
We caught you looking sweet!

Amanda Trucksess…

Amanda Trucksess

Occupation: Fourth year resident at UVA

Where we spotted her: Leaving CVS at Barracks Road Shopping Center

Style sense: Amanda, in her last few weeks of pregnancy (she’s due December 20!), wears whatever she can find that’s comfortable, but also trendy. At eight months pregnant, Amanda has a lot of luck finding things at Gap Maternity and Target, where she got her comfy ballet slippers. Her necklace is from EG on the Downtown Mall and her Hobo bag was a gift from her husband.

Anna Lau

Occupation: Second year student at UVA

Where we spotted her: Outside of Barnes & Noble at Barracks Road Shopping Center

Style sense: A seasoned traveler, Anna gets most of her fashion sense from Japanese magazines and websites. In fact, her dress is actually from Japan. Her scarf and top she found in Hong Kong, and her Sketchers boots are from a huge outlet store in New York City. The bag she’s carrying—her favorite fashion item—is from Agnes B, her favorite French store in Japan.

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