Magazines Real Estate

Real Estate News & Views – Week of March 6

News & Views

Piedmont Housing Alliance Has Low Cost Mortgage Funds For First Time Homebuyers

Low and moderate-income first-time homebuyers in the greater Charlottesville area have a new opportunity to access low-cost mortgage funds between now and June 30, 2014. Local affordable housing provider Piedmont Housing Alliance (PHA) received an allocation of $2.7 million in Community Homeownership Revitalization Program funds from the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA).

First-time homebuyers who complete the VHDA First Time Homebuyer’s Class through PHA can apply through any local VHDA lender for these 30-year mortgages at 0.5 percent rate reduction over the standard VHDA rates (calculated daily; recently 3.125 percent). The income profile includes buyers with gross family incomes up to $87,400 (1-2 family members) and $101,200 (3+ family members); lower income limits apply in Louisa County. Additionally, buyers may be eligible for down payment assistance from PHA for up to 20 percent of the purchase price.

“We are tremendously excited for our first time homebuyer clients,” said PHA’s Executive Director, Frank Grosch. “This represents a huge opportunity for them to get into an affordable home at a great long-term interest rate.”

“PHA is grateful for our partnership with VHDA and local VHDA lenders who play a key role in home affordability throughout the state,” added Deputy Director Karen Reifenberger. “Long-term home ownership remains a critical element in anchoring community stability and promoting family financial security.”

Piedmont Housing Alliance is a non-profit affordable housing provider for the Thomas Jefferson Planning District in Central Virginia, including the city of Charlottesville and Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson counties. It is a “one-stop shop” for the full range of affordable housing services, including free housing counseling, access to affordable financing, and down payment assistance. PHA also develops and manages properties to ensure a supply of high-quality affordable housing to both renters and buyers. PHA is a HUD-certified housing counseling agency and a VA state Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), and is certified by the US Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).

