The Editor's Desk


Required reading

Thanks for the article “Breaking rank” [August 31]. How about doing a comprehensive article in early to mid-October based on some of the following books:

 -Worse Than Watergate, which coversthe extreme secrecy of the Bush Administration.

 -Price of Loyalty, which reveals this administration’s true aims of world domination over both enemies and allies. It also reveals what happens when members of the administration disagree.

 -Imperial Hubris, which deals with intelligence, Al-Qaeda, etc., and how this administration is out of touch with the rest of the world.

 -Sleeping With the Devil, a superb account by an ex-CIA officer on our relations with and support of the decadent, incompetent Saudi monarchy and the outcome of their likely downfall in the next few years.

 -Bush’s Brain and Boy Genius, which describe how dirty trickster Karl Rove brought Bush to governor and then to president.

 -Bush On the Couch, which describes the sick side of Bush.

 -And perhaps use a bit of Pat Buchanan’s How the Right Went Wrong.

 The materials in these and other sources indicate that George W. Bush should be impeached rather than re-elected. And we should remove his Right Wing cohorts in Congress, such as Virgil Goode, who "rubber stamps" his policies. We need people with the military experience and integrity of Al Weed.

Milton Moore

Lt. Col., United States Air Force (Retired)

Albemarle County



Two thumbs up!

This is in regard to Kent Williams’ recent review of the Chinese movie Hero [Film, September 7]. When we saw the film the audience was very still—you could hear the proverbial pin drop—no coughing, talking, running up and down the aisles getting drinks and popcorn. We were gripped. I believe there was something at play here, just as in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, beyond the stunning visual magic—the archetypal forces within man: loyalty, valor, duty, love, betrayal, retribution, death. These ancient fables have been told and retold through the ages by Sophocles, Shakespeare, and to this day in many guises. It is sad that American filmmakers seem to be unable to come up with anything resembling what we have seen here. Instead we have been offered Troy—the mushy version of that great muscular tale of yore.


Judy Brubaker




In last week’s STYLE section, the phone number for Sweet Beets Shoes was incorrect. It is 295-8855.



In last week’s Restaurantarama, we reported that everything on the Firehouse Bar & Grill menu costs less than $5. Owner Earl Smith says that the homemade lunch specials are less than $5.


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