Governor McDonnell welcomes Obama, encourages Fifth District to vote for Hurt

McDonnell pressed on Perriello’s voting record, which he says sticks right by Obama’s side on the pieces of major legislature that were passed during his first two years in office

In a statement sent to the press by Fifth District Republican congressional candidate Robert Hurt’s campaign, Governor Bob McDonnell welcomed President Obama to Charlottesville.

"The President is a good man, but his policies have not been good for the people of Virginia," says McDonnell in the statement. "Congressman Tom Perriello is also a good man, but his lock-step support of those policies has similarly not been positive for voters from Danville to Albemarle County."

McDonnell pressed on Perriello’s voting record, which he describes as sticking right by Obama’s side on the pieces of major legislature that were passed during the first two years of the Obama administration. An excerpt below:

"When the President forced nationalized health care on the citizens of Virginia, Tom Perriello was right at his side. When the President attempted to pass a job-killing cap and trade scheme that would lead to skyrocketing energy prices and devastating job losses, Tom Perriello was right at his side. While the President oversaw the ballooning of our national debt to nearly $14 trillion, Tom Perriello was right at his side. So it is only fitting that at tonight’s campaign rally, Tom will be right by the President’s side yet again."

In a Huffington Post article, Perriello defends his voting record. "I think in terms of the President, the idea that I’m in lockstep is just kind of silly BS that conventional wisdom pundits get stuck on,” he said.

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