leading cause of death for American children, and the first leading cause for the country’s black children.
Nearly 1,600 minors die by gun homicide every year. (For kids under the age of 13, most of these happen in the home.)
The gun homicide rate in the U.S. is 25 times higher than that of other developed countries.

“The idea of 3-D gun print-outs is preposterous and highly irresponsible and defeats the purpose of any existing gun laws,” says Priya. “We need to fight this foolishness at all costs.”

Adds Samyuktha, “I know in high school we had a 3-D printer and in college we have several. That makes it much more real to know that if someone so chose to, they could download and print something out so easily.”

Another bad idea? Arming teachers, says Priya. Even though Bell’s committee on school safety won’t discuss it, the Mahadevans will.

While Priya simply calls it the “stupidest idea in the world,” her youngest daughter, Shreya, illustrates a grim outcome.

Says the 9-year-old: “Anyone could pick up a gun from a teacher’s desk and start shooting it, or a child could get something from a teacher’s desk and pick it up out of curiosity and start playing with it, and then they might just accidentally pull the trigger on someone.”

Becoming bulletproof

Student activists who survived the bloodbath in Parkland have made it clear that they won’t back down. And local pupils are following their lead.

Wearing an orange T-shirt with the words “Students Demand Action” written in white, Samyuktha sat on a panel at the August 3 March For Our Lives town hall meeting at a local church, with both Charlottesville kids and faces from Parkland, who have been on tour with their message all summer.

The official March For Our Lives drew hundreds of thousands of young people to the nation’s capital on March 24 for a day of protesting lax firearm laws, advocating for gun reform, and remembering those who have lost their lives at the hands of a school shooter.

Samyuktha helped organize a March For Our Lives sister march in Williamsburg, as dozens of Charlottesville students boarded buses and headed to the big event in D.C.

Among them was then-Charlottesville High School senior Fré Halvorson-Taylor, an 18-year-old who will start classes at Columbia University this fall. Like many of her peers, she was and still is frustrated with the persistent violence in schools.

“I was disappointed with the lack of concrete response from our legislators across the country,” she says. “Every instance of gun-related violence inside and outside of schools is preventable. And I’m baffled and hurt as to why nothing is being done about it.”

Fré Halvorson-Taylor, who graduated from Charlottesville High School last spring, has advocated for stricter gun laws by helping organize her school’s participation in the National School Walkout and attending the March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C. Photo by Eze Amos

Halvorson-Taylor says growing up in the “information age,” and with social media sites that allow her generation to voice their views and contribute to community discourse is partly responsible for their boldness.

“I’m not sure we have many more problems than other generations, but we’re certainly reckoning with and facing head-on a lot of issues that have existed in our society for a while,” she says. “Speaking out comes naturally to us.”

She also had a hand in the March 14 National School Walkout, where students in schools across the country walked out of class on the one-month anniversary of the shooting in Parkland. Halvorson-Taylor and Albemarle High School student Camille Pastore wrote a joint statement that was approved by representatives from Monticello and Western Albemarle high schools, and read aloud by students at all four schools during the walkout.

For too long, we the young people, the future, have waited to speak up,” they shouted into bullhorns. “But more importantly, we’ve waited to be heard. And now our voices have been given platforms. What will we do with them?

Though hundreds of students had walked out to their respective campuses, silence hung in the air between the young activists’ words: “Our generation reacts differently to tragedy. We went to school after Columbine and dove into textbooks during Sandy Hook. That doesn’t mean we’re not scared—we are. And our teachers are scared. And we have a right to be. We attend these institutions in fear because we are targeted, we are vulnerable, and we could be shot.

The internal dialogue Halvorson-Taylor has been grappling with, she says, is how to make schools physically and emotionally safe, and where to draw the line between being prepared and making schools feel like prisons.

We’ve all heard the criticism—adults are surprised to find that the Parkland teenagers are passionate, intelligent, and articulate. But this isn’t news for us. We know how strong we can be, and that’s why we’re here now, urging you all to use your voices.

Parkland survivor Delaney Tarr has famously said the movement created and led by students is based on emotion, pain, and passion, and that some of teenagers’ biggest flaws—the tendency to lash out or be a bit too aggressive—are their greatest strengths.

Channel your anger. Make change. For the first time in a long time, the nation is listening to us. What will we tell it?