Magazines Real Estate

Albemarle’s Flexible New Zoning Code More Business Friendly

Albemarle’s Flexible New Zoning Code More Business Friendly

Like most municipalities, Albemarle County has zoning regulations in place to protect property values, promote public health and safety, and support both residential quality of life and business success. A big part of this is keeping industrial uses separate from residential so that the latter are spared the noise, odor and other unsightly or incompatible aspects of manufacturing or the traffic, congestion and lack of privacy associated with retail areas or office parks. Similarly, commercial zoning traditionally separates uses such as commercial, office space, and manufacturing.
Over time, supply and demand can put pressure on existing zoning regulations. For example, in Albemarle County, almost 200 acres originally zoned for light industrial have, over time, been lost to retail and office space reflecting demand and therefore higher returns on investment in these types of development. This loss of acreage and continuing competition from non-industrial uses (which made it much more difficult for businesses that fall into the light industrial category to find an appropriate location or to expand an existing business) was a big part of the impetus behind the recent zoning law changes.
At the same time that the county had begun to address these problems and inconsistencies in the zoning code, the Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development identified a list of target industries for Albemarle County, many of which would have been forced to locate in areas zoned light industrial according to the old regulations. These included businesses such as fitness and sports centers, bio-medical device manufacturing, R & D companies and communications and other IT equipment manufacturing firms. This incongruence between the desire to attract certain types of businesses and the lack of places for them to locate, also contributed to the design and implementation of the new code.
In addition to the shrinking space, there was another difficulty with the old code in that definitions did not distinguish between businesses according to their size or environmental impact. This meant that a large manufacturing plant would be categorized and treated the same as a small family operated business with just a handful of employees working with hand tools.
The zoning code did permit exceptions in some limited cases. However, to take advantage of this, businesses had to apply for a special use permit, an expensive process that also takes county staff time and is costly to tax payers.
In recognition of all of these issues, Albemarle County initiated a three year process that ended with making significant changes in the code as it pertains to companies, which formerly were strictly relegated to a light industrial status. The result is a more flexible code that allows for the growth and expansion of new businesses that don’t fit neatly into the retail or office categories, but which, nevertheless, could easily blend in to one of these settings. This is accomplished in part by recognizing the differences between traditional manufacturing firms and those that are smaller with minimal environmental impact creating more opportunities for the latter to find suitable locations.
New Zoning For Smaller Low Impact Businesses When we think of infrastructure that supports business, concepts such as roads, railroads, fiber optic cable or water and sewer may come to mind. However, the zoning for a particular location is also a big part of the infrastructure, since not only does it determine the kind of businesses that will be welcome there, but consequently impacts the whole character of that area.
Carolyn Shears is a commercial
REALTOR® and Senior Vice President with CBRE Charlottesville, and her clients include some of our area’s large employers. Prior to the Albemarle County zoning changes, she was having difficulty finding suitable new locations for several businesses that needed to expand. This experience caused her to recognize the very limited supply of properties that were a good fit for companies like these due to the county’s zoning restrictions. In each instance, the businesses were engaged in work defined as light industrial by the zoning code. This meant any new location had to be zoned for this, even though the manufacturing process of Shears’ clients did not have the type of environmental impact for which the code was originally written.
She cited the example of a manufacturer she worked with during this time which did light assembly of printed circuit boards. Unlike traditional manufacturing concerns which use noisy, heavy equipment and require hard hats and special protective gear, this one had workers sitting at tables using small screwdrivers to do their assembly work. While they may have fit in with a different setting such as some office complexes, because the business description used the word assembly, the company automatically fell into the light industrial category greatly restricting where it could locate.
As a result of these kinds of zoning restrictions, one of the businesses Shears worked with during this time was unable to find a suitable location in Albemarle and, though they didn’t want to leave the area, were forced to relocate to another county. “We lost a good employer when that happened,” Shears said. Of course the county also lost some of its tax base.
Another of her clients stayed in Albemarle and is “getting by,” but the location they found is not the best for their needs, Shears explained.
Impact and Scale In contrast to those situations, today’s new zoning code takes into consideration both the scale of a business and its environmental impact. Susan Stimart, Economic Development Facilitator for the county said, “the old code did not address impacts or scale. A 400 square foot operation was treated exactly the same as one with 50,000 square feet.” A good example of such a business is the small brewery that has become very popular in recent years. These operate without much in the way of “notice or complaint,” Stimart said. Under the old code they would have been forced to locate in an industrial area even though they have little in common with large scale beer manufacturing plants.
Today they have more options, but under the old system the only relief was to seek a special use permit. To obtain one, the business owner had to pay $2,000 up front, a prohibitively large fee for many, and go through a six-month public notification process. Since time is money, this was also expensive, Stimart explained. What’s more, there was no guarantee of approval.
“Over time our staff collected many anecdotes about businesses having difficulty finding an appropriate location,” Stimart said. It became obvious that the code was out of date and no longer fit the needs of our current economy. Shears agreed, saying that the business model of today’s firms is much more likely to be software based than heavy equipment based. This contemporary business model, however, is out of synch with a zoning code based on the industry of a different era.
Albemarle’s Target Firms In April of 2012 the Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development released a Comprehensive Target Markets Report, which identified target industries for each of the counties it serves. While the impetus to update the zoning code started before the release of this report, the research represented there “helped inform the later phases of the zoning changes,” Stimart said.
In recommending particular target industries, the report considered those that offered relatively higher wages and were a good match to county assets such as skill-sets and education levels. They also targeted firms that would provide a lot of jobs.
Amongst the recommendations were many industries that fit the light industrial category as defined in the old zoning code. For example, the bioscience and medical device industries were high on the list of desirable targets, including R & D firms and medical equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. Also on the desirable list were IT and defense security firms, including communications and electronic equipment manufacturing. Other suggestions included perishable prepared food manufacturing, wineries and breweries.
Unfortunately, while much of the desired infrastructure was in place to welcome companies such as these, the zoning code made it difficult for them to find space. The new zoning code, however, is having an impact on firms such as these. Stimart described several R & D firms, which prior to the changes would have been forced to look only in areas designated as light industrial. Thanks to the new zoning “they have successfully secured locations without having to only look at light industrial zoned properties.” She explained that this is particularly helpful for R & D enterprises and start-ups that need only a relatively small space like 1,000 square feet or less.
One place labs and R & D firms can now locate, Stimart added, is the downtown Crozet district. However, not all small businesses are welcome there without a review process. Even a small 400 square foot food processing company can’t locate there if it falls into the category of manufacturing, processing and assembly unless it has a storefront such as a grocery store, bakery or other specialty food shop. On the other hand, a company making a product like tomato sauce, which doesn’t lend itself to retail, would have to seek a special use permit.
Flexibility Built into the New Code Most discussions of the new zoning law emphasize its flexibility compared to the old system, which was based on a very rigid separation of different land uses. This had begun to change some in more recent times, Stimart said, when walkability became popular. The concept of the walkable neighborhood led to the development of communities like Old Trail or Belvedere, which feature shops and offices in the center of the subdivision. They also include other types of uses such as The Lodge, a retirement community at Old Trail, and the new Senior Center that will be located in Belvedere.
The new code also makes it easier to mix different types of commercial uses in one business. For instance, food manufacturers are now permitted to increase the percentage of space that they can devote to retail sales of their products, helping them build local brand awareness, Stimart explained.
Check Zoning Regulations Carefully Before Leasing Given the importance of being in compliance with the zoning code, and especially given the recent changes, Stimart recommends that prospective tenants check the regulations carefully and don’t necessarily rely on the building owner to provide accurate information. She cited the example of a building north of town, which at one time was zoned residential and became a nonconforming restaurant and then lost all commercial nonconforming use. In spite of that, the owner leased the building to a retail carpet business. Not only was this inconsistent with zoning laws, it bypassed the architectural review board, which should have weighed in on the exterior appearance of the building. After some complaints the county was forced to close the business down due to lack of compliance with the code.
Celeste Smucker is a writer, blogger and author. She lives near Charlottesville.

