
Huffing and puffing

Every week, I consider writing up something about the Huffington Post for this column, and every week I postpone it because, I tell myself, “It can wait. The HuffPo is a perennial.” And it’s true: “HuffPo” (as those in the know refer to it) is a good read for Internet newsies, 24/7/365. Its readability does not wax and wane with current events or time of year or fads or the popular people, because current events, fads, the popular people, and commentary on all of the above are precisely what the site covers.

“So, why now?” one might ask. To which I would respond that, with the presidential campaign nearing a fever pitch, the HuffPo is an excellent place to go if you’re looking for the latest news, gossip, or table scrap from the race. Especially if you’re liberally inclined, I should say. If you’re more conservatively inclined, maybe just check in with me next week…or never. The site has been monitoring Obama and McCain’s every move, and it regularly has opinion pieces and commentary on everything from dissecting the possible field of VP candidates to John McCain as a new Bob Dole figure.

The site is also known for its media coverage, and it’s got you covered when it comes to gossip, entertainment, and business, too. Really, the HuffPo is a good place to start in the morning as you’re drinking your coffee. It wakes you up; it gets your brain thinking beyond the cubicle.

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