UPDATED: Anniversary prep: City on lockdown

During the weekend of August 10-12, the anniversary of last summer’s violent and fatal clashes, the city will be on lockdown—and Governor Ralph Northam has already declared a proactive state of emergency.

At an August 8 press conference attended by more than a dozen law enforcement and public safety officials, city spokesman Brian Wheeler said pedestrian access to the Downtown Mall will be restricted to two points on Water Street: First and Second Street SE.

Inside the mall security area, poles, glass bottles, pepper spray and other items used in last year’s hand-to-hand combat are prohibited—but Virginia state law makes it okay to carry firearms. Chief RaShall Brackney said another constitutional right—the Fourth Amendment—will be in force and visitors to the mall will not be searched before going to buy gelato.

Virginia State Police Colonel Gary Settles said he will have more than 700 officers in town “fully prepared to act” in the event of any violence of violations of the law. And Wheeler puts the total number of cops at over 1,000.

Interim City Manager Mike Murphy had previously announced additional measures that will affect many people in the downtown Charlottesville area during the Unite the Right anniversary weekend, including closing city parks and pools, relocating City Market, and an early closing of City Hall.

The city had already planned to close streets in the immediate downtown area. Now parking will be restricted on additional streets around Friendship Court and the western portion of McIntire Park will be blocked to traffic, and the closures will begin at 6pm Friday, August 10, and have been extended to 6am Monday, August 13.

“We understand that the city and the task fowarce are concerned with safety, however, does closing down the city out of an abundance of caution play right into the hands of the Nazis and this negative anniversary?” asks Janet Dob, a longtime City Market vendor.

She and Cynthia Viejo, the Bageladies, have had a booth at the market for more than a decade, and Dob says downtown businesses are still reeling from last summer. “Revenues were down, not just on that weekend, but longer-term, and a year later when there seems to be little recovery, we’re all hit again.”

“Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” says Viejo, quoting Patrick Swayze. Adds Dob, “That’s exactly what the city is doing—putting all of downtown in a corner and not allowing its goodness to shine.”

Adds Priya Mahadevan, who operates the Desi Dosa stall at City Market, “While I understand that they are trying to keep us safe, closing down businesses means thousands of dollars in losses for all the market vendors. Basically disrupting business is the police’s way of telling us they are incapable of ensuring the safety of people who are trying to do their work and earn a livelihood.”

After the city announced that City Market will be closed Saturday, August 11, vendors who don’t want to lose business have decided to take their booths to Ix Art Park that day. Priya Mahadevan says her Desi Dosa stall will be there. Photo by Martyn Kyle

City Market vendors have agreed to hold the market at Ix Art Park instead.

Rapture owner Mike Rodi says the street closures are “a terrible thing for Downtown Mall businesses.” But he also points out, “If we put an end to this that weekend and on Monday morning have no images to haunt us, if we pause on the anniversary, nothing happens, and there’s no will for a 2019 repeat, that benefits us.”

According to Rodi, “A lot of the business community feels it’s overkill in compensation of last year.”

A year ago, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and counterprotesters clashed in the streets without police intervention. Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed into a crowd on Fourth Street and two Virginia State Police pilots died in a helicopter crash. VSP have said they’ll be in town in various uniforms all week.

Rodi says he’s “disgusted” by the Virginia General Assembly, which refused to add Charlottesville to a list of cities where open carry of guns is prohibited. “While you can’t bring an aerosol can or pocket knife into a restricted area, you can bring an AR15,” he says.

“I don’t see how [the city] can do anything else,” he says of the restrictions. “If anyone gets hurt, it’s blood on the city’s hands.”

Some of the recently announced closures conflict with events on a city website called #ResilientCville, which also has a calendar. It lists a nonviolent action workshop for August 11 at Carver Recreation Center, which is now closed for the weekend.

Murphy said at the August 6 City Council meeting that the city would not be able to provide security at its parks and pools, and that it would be unable to staff some of its parks because of the number of employees who said they won’t be coming in.

And while Sprint Pavilion general manager Kirby Hutto initially said Fridays After Five would proceed, he announced August 7 that the weekly event is also canceled.

Several downtown businesses have banded together to stay open this weekend, and on Monday, August 13, when some, such as Tastings, are usually closed. A few will offer specials to encourage business—Livery Stable will have a 5-7pm happy hour all weekend, and Iron Paffles & Coffee will sell all paffles for $6. Water Street Parking Garage will also be open. (Scroll to the bottom of the story for more information.

