So the rumors are true! (No, not those rumors.) Rather, Terry Martin, longtime manager and owner of Outback Lodge on Preston Avenue, won a cool $100K from the state lottery recently. Though, to be fair, Gawker suggests that winning the lottery these days is as simple as going to the bank.
When I called to ask him what the win meant for OBL, Martin responded, "A whole new club, man, debt-free!" Pressed for details, Martin revealed plans for a nautical theme and pirate garb for staff!
…No? Not buying it? What about a futurist design scheme?
O.K., fine. The club got a new paint job outside and the inside was "cleaned up." I’ll let you know after the Invisible Hand show next week.)

Terry Martin: Mo’ money, no problems?
James at Nailgun recently made a strong case against shelling out the clams for Corgan and the Pumpkins for their Pavilion show, and rightly so—local music is pricey, a wallet problem that a new Capshaw venue on Preston could potentially help, if it happens.
But, for you music folks who aren’t picking the winning numbers, here are a few treats for a cheap music weekend:
1. Go to Sidetracks. Now. Cal got a load of really great used tunes in, including some old Pavement singles for cheap and a Les Savy Fav record that I nabbed before you. Suckers.
2. Skip Jim Waive & the Young Divorcees‘ set opening for Kenny Rogers. ($34.50 for lawn seats, Kenny? You’re just going to blow it on your fantasy face. Or should I say "tan-tasy." Burned! Like your face!) Instead, see Jim and the Divorcees at Uncle Charlie’s after they play the Pavilion!
3. Get a real job.