Charlottesville Ice Park to be saved from June 30 closure?

The rink, on the market for $4.1 million, is under a contingency contract

This morning, a few local news sources report that the Charlottesville Ice Park—purchased by Bruce and Roberta Williamson for $3.1 million in 2003, and placed back on the market for roughly $2 million less than its assessed value—may have a buyer. While no details on the potential buyer have been reported, UVA Men’s Ice Hockey Club founder Roger Voisinet told the Daily Progress that the interested party is not an ice skater.

Commenting on the Ice Park’s economic role in the city, co-developer Lee Danielson told C-VILLE in May, "If you look at the sales tax generated prior to the ice park versus the sales tax over the last decade, there’s no comparison." City spokesman Ric Barrick confirmed an increase since the park’s opening in 1996, but also said "it would also be impossible and unrealistic to attribute it to any one source."

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