
When the chess team is normal

The thermometer has (we hope) dropped below 90 degrees and crosswalks on the Corner are crowding with bright young things out to buy sheets and shower shoes. Once again, fall term is starting at UVA. Eager freshmen are meandering through Central Grounds in packs, checking out the fraternities and practicing their best Sarah McLachlan for a cappella committees. But there’s more to college life than harmonizing and beer pong. The University has 298 different extracurricular groups for students to choose from. Here’s a sampling of the more off-beat offerings.

If you love repeating jokes from the show about nothing, you’re in good company with The Van Buren Boys. They are not a street gang named after an obscure dead president, but an organization dedicated to spreading the gospel of "Seinfeld"—which, in the 148th episode, did involve a street gang dedicated to the eighth president. Contact them if you need help constructing your Festivus ("for the rest of us") pole.

Not just a casual "Seinfeld" fan? Find an outlet with the student organization, The Van Buren Boys.

Jefferson’s home seems too new-fangled? Consider joining the Students for Creative Anachronism, which researches and re-creates pre-17th century history. They host workshops, dances, fencing practice and medieval- and Renaissance-themed events and cede begrudgingly to the modern era with history-themed movie nights.

Etcetera Winter Guard describes their routines as "like the flags with the marching band, but indoors to recorded music. Meaning it ends up being a lot more artsy and dancy." Oh, and they also use sabres and rifles. Confused? Sounds like they may be too.

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