Take a cue from these brides to inject even more personality into your big day.

Ring passing ceremony: One couple passed their rings around to each guest and asked for a blessing. What a lovely sentiment.
Personalized present: One bride had custom handkerchiefs made for her parents.
Sheet music flowers: We love that they’ll last forever.
Gold accents: Such a glamorous addition to the dinner table.
A flip-flop alternative: This bride bought slippers in bulk to soothe aching dancing feet.
Pickle favors: Sweet or sour, this personalized gift was a hit.
Sweet, unexpected shoes: Instead of bright sparklers, this bride chose a demure pair of Oxfords for her special day.

Custom postcards: In lieu of a guest book, this couple had custom postcards ready for each guest to fill out. When the wedding was over, they were mailed to the newlyweds.

Oyster bar: What a treat for guests.