Magazines Real Estate

Charlottesville City Schools: Marked by Excellence, Innovation, and Community

Charlottesville City Schools: Marked by Excellence, Innovation, and Community

The City of Charlottesville highly values education, shown in its strong Charlottesville City Schools. With an enrollment of 4022, the division offers six neighborhood elementary schools (preschool-4); one upper elementary school (grades 5-6); one middle school (grades 7-8) and one high school. The schools are marked by their commitment to excellence, innovation, and community.

Every school is fully accredited within Charlottesville City Schools, one of only 36 divisions in Virginia to accomplish this feat in 2013-14. Similarly, on the SAT test, CCS students outperform their peers statewide and nationally by wide margins. Charlottesville High School offers more than 30 college-level courses, and CHS students earn scores of 3 or higher on 74 percent of their Advanced Placement exams. Outside the classroom, students demonstrate academic excellence in many ways. Already this year, the Scholastic Bowl/Pop Quiz team has placed first in the nation in two different competitions! The science club BACON (Best All-Around Club of Nerds) placed fourth nationally in the Zero Robotics competition (where their coding operated robotic satellites on the International Space Station). The Debate Club has logged a string of tournament victories, with 10 students qualifying for the state competition.

Charlottesville City Schools are also committed to excellence in the arts. The high school orchestra is internationally acclaimed with a planned summer tour of France; at a 2013 competition in New York, the group won “Best Overall.” Similarly, the high school band was one of ten selected to perform in Governor McAuliffe’s inaugural parade. At Buford Middle School, a full 56 students qualified for all-district band or regional orchestra. Walker Upper Elementary students recently offered an inspiring presentation of Peter Pan, and from March 21-23, the high school’s spring musical will be Sweeney Todd, with sets designed by sophomore Daniel Neale, winner for Scenic Design at the 2013 Virginia Theatre Conference. Artists at Buford and CHS have earned state and national acclaim.

CCS student-athletes achieve excellence, as well. The football team, coached by the area’s Public School Coach of the Year, has made back-to-back play-off appearances, while the boys’ basketball team is a perennial stand-out. The golf team enjoyed what the Daily Progress called “a magical season,” and the field hockey team dominated the regular season (13-2-1).

Excellence is sustained by innovation. Committed to research-based best practices, Charlottesville City Schools is an early adapter of trends and technology. The brand-new science labs at Buford Middle School and CHS are in partnership with the University of Virginia’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Curry School of Education. The partnership teaches science through the lens of engineering, supported by technology such as 3-D printers. Faculty and students from U.Va. have also introduced engineering to the City’s younger students at special in-school activities and events. Aside from 3-D printers, technology is important in all classes. All City students work with laptops, i-pads, smartboards and other technology, and beginning in sixth grade, students receive their own tablets. CCS has also been a leader in virtual education, with 26 credit classes available to students in Charlottesville and other communities.

