Watch World Peace Game founder John Hunter deliver his TED talk [VIDEO]

"If Al Gore is here, I’m going to send my fourth graders from Agnor-Hurt and Venable elementary schools to see you, because they solved global warming in a week"

Last year, Agnor-Hurt Elementary School teacher John Hunter—also the educator at the center of Chris Farina’s documentary film, World Peace…and Other Fourth Grade Achievements—told C-VILLE he might make an appearance at TED2011.

"I understand that when [TED] cultivates a speaking relationship with a presenter, they work with that person over time, and develop a really beautiful story," said Hunter at the time.

On Wednesday, TED (which stands for Technology, Education and Design) made Hunter’s story available to those not among the 1,500 ticket holders that arrived in Long Beach, California, to hear stories from the likes of film critic Roger Ebert and General Stanley McChrystal. In his talk, Hunter discusses his personal evolution, the dynamics of classroom control, and how fourth-grade students from Charlottesville and Albemarle handle complex climate issues.

"If Al Gore is here, I’m going to send my fourth graders from Agnor-Hurt and Venable elementary schools to see you, because they solved global warming in a week," jokes Hunter during his talk.

And while Hunter did, in fact, meet the former vice president and climate activist, that’s a story for next week’s C-VILLE. Pick up a copy on Tuesday for more on Hunter, Farina and the legacy of the World Peace Game. In the meantime, watch Hunter’s TED talk below. 

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