Charlottesville City Council gives initial support for restaurant rezoning in Belmont

At the public hearing before City Council, no dissenters approached the stage, quite a different scenario from the last time this item was on the agenda.

In direct opposition to the Charlottesville Planning Commission’s vote on the rezoning of 814 Hinton Avenue in Belmont, City Council last night gave their initial support to the applicants, Andrew Ewell and Hannah Pittard.

At the public hearing in front of City Council, no dissenting voice approached the stage, quite a different scenario from the last time this item was on the agenda.

In last month’s public hearing in front of the Planning Commission, 32 residents spoke up both for and against the possibility of the new restaurant opening right next door to Belmont BBQ.

Councilor Holly Edwards said that she enjoyed walking through the neighborhood in the past weeks. She said she observed some of the opponents sitting and eating at the restaurants on Hinton Avenue in Belmont.

With a 4-0 vote (Councilor Satyendra Huja was absent), the item will be subjected to a second reading on June 15.


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