Aside from technology, City schools innovate in other ways. Beginning in kindergarten, children study Spanish so that all sixth-graders take Spanish 1 for high-school credit. The City Schools’ emphasis on world languages also includes AP-level Mandarin. CCS partners with other groups for inventive programming, such as the City Schoolyard Gardens’ outdoor garden-classrooms or the Richmond Ballet’s “Minds in Motion” activities for fourth-graders. For two years, the Paramount Theatre has invited artist Kevin Reese to help CHS and Buford students create stunning Calder-style mobiles for their schools and the community (at the Downtown Transit Station and the Smith Aquatic Center). CCS also offers progressive preschool programs, with classes for qualifying children as young as three and a highly successful record of preparing at-risk students for kindergarten.

Excellence and innovation occur in a diverse and strong community. Charlottesville City Schools prepares many students to follow in their parents’ steps by attending elite universities, but CCS also assists first-time college attenders to blaze a trail for their own families. While the City schools offer classes in French, German, Latin, Mandarin, and Spanish, in addition, they teach English to students who speak Arabic, Burmese, Krahn, and Nepali, just to name a few of languages spoken at home by students. Each year, CHS hosts “Celebrate Diversity,” which invites students – both native Virginians and immigrants from around the globe – to sing, dance, read poetry, and offer other tributes to world cultures.

The City’s neighborhood elementary schools nurture lifelong friendships, yet also equip children to welcome new people into an ever-changing community. Since August, CCS has welcomed325 new students who have moved to the community, and an additional 300 students from other divisions choose to attend our schools. Neighborhood schools with a global orientation expose City students to a wide variety of experiences, viewpoints, and opportunities—preparing them not only for post-secondary education but also for life.

Magazines Real Estate

Real Estate News – Week of Feb. 27

News & Views

Real Estate Related News
Real Estate III Commercial Properties Inc Announces New Residential Division, CarderHoward, LLC.
Bill Howard, President and Owner of Real Estate III Commercial Properties Inc, announces the new Residential Division of CarderHoward, LLC. Glenda Howard and Carol Carder, both lifelong residents of Charlottesville, bring a wealth of information and expertise to the real estate market. With 30 years of combined residential experience, this team brings a fresh approach of innovating marketing and advertising to express their continued dedication to helping home buyers and sellers make one of the biggest decisions of their lives.

As devoted community leaders, they are passionate about their volunteer efforts and non-profit fundraising to help raise awareness and support in the community. One of the main fundraising events that these two ladies add their personal touch to is the Alzheimer’s Association 16th Annual Bill Howard Golf Tournament and Derby Party coming this May.

CarderHoward, LLC consists of Glenda Howard and Carol Carder, two top producing Charlottesville Residential Realtors, and a valued support team with 20 years combined real estate experience. Cynthia Peepas, Clients Services Assistant, and MJ Arquette of Impressions Creative, give behind the scenes support with advertising, marketing, web design and maintenance, social media, professional photography, client communications, paperwork, and vendor communication.

Community Happenings

Tutors Needed
Literacy Volunteers is seeking compassionate and enthusiastic volunteers to tutor adults in reading, writing, or speaking English. Students come from a variety of backgrounds, and they are hoping to acquire the skills they need to independently pursue life goals, support their families, and contribute to their communities. Help students achieve their goals by calling 434-977-3838 to register for the New Tutor Training on Saturday, March 22, 2014, 9:30am-4:00pm. No teaching experience is necessary—only a desire to make a difference in someone else’s life. Learn more at

PCA Hosts Art Exhibit in partnership with New City Arts Initiative
Piedmont Council for the Arts (PCA) is proud to announce “Feast,” an exhibit of food-related artwork at WVTF Radio IQ Studio & Gallery for the month of March, in partnership with the New City Arts Forum.

“Feast” features artwork by local artists and organizations, including the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Josef Beery, Katie Pennock, Beyond the Flavor, City Schoolyard Gardens, Holly Maillet, Patrick Costello, Rich Bednar, and Nancy Bass.

“Feast” will be the featured exhibit of the New City Arts Forum, a biennial Forum on the intersection of “Art, Food, and Community” at The Haven in downtown Charlottesville on March 6-8, 2014. The New City Arts Forum will focus on topics like: Art, Food, and Public Practice; The CSA Model for Art and Agriculture; Art and Food Ethics; The Ephemeral Nature of Performance and Meals; Art, Food, and Hospitality; and more.
The Forum is a three-day affair — complete with a featured musical performance by Matthew E. White and John D’Earth and a special edition of Charlottesville SOUP catered by A Pimento at The Jefferson Theater. The Forum will include a First Fridays Art Walk in conjunction with community exhibit openings on Friday, March 7, 2014.

