Best of C-VILLE Food & Drink

Best server 2013: Emma Whittington

Emma Whittington at Beer Run

Deidre Carpenter at Whiskey Jar

Donald Trump once left a waiter at a Los Angeles restaurant a $10,000 tip. We’re guessing Emma and Deidre have never been quite that lucky, but that’s not because they don’t deserve it. When it comes to service, readers say there are no two better ladies to take care of your dining needs.

What’s Emma passionate about in Charlottesville?

1. Thomas Dean/Adam Smith Dance Parties at Mono Loco. My favorite spot to get down. The Tecate flows like water and you’ll surely see a mix of familiar faces and total oddballs. At some point you’ll probably get to hear some Prince.
2. House Pickles at Bellair Market. I don’t even know if these are made in-‘house,’ but they are everything I could want in a pickle. Briney, massive, and pulled straight from a barrel.
3. Bookstores on the Mall. There are so many wonderful little bookstores on the Mall, but the best place to completely lose yourself is Daedalus, which is labyrinthian and narrow and claustrophobic in the best way possible. Telegraph, though not strictly a bookstore, is a great place to find incredibly and memorable gifts for loved ones.
4. Seasonal fruit-picking at Chiles Orchard. Strawberries in early summer, peaches in late July. Staggering views year-round!
5. Wandering Through Woolen Mills at dusk. An excellent place for exploration. I like to start somewhere near Riverview Park and walk along the sandbars of the Rivanna until I hit any of the abandoned buildings in the area. Take friends just in case.

See more:

Best Beer Selection 2013: Beer Run

Best place to buy beer 2013: Beer Run

Best Bloody Mary 2013: Beer Run

Five Finds on Friday: Hernan Franco of Beer Run

Five Finds on Friday: Josh Hunt of Beer Run

Best Bar 2013: Whiskey Jar

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