The University of Virginia, which endured the horrifying spectacle of torch-carrying neo-Nazis marching through Grounds last year on August 11, announced plans to restrict access over the weekend to the Lawn (except for residents and attendees of a ticketed event August 11) and to the plaza on the north side of the Rotunda, where a small group of counterprotesters were surrounded by white supremacists at the statue of university founder Thomas Jefferson. Staff erected barricades six feet around the Jefferson statue August 6, but UVA Students United have planned a rally at the Rotunda’s north plaza from 7 to 9pm August 11. The group’s Facebook page says students met with Gloria Graham, vice president of security and safety, who said there will still be access to most of the plaza. University spokesperson Anthony de Bruyn confirms that access limitations only extend to part of the plaza.

The weekend ahead

Though it’s unclear whether there will be any white supremacist demonstrations in town this weekend, here’s what’s on
Charlottesville’s calendar, and a link to all city closures:

Wednesday, August 8

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Lawyers’ panel on free speech and anti-racism at Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. 7 to 8:30pm.

Thursday, August 9

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Interfaith worship service: Making Our Way Together at The Haven. 7 to 8pm.

Friday, August 10

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Shabbat service at Congregation Beth Israel. 6:15pm.

Saturday, August 11

  • The Hope That Summons Us: A Morning of Reflection and Renewal at UVA’s Old Cabell Hall. Ticketed event with clear bag policy. 9am.
  • Congregate Charlottesville: A Service for Repair at First Presbyterian Church. 3pm.
  • VA Students Act Against White Supremacy: Rally for Justice at the Rotunda. 7pm.

Sunday, August 12

  • Community sing-out to celebrate harmony and diversity at Ix Art Park. 4 to 6pm.
  • NAACP’s Time for Reflections and Healing forum at Zion Union Baptist Church. 4 to 6pm.
  • Better Together: Lament, Repent, Rejoice at the Sprint Pavilion. 6 to 8pm.

Open doors

Some businesses that have pledged to stay open this weekend and on Monday, August 13 are: Baggby’s, Brasserie Saison, Champion Brewery, Cinema Taco, Citizen Bowl Shop, Citizen Burger Bar,  Common House, Grit Coffee, Himalayan Fusion, Iron Paffles & Coffee, LWs Livery Stable, Mudhouse, Rapture, Splendora’s Gelato, Tastings of Charlottesville, Tea Bazaar, Ten, The Juice Place, The Nook, The Pie Chest, and The Tin Whistle Irish Pub

Updated 4:40pm August 8 with latest press briefing.

Updated 8:53am August 9 with a link to city closures and a correction on which streets will be blocked.


Anniversary prep: City on lockdown

During the weekend of August 10-12, the anniversary of last summer’s violent and fatal clashes, the city will be on lockdown—or so it seems.

Interim City Manager Mike Murphy today announced additional measures that will affect many people in the downtown Charlottesville area during the Unite the Right anniversary weekend, including closing city parks and pools, the City Market, and an early closing of City Hall.

The city had already planned to close streets in the immediate downtown area. Now parking is restricted on additional streets around Friendship Court, and the closures will begin at 6pm Friday, August 10, and have been extended to 6am Monday, August 13.

“We understand that the city and the task force are concerned with safety, however, does closing down the city out of an abundance of caution play right into the hands of the Nazis and this negative anniversary?” asks Janet Dob, a City Market regular.

She and Cynthia Viejo, the Bageladies, have held a booth at the market for over a decade, and Dob says downtown businesses are still reeling from last summer. “Revenues were down, not just on that weekend, but longer-term, and a year later when there seems to be little recovery, we’re all hit again.”

“Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” says Viejo, quoting Patrick Swayze. Adds Dob, “That’s exactly what the city is doing—putting all of downtown in a corner and not allowing its goodness to shine.”

Adds Priya Mahadevan, who operates the Desi Dosa stall at City Market, “While I understand that they are trying to keep us safe, closing down businesses means thousands of dollars in losses for all the market vendors. Basically disrupting business is the police’s way of telling us they are incapable of ensuring the safety of people who are trying to do their work and earn a livelihood.”

Rapture owner Mike Rodi says the street closures are “a terrible thing for Downtown Mall businesses.” But he also points out, “If we put an end to this that weekend and on Monday morning have no images to haunt us, if we pause on the anniversary, nothing happens and there’s no will for a 2019 repeat, that benefits us.”

