
Exploring boundaries: Stephanie Nakasian reflects on the beauty of jazz life lessons

Stephanie Nakasian grew up with the American songbook in her ear. You know the tunes: “Fly Me to the Moon,” “I Get A Kick Out of You,” and so many others. She sang them at home, and in choir, and played them on piano and violin, too.

These melodies and lyrics were in her ear while she studied economics and earned an MBA at Northwestern University, and the songs followed her to a job in New York City.

When she was in her mid-20s and working on Wall Street, she met bebop jazz pianist Hod O’Brien (who would become her husband of 38 years) and heard these songs anew. “When I saw Hod playing piano, [they] just seemed so alive. The same songs I’d heard before, [but in] a fresh sound. I loved the swing feel of it,” she says, sitting at a table in C’ville Coffee, her preferred Charlottesville jazz listening and performance venue.

Nakasian closes her eyes, perhaps to remember the sound of her late husband’s piano. “Fly me to the moon,” she croons with more swing than Sinatra, bobbing her right hand back and forth through the air as she snaps her fingers to the beat. “Let me play among the stars / Let me see what spring is like on / A-Jupiter and Mars.”

She asks if this reporter can hear the difference, the swing, the (be)bop. It’s palpable indeed, and that right there, she says, is why, at 25, she chose to leave her job on Wall Street and give jazz singing a go. Nakasian took a major risk, and it’s paid off. Dubbed the “Renaissance Woman of Jazz” in a 2012 industry profile, she’s released 15 albums; performed with jazz legends like lyricist and singer Jon Hendricks; sings at legendary jazz venues like New York City’s Birdland; and has taught voice at UVA and elsewhere for more than two decades.

That sort of spirit—one of taking chances and following a lead wherever it may go—is what Nakasian intends to convey to her audience at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church on September 8, when she performs a concert of bebop classics with The Richmond Jazz All-Stars.

The Richmond Jazz All-Stars. Publicity photo

Nakasian calls the group, comprised of pianist Weldon Hill, saxophonist James “Saxsmo” Gates, bassist Michael Hawkins, and drummer Billy Williams Jr., her “dream band.” And not only because they’re accomplished musicians who’ve shared the stage with superstars such as Jon Faddis, Kristin Chenoweth, Art Blakey, and Terence Blanchard, among others. It’s because, for Nakasian, these musicians hit all the right notes. “Jazz is incredibly creative,” she says, “an interesting experiment. And the perfect band is the band that technically and musically fits with you, and then emotionally supports you and inspires you.” It’s important to have that relationship among band members, she says, because jazz makes musicians and singers explore their boundaries and push beyond them with every rehearsal, every performance.

Playing jazz is a way to discover something new about oneself, to grow as a person and an “expressive human being,” Nakasian continues. “Maybe [I] make a mistake. And [I] survive it, and you know what? Then I’m not so scared about making a mistake again. It’s a good life lesson,” to approach through jazz, and the complexity of bebop in particular.

Listen to some of Nakasian’s songs here.

Bebop is a fast-tempo style of modern jazz that, to many ears, may sound like just a lot of notes, says Nakasian. Virtuosic musicianship is a requisite to play bebop’s rapid and frequent key changes, complex harmonies and melodies, and long lines of improvisation that can go on for quite a while before returning to a familiar phrase or refrain. Though it’s deeply rooted in the standards, Nakasian’s been told more than once that bebop can be intimidating for some listeners.

It’s a challenge for Nakasian as a singer, too—imagine singing lyrics, or scatting (using one’s voice almost as a horn), to complex instrumental solos? She demonstrates willingly (though not at full volume) in the coffee shop, singing some of Jon Hendricks’ original lyrics for Miles Davis’ “Four,” snapping her fingers quick to the beat: “Of the wonderful things that you get out of life there are four. / And they may not be many but nobody needs any more.” She can’t help but smile as she sings.

“I’m always giving myself these difficult assignments,” she says, laughing. But bebop is a chance for her to stretch her skill, to tap into a vocalization or a lyric (Hendricks’ are particularly, delightfully, philosophical) in order to feel the color and emotion of the melody and the message.

And with a band of this caliber playing classics from Blakey, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, and so many other greats, chances are, Sunday night’s concert will feel pretty darn good, says Nakasian.

“It’s going to be magical,” she says with a wide smile, her eyes twinkling as much as the diamond ring on her finger. “And it’s going to be fun.”

