February ABODE throws nothing away

Our feature story looks at the greenest buildings of all: the ones that are already there.

Do pick up the new issue of ABODE, dear readers—it comes out today and I hope y’all will check out the feature story in particular.

It’s not about green building in the more explicit sense; instead, it takes a look at a couple of buildings that were in danger of falling down and were lovingly saved and restored instead. Both are log cabins; one came from West Virginia and the other was originally built in Albemarle. Now, the former is a full-time home with modern amenities like laundry and central air (but still very much a cabin), and the latter remains quite rustic, used only for family gatherings and camping.

I had a great time visiting both and loved seeing what can result when people take the time to care for modest but historic buildings. After all, as the saying goes, the greenest building is the one that already exists.

In that spirit, the greenest way to update your house is to rearrange the furniture you already have–and Ed Warwick tells you how in his D.I.Y. column. Cathy Clary reveals what the heck you can do with your garden this month, and Lisa Reeder reveals the secrets of that most basic winter vegetable, the potato (including how to make a foolproof potato salad).

As always, ABODE also includes green events and tips, wisdom from Better World Betty, and loads of style. Read, enjoy, and be in touch!

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