A First Fridays opening reception for “Feast” will take place during 5:00-7:00 p.m. on March 7, 2014 with refreshments provided by Feast! and Early Mountain Vineyards. The WVTF Radio IQ Studio & Gallery is located at 216 Water Street across from the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. To learn more, please visit or

PCA Presents “Youth Art Month” With Albemarle County Public Schools
What: “Youth Art Month” Exhibit & First Fridays Opening Reception
When: First Fridays, 
March 7, 5:30-7:00pm
Where: CitySpace (100 5th Street NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 on the Downtown Mall

PCA is excited to celebrate “Youth Art Month” in partnership with the Albemarle County Public Schools. “Youth Art Month” is an annual observance every March to emphasize the value of art education for all youth and to encourage support for quality school art programs. It provides a forum for acknowledging skills that are fostered through experience in the arts.

During “Youth Art Month,” the CitySpace Gallery will be filled with visual artwork created by Albemarle County Public Schools students in elementary, middle, and high school. All twenty-six Albemarle County Public School are represented in this exhibit.

A First Fridays opening reception will be held on Friday, March 7 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. There will be light refreshments served. Music will be provided by students of the Monticello High School Chamber Music class. This event is FREE and open to the public. There will also be an exhibit by local artist Warren Craighead on display inside the PCA office within CitySpace.

The exhibit will remain on display through Wednesday, March 26. The public is invited to stop by and vote for their favorite pieces from the art show for inclusion in the 14-15 Albemarle County Public Schools Division calendar! CitySpace is open to the public Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CitySpace is located at 100 5th Street NE on the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. To learn more, visit www.charlottesville

The Bridge Public Arts Initiative
The Bridge PAI is hosting artist Simon Draper and Habitat for Artists as a part of its new Public Artists residency program. Habitat for Artists is an artist-run group that explores the nature of creativity, the role of the artist in our communities and how to create dialog with a new audience. The catalysts for these explorations and dialogs are small 6’ x 6’, temporary, reusable studios made from recycled materials that HFA installs in a variety of locations within a community, from Main Street to farms to parks.

As a part of the residency, Habitats for Artists and The Bridge PAI are developing Habitat City. For this project, local artists, designers, architects, and students are partnering with local non-profits to develop their own habitat. Whether a performance space, an artist studio, a greenhouse for autistic adults, or a shed for a school garden, The Bridge is pairing creativity with community need to create new public spaces.
The Habitats will be built and displayed at The Bridge throughout March and then placed along West Main in April as a part of the Tom Tom Founders Festival and the West Main Streetscaping plans.

The February 6 story “Retirees in Central Virginia Experience the Good Life,” misstated that JABA provides “food, health care, cooling and heating assistance, insurance counseling, and transportation;” that “JABA nurses make home visits;” and thrift shop name. In reality, JABA offers health insurance counseling; does not offer transportation; JABA nurses only make home visits in certain instances; and the thift shop name is Twice is Nice Upscale Resale.

Magazines Real Estate

Augusta County Offers Mountain Views, Outdoor Activities, Great Arts

Augusta is the second largest county in Virginia and is bordered by mountains on both the east and the west. Not surprisingly, it is known for its spectacular and panoramic mountain views. However it also offers many of the conveniences of city life, along with a rich history beginning with the early colonists who started arriving in 1720. The County figured in the Revolutionary War when Staunton served briefly as the state capitol, played a role in the Civil War and continues to be prominent in modern times. Along with many opportunities for outdoor activities, Augusta is also known for its arts scene featuring music of all varieties, and both professional and community theater.

Life in the Shenandoah Valley moves at a bit of a slower pace than on the other side of the Blue Ridge, although it doesn’t lack opportunities for those who want to pursue them. And of course Charlottesville and UVA are just 30 minutes away to the east and Richmond an hour’s drive beyond that. Alternatively you can head north to DC and beyond. The Valley is a genuine crossroads with easy access to the rest of the state.

