“The Amazing Race: All Stars”
Sunday 8pm, CBS
I’m generally against “all-star” seasons for reality shows. As seen on “Survivor,” the contestants are typically so changed by their previous experiences that there’s almost nothing “real” left, just blatant posturing for the camera. But I’ll make an exception for my beloved “Race”—this is a kick-ass idea. Eleven teams from the previous 10 seasons run around the world once again. There are some obvious picks—Season 1 “villains” Team Guido, Season 5 cousins Charla & Mirna, Season 7/“Survivor” couple Rob & Amber—and the welcome return of some underdogs, like Season 1 hams Kevin & Drew, adorable Season 3 couple Jon Vito & Jill, and Season 2’s delightful Team Cha-Cha-Cha. Season 7’s Uchenna & Joyce are the only winners to return. If I had to guess, the first team to go will either be Season 10 sweethearts David & Mary or the only new team, Eric & Danielle (an amalgam of Season 9’s hot guy/hot chick teams, but featuring the weakest links from both).
Sunday 7:30pm, CW
Reba McEntire’s eponymous sitcom is put out of its misery with two back-to-back episodes. Truth is, “Reba” isn’t a bad show. You could do a lot worse for standard sitcom fare (ahem “According to Jim” ahem), and McEntire herself is actually a pretty solid actress with decent comic chops. But The CW had no intention of picking up the show when it absorbed “Reba”’s old network, The WB, despite its comparatively strong ratings. Problem is, WB had already signed a contract for Season 6, and so here you have its last gasps. Now maybe we can get Reba back out on the road where she belongs.
“What About Brian”
Monday 10pm, ABC
With J.J. “Lost” Abrams’ romantic dramedy continuing to struggle in its second season, the producers have turned to Kelly Kapowski for help. Tiffani (no Amber) Thiessen joins the cast tonight as a potential new love interest for the titular character, played by moderately charming Barry Watson (“7th Heaven”). I’m a big fan of Thiessen—I even liked her as anti-Brenda Val on “90210”—but she’s no Heather Locklear, and I doubt she can prove the draw the execs clearly would like her to have. She’s actually the latest entry to the ladies round-robin the show has kind of turned into, as the girl at the center of the series’ central love triangle recently left the cast and last week saw the addition of former wrestler/“Dancing with the Stars” competitor Stacy Keibler.