
Five Finds on Friday: Anita Gupta

On Fridays we feature five food finds selected by local chefs and personalities. It’s wedding season, so today’s picks come from Anita Gupta ofMaliha Creations, one of the area’s most sought after creators of wedding cakes, among other desserts. For her picks, Gupta focused on what she knows best: her favorite sweets and pastries around town.  Gupta’s picks:

1)  Macaron Ice cream Sandwiches from Got Dumplings food truck. “These giant ice cream sandwiches are awesome and they have great flavors like green tea and red bean. If you get a hankering for these at one of the local festivals, make sure you order more than one. You will want another, and if you wait in line again, they will be gone… and you will be sad.”

2)  Churros at Al Carbon. “Everything on their menu rocks (get the yuca fries), but the best part is when you order your food at this counter service cafe, you will only get your main dish. They don’t start making your churros until you have finished your food. Fresh, piping hot churros dipped in cinnamon sugar. Add a scoop of ice cream and you will experience nirvana.”

3)  Pastries at Paradox Pastry. “My friends and I head to Paradox whenever we have a birthday to celebrate. We grab a table, and perhaps some champagne, and each get a different dessert to share. I head here when I want someone else to bake for me.”

4)  Flourless Chocolate Cake with Toasted Marshmallow at Rocksalt. “Rappahannock Oysters followed by rich, dark chocolate . . . ‘nough said.

5)  Gulab Jamun from Milan. “This is where I go for a little taste of home. A little pastry ball (almost like a doughnut) soaked in a cardamom-infused simple syrup. Seriously rich and completely nostalgic.”

The Charlottesville 29 is a publication that asks, if there were just 29 restaurants in Charlottesville, what would be the ideal 29? Follow along with regular updates on Facebook and Twitter

By Charlottesville29

The Charlottesville 29 is a publication that asks, and answers: if there were just 29 restaurants in Charlottesville, what would be the ideal 29?

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