Home buyers hunting for good deals will find them in Augusta where there is much more house and lot available for the money than can be purchased in Charlottesville or Albemarle. As a result, you will find many first time buyers living in the Valley, along with empty nesters seeking a quieter lifestyle where they can choose from many cultural activities. And like other parts of our region, the real estate market is picking up as people take advantage of favorable prices and continuing low interest rates to buy homes they couldn’t have imagined they could afford just a few years ago.

History and Culture
Once part of Orange County, Augusta became its own entity in 1738. A courthouse was built at the county seat of Staunton in 1745 where records have been kept continuously since then. In 1854 the building of a railroad linking these two major centers enhanced the flow of goods from Staunton to Richmond. The railroad also brought Staunton into the Civil War when it served the Confederate Army as a supply center.

Augusta County is known for being the home of Cyrus McCormick, who brought a revolution to farming when he invented the reaper at his home in Steele’s Tavern. It is also recognized as the birthplace of Woodrow Wilson who was born in Staunton, which today serves as the location of his Presidential Library and Museum.

Another Augusta historical attraction is the Frontier Culture Museum that depicts the life of colonists who came to this country in the 1600s and 1700s. The museum tells the story of four different groups who arrived from England, Germany, Ireland and Africa. Two separate areas depict life in both the homelands of these settlers and in their new homes in the Shenandoah Valley.
While the history of this area is a big draw, another attraction is the local arts community, said Ed Davis with Real Estate Plus. Davis is not native to this area but located here 28 years ago. “Now I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he said.

The Blackfriars Playhouse in Staunton, the one and only re-creation of Shakespeare’s original indoor theater, is one of many reasons for his enthusiasm. “It is almost always sold out,” he said. “If you want to go you need to plan ahead.” There are also a variety of music venues including country, blue grass and classical, plus galleries and outlets for visual arts.
A concert series in Gypsy Hill Park, also in Staunton, is a popular way to enjoy summer evenings and features, on different nights, Band Concerts with the Stonewall Brigade Band, Gospel Music, Blue Grass and Jazz.

Augusta’s Other Amenities
The scenery, and especially the mountain views, is among Augusta’s biggest attractions, said Betty Aguilar with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate III. Davis agrees, reflecting that unlike living in a beach community where you can only admire the water by looking in one direction, the mountains are panoramic and you can enjoy them from anywhere in the area and see them in all directions.

Another big plus of living in Augusta is that it is self-contained. All of the shopping is there like Kohl’s, Target, Lowes and Home Depot and there are now theaters in both Staunton and Waynesboro. There are also lots of good restaurants to choose from after enjoying some of Augusta’s many cultural events, Aguilar said.

Leah Thomas, Vice President of Marketing and Sales with Countryside Service Company in Staunton, also described what she called “lots of shopping and restaurants.” In addition, however, she noted that Charlottesville is only a short distance away for those who want even more options to choose from.

For people who like outdoor activities, Augusta County also provides many options for outdoor activities such as golfing, walking, hiking, fishing, hunting, canoeing or camping. In 2010 Outdoor Life magazine ranked Waynesboro as the top town in Virginia for hunting and fishing

Augusta’s Real Estate Market
A big plus for Augusta is the home prices. You will find “lots more house for the money,” Aguilar said, and “taxes are lower here as well.” Buyers looking for a deal can find older homes in the $150,000 range, and fixer uppers are available for even less, she said.

Aguilar moved to the Valley nine years ago. Back then a buyer would pay $100,000 more for a 3 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath home in Charlottesville compared to Augusta, she explained. Today the difference is less but still substantial at $50,000.

Many people have jobs in Charlottesville and commute from Waynesboro and other Augusta County locations traveling the interstate, which is fast and convenient, or choosing Route 250. Some people express concern about the fog on the mountain, Aguilar said, but she added that there are only 30 days in a typical year where fog is an issue.

There are positive signs in the real estate market in Augusta as there are elsewhere in our region. Davis said that the inventory is less than it was a year ago and there are fewer bank owned homes on the market than there once were.

He also referenced the much lower prices stating that the median for the area is just $151,500, a lot less than in Charlottesville/Albemarle. “It is in the $150,000 to $200,000 price range where most of the action is,” he said. However, he added that the higher end homes are also moving, just more slowly than the others. Days on the market are also less than they were a year ago. These statistics plus the continuing low interest rates are all “positive signs for the coming year,” Davis said.

