The Editor's Desk


A matter of choice

Thank you for clarifying those grueling pictures on Pantops Mountain [“Anti-abortion tour hits town,” 7 Days, May 18]. I was rushing my 7-year-old daughter to the doctor’s office to get stitches after a bad fall when I spotted the first bloody picture titled “Child Abuse” at a distance. Not wanting my daughter scared and shocked by those images, I asked her to cover her eyes as we drove by the Missionaries to the Preborn. She used one hand to hold the tissue on her bloody knee—and the other to cover her eyes. Child abuse? I consider inflicting such images on young children abusive and inappropriate.

 I used this as a “teachable moment” to tell her about what abortion means—without having to see those scary images of dead fetuses. I have no doubt that my daughter will grow into a well-informed adult, able to make educated choices. I just hope for her that choices will be available in the future.  

Annette Owens





In “How low can you go?” [May 18] ACAC Food and Diet Coach Erin Szablowski was identified as a registered dietician. She is not an RD. In the same story a caption identified a machine at ACAC as a carbohydrate counter. It actually tests resting metabolic rate.