Outback Lodge owner rocks the lotto

Lodge upgraded to bungalow, or chalet!

So the rumors are true! (No, not those rumors.) Rather, Terry Martin, longtime manager and owner of Outback Lodge on Preston Avenue, won a cool $100K from the state lottery recently. Though, to be fair, Gawker suggests that winning the lottery these days is as simple as going to the bank.

When I called to ask him what the win meant for OBL, Martin responded, "A whole new club, man, debt-free!" Pressed for details, Martin revealed plans for a nautical theme and pirate garb for staff!

…No? Not buying it? What about a futurist design scheme?

O.K., fine. The club got a new paint job outside and the inside was "cleaned up." I’ll let you know after the Invisible Hand show next week.)

Terry Martin: Mo’ money, no problems?

James at Nailgun recently made a strong case against shelling out the clams for Corgan and the Pumpkins for their Pavilion show, and rightly so—local music is pricey, a wallet problem that a new Capshaw venue on Preston could potentially help, if it happens.

But, for you music folks who aren’t picking the winning numbers, here are a few treats for a cheap music weekend:

1. Go to Sidetracks. Now. Cal got a load of really great used tunes in, including some old Pavement singles for cheap and a Les Savy Fav record that I nabbed before you. Suckers.

2. Skip Jim Waive & the Young Divorcees‘ set opening for Kenny Rogers. ($34.50 for lawn seats, Kenny? You’re just going to blow it on your fantasy face. Or should I say "tan-tasy." Burned! Like your face!) Instead, see Jim and the Divorcees at Uncle Charlie’s after they play the Pavilion!

3. Get a real job.

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