
ARTS Pick: The Two Noble Kinsmen

Prison riot Even Shakespeare and John Fletcher knew that the rewrite of a Chaucer poem took some serious guts back in the early 17th century. Despite the potential for total demolishment of a poetic monument, the duo lets chaos run rampant in The Two Noble Kinsmen. What happens when two imprisoned cousins fall in love with the same beautiful woman only moments apart? Prison riots and a touch of madness, naturally. The knights toss their stoic fronts aside and duke it out across the stage in the unending quest for the holy grail of a fair maiden. Even centuries ago, love was a bit of a battlefield.

Through Saturday 4/6 $16-40, 7:30pm. The Blackfriars Playhouse, 10 S. Market St., Staunton. (540) 851-1733.



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