There’s a story in tomorrow’s C-VILLE by your trusty arts blogger that takes on long-term arts plans of the University of Virginia—namely, how the current renovations to the UVA Art Museum reshape the goals of projects like the Arts Gateway to the University and the Arts Grounds, and will eventually increase the visibility of UVA’s 12,000-piece permanent collection, among other perks. (Full renovation details here.)
Not all museums may fare as well as UVA—let’s pour one out for our peeps at Brandeis University, the Wilmington Library and other spots. The UVA Art Museum will hopefully stay within its financial means by renovating and expanding on its existing home, the Bayly building, rather than moving across Emmet Street as was once hoped. But a little fundraising here and there doesn’t hurt, either.
On that note: In late April, UVA closed the search for a Director of Development for the UVA Art Museum, a person who will report directly to Vice Provost for the Arts Elizabeth Hutton Turner. In an interview last week, new museum director Bruce Boucher said that a new development director could be announced within the next few weeks or month, and that UVA is currently interviewing candidates.
"We see this person as playing a key role in fundraising, of course, but also helping us to refine our message about who we are, what we do and what we want to do in the future," he told C-VILLE.
On the future of the art museum, Boucher was similarly optimistic. "The fact that the University of Virginia advanced us the money to finish the renovations of the Bayly building is a very good sign of the seriousness with which it honors its commitments," he said. Read tomorrow’s C-VILLE for more, and leave your thoughts on UVA’s commitments to the arts below.
Bruce Boucher, Director of the UVA Art Museum, says a new Director of Development may emerge within the next month to helm fundraising efforts for the museum.