Thomas described a “surge in our sales,” last year. Her company had 100 new home starts in 2013 resulting in their largest growth in revenue ever and “we are on target to have another great year in 2014,” she said. Her company does building and offers creative financing options, including special programs for people who are self employed or who have less than stellar credit. They also do rent-to-own programs, and even do trades. Last year they did 10 such transactions that involved her company buying a home from a family who then simultaneously purchased one of her company’s new homes.

Augusta is Attractive to Many Different Buyers
With its lower prices, Augusta definitely has a lot to offer first time buyers. “Lots of younger people working in Charlottesville choose Augusta,” Aguilar said. She explained that for many of them their only choice would be a condo if they bought in Charlottesville. When they move to Augusta the commute is still reasonable and they can live in a house with a yard in a community such as Waynesboro or Lyndhurst.

Retirees also like this area. In fact Davis, who is active in the local Rotary, described Augusta as a “Mecca for retirees,” who like the lifestyle and the small town atmosphere available in Staunton and Waynesboro. Many retirees also appreciate what the area has to offer in the way of the arts.

People are moving to Augusta from all over. Many of the first timers are local as are some of those looking to downsize, Thomas said. “We also get our share of people moving from Charlottesville,” she added. Of course, many of them find the larger homes and bigger lots attractive compared to what is available elsewhere.

Lots of people move here from the north, Davis explained. However, he said there are a surprising number who relocate from Florida because they like living in a place that has four seasons. “They see it as a mid-point as far as climate goes,” he said.

Augusta also has much to offer in the way of jobs, Aguilar said. She cited Hershey and Hollister as two of the biggest, but McQuay International, Wal-Mart and Little Debbie are also prominent there as are many others. Of course, this kind of economic activity brings many people to the area.

The job strength of the Augusta economy was recognized in 2011 when Site Selection magazine ranked it in the top 20 “micropolitan areas.” A micropolitan area is a US Census designation that describes urbanized areas around smaller communities such as Staunton and Waynesboro. The rankings are based on job creation and capital investment. According to just a few of the local businesses which contributed to this impressive ranking included, Ntelos, Innovative Refrigeration Systems and Fisher Auto Parts all of which had enjoyed significant expansions and created many new jobs that year.

Augusta Lifestyle
All of the agents had positive things to say about the Augusta lifestyle. Aguilar explained that there are a lot of activities and plenty to do, but it is also a lot quieter than in Charlottesville.

In terms of quality of life, Staunton has received a significant amount of recognition in the last several years. In 2012 it was rated number 10 of America’s 20 top small towns by the Smithsonian Magazine, Davis said. The article cites Staunton’s creation of the “city-manager government model,” which made possible the growth of all of its cultural opportunities of which the Blackfriars Playhouse is just one of many.

In addition, this year, Fodder’s Travel Blog selected Staunton’s Beverley Street as one the best main streets in America.

“Many people are not aware that Waynesboro is also experiencing a lot of growth,” Thomas said. The shopping and the new theaters are a big plus, and the market as a whole is doing well she continued.

While all of Augusta’s attributes are important, what people really enjoy about living here, Davis said, is the small town community atmosphere where everyone feels at home.

Celeste Smucker is a writer, blogger and author. She lives near Charlottesville.

