Magazines Real Estate

Real Estate News, Week of February 20

CAAR Member Kelly Ceppa Honored with Good Neighbor Award

Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® (CAAR), the voice of real estate in the Central Virginia region, has announced Kelly Ceppa as a Good Neighbor Award recipient. This recognition program highlights local REALTORS® who dedicate significant time and interest to projects that make a lasting impact on our communities.

“Kelly is passionate about many causes, and we deeply appreciate her work to bring smiles to children’s faces during the holidays,” Anita Dunbar, CAAR president-elect and associate broker at Montague Miller & Company, said.

Ceppa’s volunteer service on a project team at CAAR has expanded into a seven-year commitment to the Toy Lift event benefitting the Kids Lift Foundation. Challenged with helping 450 more children and lower donations in 2013, Ceppa was determined to recruit past and current REALTORS® at her firm – as well as clients – to make the event a success.

She began by operating an early toy drop-off location at the Nest office in mid-November and organizing a firm-wide shopping event to purchase toys. Ceppa put in more than 25 hours during the weekend of Toy Lift to ensure that the drop-off and distribution centers were staffed.

“We are very glad to see Kelly get recognition for her hard work with the Toy Lift,” Charlie Hall, administrator of the toy lift, said. “Every donation counts in bringing holiday spirit to local children, and Kelly certainly took that mission to heart.”

Ceppa has been a CAAR member since 2002 and serves on a variety of association working groups each year. A $100 donation was made to Toy Lift in her name.

About CAAR –
The Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® (CAAR) represents more than 1,000 real estate professionals in Charlottesville and Albemarle and the surrounding areas of Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson, Louisa counties. For more information on CAAR, pick up a copy of the CAAR Real Estate Weekly, visit, or contact your REALTOR.

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