Storm debris south of University Avenue, West Main largely handled

Also, the Saunders-Monticello trail is fixed. Check the map and let us know the current state of your neighborhood

Roughly a week after Charlottesville announced a debris pickup to deal with the mess of tree limbs and other bits and pieces loosed during June’s sever storms, the City released a map to show the extent of its work so far. The map is available for perusal here, and embedded below. How do things look in your neck of the woods?


According to the map, city cleanup seems largely complete south of University Avenue, West Main and Water streets. East Market and High streets are currently being dealt with. The areas most affected by the storm, such as Rugby Avenue, remain to be completed.

City spokesperson Ric Barrick told C-VILLE that timelines for completing pickup must be flexible, as the city confronts how much debris remains on the ground. In the meantime, Peter Hatch, Monticello’s director of gardens and grounds, wrote to tell us that the Saunders-Monticello Trail, partially closed after a tree wreaked havoc on the path’s wooden boardwalk, reopened today.

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