Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings, too.
- The Charlottesville City Council meets Monday night at 7pm at City Hall. Two big topics on the agenda: The first reading of an ordinance to create a Human Rights Commission and an anti-drone resolution. There will also be a second reading of a new towing ordinance for the city.
- The Charlottesville Area League of Women Voters hosts a community dialogue on the ongoing Comprehensive Plan process from noon to 1:30pm Tuesday at the County Office Building on 5th Street Extended. Call 434-970-1707 to reserve an $8 box lunch.
- The Albemarle County Planning Commission meets from 6-9pm Tuesday in the County Office Building on McIntire Road. Besides a special use permit application for special events and a wireless tower approval, the Commission is scheduled to hold a work session on the Comprehensive Plan and discuss the joint goals of county and city planning commissions.
- The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has an all-day meeting Wednesday at the County Office Building. A few agenda items of note: A special permit for development at Castle Hill Cider (10:30am), the monthly communications report from the School Board (1:30pm), and, in a work session toward the end of the day, the discussion of the county’s noise ordinance and the Long-Range Transportation Plan.