All that jazz

Here’s what Nakasian has lined up, locally, for the fall season:

Sunday, September 8 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church: Stephanie Nakasian and The Richmond Jazz All-Stars

Saturday, September 14 C’ville Coffee:
September Songs   

Saturday, October 12 C’ville Coffee:
Autumn Serenade

Saturday, November 16 C’ville Coffee: The ’60s
and ’70s, Jazz Style

Saturday, December 14 C’ville Coffee: Holi-daze

Find full details on her website.


Let’s talk about sex: Teens are turning to longer-lasting birth control

It was 2008 when teenagers across the country were rapping along to Lil Wayne’s “Lollipop” remix, singing: “Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex, cause you don’t want that late text, that ‘I think I’m late’ text. So wrap it up.”

But a decade later, it appears as though the rap legend’s socially conscious lyricism is a bit outdated. Condoms are out and birth control implants and intrauterine devices are in—at least that’s the case at UVA’s Teen and Young Adult Health Center, where clinician Dyan Aretakis says about 75 percent of patients requesting birth control choose a contraceptive implant called Nexplanon, or IUDs such as Mirena and Kyleena.

These options are referred to as LARCs, or long-acting reversible contraceptives, and last between three and 10 years. When a patient comes in to the West Main Street clinic to talk about birth control, Aretakis asks them when they’d like to have their first child.

“They say, ‘Not for a long time,’” the clinician says. “And we say, ‘There are only two types you need to look at.’”

The implant and IUD are proven to be significantly more effective than previously popular methods such as condoms and birth control pills.

Adds Aretakis, “When you’re a teenager or in your early 20s, you are so fertile. Why would you use the least effective methods when you’re most fertile?”

Though teens seeking birth control do not need parents’ permission for a prescription or to insert an implant or IUD at a clinic like the Teen and Young Adult Health Center or the Virginia Department of Health, Aretakis says procedures can cost around $2,000 without insurance, and patients do need consent to use their parents’ health insurance.

“To be honest, it’s more of helping a young person figure out how to have that conversation with their parents,” she says. “Most parents do not want their kids pregnant.”

Students in Albemarle County and Charlottesville schools are taught a sex education curriculum called Family Life from kindergarten through high school. It starts with developing an awareness of positive ways in which family members show love and affection, and transitions into studying forms of contraception and sexually transmitted infections.

According to the family life curriculum for ninth-graders in county schools, “the student will identify sexual abstinence as the appropriate choice for adolescents and identify appropriate methods for expressing feelings and affection.”

But the UVA clinic recommends birth control based on the guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which says 42 percent of teens from ages 15 to 19 have had sex.

At least one other community resource aims to educate kids beyond abstinence.

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church-Unitarian Universalist on Rugby Road hosts a class called Our Whole Lives, which is a program taught to all age levels in churches across the country. Locally, eighth and ninth grade members of the congregation typically take the course.

“Public schools are probably not where you should get your sex education,” says Lorie Craddock, a 25-year member of the Unitarian Universalist church who has had three children go through the program. “I didn’t have any expectations that city schools were going to have this conversation with my kids—this is something that we as parents were taking care of.”

Before it begins, parents attend an informational session to review course materials. Kids aren’t quick to spill what they learned in their sex ed classes, but Craddock says this way, parents know the drill.

“We certainly knew what they were talking about in class, but they weren’t coming to us saying, ‘Hey, we put a condom on a banana,’” she says.

Topics covered run the gamut, and include sexual orientation, gender expression, pleasure, love making, pregnancy, consent, parties, drugs and more. “I’ve heard from more than one parent—including me—that once your kid goes through this class, they really do become a resource for other kids,” says Craddock. “They know it all. There is no stone left unturned.”

Preventing pregnancy

There are more effective ways to dodge teen pregnancies—25 in Charlottesville in 2015 and 39 in Albemarle—than by using condoms and the pill. Teens are now opting for implant and intrauterine contraceptives, but don’t forget that condoms are the only contraceptive that protect against sexually transmitted infections. Below are the most effective to least effective methods of birth control, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Implant: 0.05%

Levonorgestrel intrauterine device (IUD): 0.2%

Copper IUD: 0.8%

Injectable: 6%

Pill: 9%

Patch: 9%

Ring: 9%

Diaphragm: 12%

Male condom: 18%

Female condom: 21%

Withdrawal: 22%

Sponge: 24%

Spermicide: 28%

*Percentages are based on one out of 100 women who experienced an unwanted pregnancy while using each method.