UVA student, Charlottesville resident make splash with Rick Perry video

If "Strong" is Perry’s battle plan for a "war on religion," then the next shot fired comes from Charlottesville residents Cali Freeman and Ashley Steele

One week ago, Texas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry accused President Barack Obama of waging a "war on religion." The accusation, in a campaign ad called "Strong," conflates the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell with nonexistent bans on individual religious liberties—and, in a "misleading and inaccurate" move, attributes responsibility to the current president.

If "Strong" is Perry’s battle plan for a "war on religion," then the next shot fired comes from Charlottesville residents Cali Freeman and Ashley Steele. In a clip selected as The Atlantic’s Video of the Day, the pair responds to Perry’s ad as follows:

"We know there is something wrong in this country when you can spin the name of Jesus Christ…into a political platform," say the girls. "Especially when this platform demonizes the very people who sacrifice their own lives so that you can have that platform at all." Freeman and Steele further discuss their work here.

In the meantime, watch the response video below:

For other "Strong" parodies, click here.

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