Big Whiskey tops Billboard; Dave Matthews GPS yet to sell [VIDEO]

DMB moves 424,000 copies of latest album during the first week. What’s your take on Big Whiskey?

424,000 fans can’t be wrong. Or, they can be, but who wants to have a fanboy Wrestlemania with nearly half a million Dave Matthews Band fans?

Sources report that DMB’s latest album, Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King—which features that song with the inappropriate title—currently tops the Billboard 200 chart and sold more than 424,000 copies during its first week on the market. So, Matthews didn’t move a milli right off the bat, but he also didn’t fuel sales and hype with any bogus beef or Dr. Pepper ads.

Although, I wonder if a bit of product promotion helped push the numbers…

Nonetheless, fine work from our boys. Let’s hear your thoughts on Big Whiskey below.

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