According to Rodi, “A lot of the business community feels it’s overkill in compensation of last year.”

“We’re going to be open because it feels like it’s standing up to the alt-right,” says Joan Fenton, chair of the Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville. “Nobody expects to make money. It’s really about making a statement.”

A year ago, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and counterprotesters clashed in the streets without police intervention. Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed into a crowd on Fourth Street and two Virginia State Police two pilots died in a helicopter crash. VSP have said they’ll be in town in various uniforms all week.

Rodi says he’s “disgusted” by the Virginia General Assembly, which refused to add Charlottesville to a list of cities where open carry of guns is prohibited. “While you can’t bring an aerosol can or pocket knife into a restricted area, you can bring an AR15,” he says.

“I don’t see how [the city] can do anything else,” he says of the restrictions. “If anyone gets hurt, it’s blood on the city’s hands.”

Some of the recently announced closures conflict with events on a city website called #ResilientCville, which also has a calendar. It lists a nonviolent action workshop for August 11 at Carver Recreation Center, which is now closed for the weekend.

And city spokesperson Brian Wheeler did not immediately respond to an inquiry about why the city is closing its pools, spraygrounds and golf course for the August weekend.

Not everything is shutting down. Fridays After Five will proceed—”unless we hear anything from police that we should cancel,” says Sprint Pavilion general manager Kirby Hutto. “We think it’s important to get back to normal.”

And despite the difficulty parking, he says, “We want to give people a reason to come downtown.”

The University of Virginia, which endured the horrifying spectacle of torch-carrying neo-Nazis marching through Grounds last year on August 11, announced plans to restrict access over the weekend to the Lawn (except for residents and attendees of a ticketed event August 11) and to the plaza on the north side of the Rotunda, where a small group of counterprotesters were surrounded by white supremacists at the statue of founder Thomas Jefferson.

UVA Students United plan a rally at the Rotunda’s north plaza from 7 to 9pm August 11. The group’s Facebook page says students met with Gloria Graham, VP of security and safety, who said there will be access to most of the plaza except for barricades six feet around the Jefferson statue. University spokesperson Anthony de Bruyn confirms that access limitations only extend to part of the plaza, and that a UVA representative talked with rally organizers to gauge the appropriate safety and security measures.

Though it’s unclear whether there will be any white supremacist demonstrations in town this weekend, here’s what’s on Charlottesville’s calendar, and a link to all city closures:

Sunday, August 5

  • Cville Fights Back poster launch party at Champion Brewery. 2:30 to 4:30pm.

Monday, August 6

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • City Council meeting and update on August 11-12 preparations in City Council Chambers. 6:30pm.

Tuesday, August 7:

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Why We Protest activist panel at Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. 7 to 8:30pm.
  • Documenting Hate: Charlottesville, a Frontline and ProPublica documentary, debuts at 10pm on local PBS stations and online.

Wednesday, August 8:

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Lawyers’ panel on free speech and anti-racism at Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. 7 to 8:30pm.

Thursday, August 9:

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Interfaith worship service: Making Our Way Together at The Haven. 7 to 8pm.

Friday, August 10:

  • Charlottesville Clergy Collective prayer session at Market Street Park. 6 to 6:30am. Noon to 12:30pm.
  • Shabbat service at Congregation Beth Israel. 6:15pm.

Saturday, August 11:

  • The Hope That Summons Us: A Morning of Reflection and Renewal at the Old Cabell Hall auditorium at UVA. Ticketed event with clear bag policy. 9am.
  • Congregate Charlottesville: A Service for Repair at First Presbyterian Church. 3pm.
  • VA Students Act Against White Supremacy: Rally for Justice at the Rotunda. 7pm.

Sunday, August 12:

  • Community sing-out to celebration harmony, diversity at Ix Art Park. 4 to 6pm.
  • NAACP’s Time for Reflections and Healing forum at Zion Union Baptist Church. 4 to 6pm.
  • Better Together: Lament, Repent, Rejoice at the Sprint Pavilion. 6 to 8pm.

Corrected August 3 at 9:05am with the correct location of Congregate Charlottesville’s August 11 service.

Updated August 3 at 9:25am with remarks from UVA spokesperson Anthony de Bruyn.

Updated August 3 at 11am with Joan Fenton comment.