

No one likes to spend all day at the office working…or, let’s face it, reading random websites. Sometimes we need a little interactivity. Some true bonding with the old compooter. Some hand-eye coordination to keep us limber in the cubicle. In other words, some classic, lame-graphic computer games. So if you’re looking for a good time, call Homestarr Runner, the site with games, cartoons, a unique cast of characters and even an online store to properly promote itself.

If you go for the games, be warned that the graphics are on par with video arcade games from oh, say, 1985. But I consider that just part of the all-round radness. There are 12 games to choose from, but everyone has their favorites. Me, I enjoy a little Dungeon Man 3 because it talks to me in ye Olde English (crazy spellings and everything). The cartoons that introduce you to the Homestar Runner characters are pretty effing funny, too. For example, Homestar Runner himself looks kind of like a white gumdrop in a red poncho, and he talks like a retarded baby gorilla (or how I imagine a retarded baby gorilla would talk if he could).

The ’toons, however, take the cake. How about the “Teen Girl Squad,” which includes Cheerleader, So and So, What’s Her Face, and the Ugly One. They go around “looking good” and “having a crush on EVERY BOY.” Then they all get killed in various fashions—kicked by a dragon, pieced by a thousand arrows, run over by a school bus, and everything in between. Hehehehehe! I’m giggling like a schoolgirl.

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