The Western Bypass: approved for engineering in 1995, halted in 2002, questioned last week and resuscitated last night?
On June 2, Albemarle Supervisor Rodney Thomas failed to sway three fellow board members to remove language from Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) documents that prohibits construction funding for the 6.2-mile road. Late yesterday evening, however, Scottsville Supervisor Lindsay Dorrier altered his vote, which gave Thomas support from a board majority, according to Charlottesville Tomorrow.
Conceived roughly two decades ago, the Western Bypass previously received approval for preliminary engineering and right-of-way acquisition. However, in its Transportation Improvement Program, the MPO says that the bypass "would negatively impact area schools, neighborhoods and the community’s water supply," and adds that a study by the tate Department of Transportation "showed there would be little improvement to the traffic conditions on the Rt. 29 corridor in the area." Reported cost estimates for the road have reached upwards of $200 million.
The road is not without its supporters—specifically, those in Danville and Lynchburg that claim the bypass would be an economic boost. Republican State Senator Steve Newman, whose district includes Bedford County and Lynchburg, issued a statement that called the bypass "jobs-producing" and said the senator has "reason to believe that a Charlottesville 29 Bypass could be started if not completed during Governor Bob McDonnell’s term in office."
The board’s vote is a recommendation to MPO officials to remove the language; Thomas, the Republican supervisor who defeated Democrat David Slutzky in 2009, is currently chair of the MPO Policy Board, which meets on the third Wednesday of each month.
Explore the bypass here (map via Piedmont Environmental Council) and then weigh in below: Does the Charlottesville-Albemarle area need a western bypass?