Nine months after it was repaved following last winter’s severe storms—and years after talks put estimated repair costs at $9 million—the Belmont Bridge remains overdue for its makeover. The sidewalk on the east side of the bridge was recently closed due to safety concerns, and City Council will discuss repairs at an upcoming meeting.
Now, however, a design team says the bridge is ready for a critical closeup, for those locals who wish to weigh in. On November 30, a 6pm meeting at CitySpace offer an opportunity for public input on the bridge project. Members of the public may also submit thoughts online at (when the site launches) and by mail through December 15.
"The existing bridge needs to be replaced with a safe, functional and attractive bridge that will serve the needs of the community now and into the future," reads an e-mail distributed by City Spokesman Ric Barrick. "The Design Team has begun collecting information on existing conditions and is now seeking input on the public’s expectations—regarding the design as well as construction process."
What does the Belmont Bridge need? Give it some thought this weekend, and leave your thoughts below.