
Time-sensitive material [March 24]

A letter to the editor of the Boston Globe, written by one Nancy Kaplan and published today, draws a surprising comparison between the recently controversial rhetoric of Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright…

A letter to the editor of the Boston Globe, written by one Nancy Kaplan and published today, draws a surprising comparison between the recently controversial rhetoric of Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright (“sound bites cherry-picked from Wright’s voluminous writings and sermons,” says Kaplan) and certain select commentary by our own Thomas Jefferson. Here’s TJ on slavery: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.” Kaplan asks whether today’s frenetic news cycle would have reacted to that statement with a firestorm worthy of Rev. Wright.

In today’s Boston Globe Nancy Kaplan compares the reaction to sermons by Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s former pastor, to certain words of Thomas Jefferson.

Previous "This Just In" articles from this week:

Klarman adds to topic of the week [March 23]
Analyzes politicians’ messages on race for New York Times

Green problems [March 22]
No breaks, no

Green is the new gold [March 21]
Downtown Transit Center snags LEED certification

Habit forming [March 20]
The Virginia Quarterly Review once again nominated for National Magazine Awards

Cavs nab first-round win…in some tournament [March 19]
Will face ODU next week

CHS principal selection narrowed [March 18]
Two candidates talk at meeting

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