
KKK rally at Justice Park slideshow

The demonstration at Justice Park July 8 was nothing if not well-documented. Here are some images photographer Eze Amos captured that day.


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Bryan Silva’s sentencing delayed


Bryan Silva appeared in Charlottesville Circuit Court August 17 for sentencing on charges related to a January 3 SWAT standoff, in which the 25-year-old Facebook celebrity barricaded himself inside his Jefferson Park Avenue home for several hours while posting videos of the incident on his social media pages for his thousands of fans to follow along.

He has been charged with a felony for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon and three misdemeanors for brandishing a gun, contempt of court and a probation violation he made while out on bond.

Because of complications with paperwork, the sentencing was rescheduled for October 18.

Silva appeared in the courtroom—wearing sagging jeans, a gray polo shirt and gold chain—and sat in the front row with a girl he wrapped his arm around and later kissed. His brother joined him and their mother sat a few rows away.

The January standoff was initiated after Silva’s then 17-year-old girlfriend—whom he allegedly ordered not to leave his apartment after pointing the laser scope of a loaded 9mm at her—escaped and called police from a neighbor’s house earlier that morning. It is unclear if the girl in the courtroom was involved.

Judge Rick Moore has already agreed to drop an abduction charge in the case.

“He’s really a nice young man,” Silva’s attorney, Richmond-based John March, said outside of the courthouse. “I think what you see is a persona.”
He confirmed that his client is doing well, has passed all court-ordered drug tests and will remain free on bond until his sentencing.


SWAT talk: Number of standoffs is ‘out of the norm’

The overall goal of any SWAT team is to save lives, says Lieutenant Steve Upman with the Charlottesville Police Department. The January 5 standoff between city, county and university police and a suspected bank robber marked the second standoff of the year.

“The two callouts over the last few days are out of the norm for Charlottesville,” Upman says, adding that the city and county have their own SWAT teams, but they have a mutual aid agreement to help each other out when needed. Both teams were at each incident this year.

According to Upman, SWAT members are specialists trained as a team to handle incidents that require additional tactics and weapons beyond the realm of a regular police officer, such as barricaded people, hostage situations, dignitary protection, sniper situations, high-risk search warrants and high-risk arrest warrants. He says the use of these specially trained teams has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death to suspects, citizens and police officers.

John Whithead, president of the Rutherford Institute and author most recently of Battlefield America: The War on American People, has spent a lot of time examining the use of SWAT teams in America.

“In 1985, there were 3,000 SWAT team raids in America,” he says. “Now there are over 80,000.”

A large portion of SWAT team activations are for “marijuana and victimless crimes,” and Whitehead says “people are getting shot and getting hurt.” He references the 2010 killing of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones after a Detroit SWAT team launched a grenade into her family’s apartment, broke down the door and started shooting. Members shot her while she was asleep on the couch and later learned they were in the wrong apartment.

But “in certain situations, they’re very appropriate,” he says, like in hostage situations or when a suspect, like a bank robber, could be armed.

The CPD’s SWAT team, which works part-time, was activated five times in 2015, Upman says.

The Downtown Mall’s Union Bank & Trust was robbed January 4, and city spokesperson Miriam Dickler says police obtained a search warrant January 5 for a house located at 504 Sixth St. SE, where the robber was allegedly staying. While police were on their way to the house, a 911 call came through for a report of domestic violence at the same address, she says.

When police arrived at the scene four out of five people were able to exit the house, but one refused and remained inside—the suspected bank robber later identified as Cole Franklin Nordick.

A number of city, county and university police blocked off the street and surrounded the entire area around 1:30pm. Police and city and county SWAT teams made telephone contact with Nordick, and he threatened harm to anyone who tried to enter the home, police say. About two hours into the standoff, police began shooting tear gas into the Sixth Street home. One bystander reported counting at least 12 shots, with more fired afterward.

Homeowner Marcus Shifflett was not pleased with having dozens of tear gas rounds lobbed into his property during the standoff.

“Everything in that house will be ruined,” he said during the incident. “Furniture, clothes, everything.”

Bystanders gathered on a nearby sidewalk, and cars slowed when they passed the commotion. Many had cell phones out, filming the action.

Around 4:25pm, Nordick emerged from the front door of the home, hands in the air and holding a cell phone and a cigarette, and wearing a white T-shirt and sunglasses. He was arrested for armed bank robbery and taken to the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail where he is being held without bond.

Nordick has arrest records dating back to 1996, with at least two charges for petit larceny, multiple probation violations and drug charges.

On his Facebook page, Nordick says he studied locksmithing at a trade school.

The city delayed school buses for nearby Clark Elementary School, as well as some buses from Walker Upper Elementary, Buford Middle School and Charlottesville High.

During the standoff, Shifflett said he suspected Nordick was blockaded in the windowless bathroom where the gas wouldn’t reach him.

“I don’t know what [the tenants] are going to do tonight,” Shifflett said on the day of the incident. “They’re going to have to find a home. They don’t have no place to go.”

Just two days earlier, Charlottesville resident and Internet celebrity Bryan Silva blockaded himself inside his home on Jefferson Park Avenue for several hours while SWAT members attempted to coax him outside. He eventually exited the house without incident and was arrested for abduction and possession of a firearm by a felon.