Magazines Real Estate

Why You Need a Good Home Inspector

If you’ve ever bought a house, you know how important it is to obtain a good inspection prior to closing. Even the smallest home is a complex structure with many parts that must work together to assure your comfort and safety, and most buyers have limited knowledge of how these systems operate.  For that reason, an inspection is an essential part of the home buying process.  In fact, just about every purchase contract is subject to an inspection, which means you have the right to pay an inspector of your choice to evaluate all aspects of the home’s visible construction elements and systems.
Professional Inspectors
What makes someone a professional inspector?  A qualified inspector has a background in the industry, explained Melody Wright with Structure Examinations, a Charlottesville area home inspection company.  Her husband, Tim, has lots of “hands on experience,” as he was a professional contractor for years before starting his home inspection business in 1998.
“A good inspector recognizes that codes and methods are always changing,” Wright said.  She gave the example of solar and geothermal technologies, both of which have become popular in recent years.  A qualified inspector must stay on top of what is current in the way of technology. He or she must also understand the building code and how it applies to homes of different ages and be able to recognize potential hazards. She referenced possible wiring hazards due to an inexperienced person’s do it yourself project that could cause over-heating if not caught.
All of this requires the inspector to view parts of the house where most people wouldn’t want to go, she added.  Some good examples are attics, roofs or crawl spaces.  A home can look great to buyers, inexperienced in construction, and still have looming issues due to faulty roofing or improper run-off that causes foundation problems due to poor drainage.
While these kinds of home inspections are almost always conducted on resale homes, Wright explained they are becoming more common for people buying new construction.  This often involves two to three inspections at different stages of the building process.  Even though the county conducts mandatory inspections to assure the home is being built to code, they may not be as thorough as your own inspector, Wright explained.  And while the builder also oversees the work, he or she can’t be on site continuously and may miss something.  Having your own inspector is a way to assure peace of mind about your new home.
Negotiating the Repairs
If the inspector finds a problem, your agent will work with the seller’s agent to help both parties come to agreement about how to resolve the issue before closing.  Usually this involves the seller agreeing to make repairs and provide you with proof a qualified contractor complete them in a timely manner.  As a professional familiar with this process, your agent can help successfully resolve most issues that arise so that you can move on to closing successfully. On those rare occasions when the negotiation fails, you have the right to pull out of the contract.
If you are a seller who wants to avoid a sticky negotiation process, you might want to consider having your home pre-inspected.  That way if the inspector finds something major, you can fix it before your home goes under contract.  The buyers will almost certainly conduct their own inspection, but you can rest easier knowing they aren’t likely to find something that will derail the process.  Also, when you uncover problems up front, you are not under pressure to do quick repairs in order to meet an arbitrary deadline.  Instead you can take your time soliciting bids from several reliable contractors saving money and getting a better repair in the process.
How to Find a Good Inspector
When looking for an inspector, start by asking your agent for a referral.  Most REALTORS® have years of experience and can give you a list of several of the best inspectors for you to choose from.    Wright suggests you call and ask questions about the inspector’s certification and training as well as how long they’ve been in the business.
Limits of the Inspection
It’s important to realize that an inspector is only liable for what they can see.  While they can test for wiring or plumbing problems, they can’t for example, see behind walls to determine if there are problems there.
In addition, while your home inspector can tell you about visible damage due to insects, they are not termite inspectors.  That is a separate inspection carried out by a pest control professional and paid for by the seller.  Similarly, if you are buying a home in a rural area, in most cases your seller is required to provide the results of an inspection of the well and septic, also at their expense.
Celeste Smucker is a writer, blogger and author.  She lives near Charlottesville.
Magazines Real Estate

Real Estate News, Week of February 20

CAAR Member Kelly Ceppa Honored with Good Neighbor Award

Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® (CAAR), the voice of real estate in the Central Virginia region, has announced Kelly Ceppa as a Good Neighbor Award recipient. This recognition program highlights local REALTORS® who dedicate significant time and interest to projects that make a lasting impact on our communities.

“Kelly is passionate about many causes, and we deeply appreciate her work to bring smiles to children’s faces during the holidays,” Anita Dunbar, CAAR president-elect and associate broker at Montague Miller & Company, said.

Ceppa’s volunteer service on a project team at CAAR has expanded into a seven-year commitment to the Toy Lift event benefitting the Kids Lift Foundation. Challenged with helping 450 more children and lower donations in 2013, Ceppa was determined to recruit past and current REALTORS® at her firm – as well as clients – to make the event a success.

She began by operating an early toy drop-off location at the Nest office in mid-November and organizing a firm-wide shopping event to purchase toys. Ceppa put in more than 25 hours during the weekend of Toy Lift to ensure that the drop-off and distribution centers were staffed.

“We are very glad to see Kelly get recognition for her hard work with the Toy Lift,” Charlie Hall, administrator of the toy lift, said. “Every donation counts in bringing holiday spirit to local children, and Kelly certainly took that mission to heart.”

Ceppa has been a CAAR member since 2002 and serves on a variety of association working groups each year. A $100 donation was made to Toy Lift in her name.

About CAAR –
The Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® (CAAR) represents more than 1,000 real estate professionals in Charlottesville and Albemarle and the surrounding areas of Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson, Louisa counties. For more information on CAAR, pick up a copy of the CAAR Real Estate Weekly, visit, or contact your REALTOR.