
Local students take a stand against gun violence

By: Samantha Baars and Erin O’Hare

It was exactly a month ago that a gunman shot 17 people to death at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Today, local students and their peers across the nation said they won’t stand for that—so they walked.

March 14 marks the first National School Walkout, where thousands of students left their classrooms at 10am to demand gun control legislation.

As a seemingly endless current of teenagers streamed out of Charlottesville High School, 17 students lay motionless with their eyes shut tight, while holding signs made of red paper and black letters that spelled out the names of each victim of the Parkland shootings.

“We’ve become numb to the fear,” said Fré Halvorson-Taylor into a bullhorn to about 700 of her peers. She was reading from a statement that she wrote with Albemarle High School student Camille Pastore, and that representatives from Monticello High School and Western Albemarle High School approved.

“The idea was that it would be read at all the surrounding schools or otherwise disseminated to the Charlottesville community,” Halvorson-Taylor says.

The 12th-grader, who is president of the Young Liberals club, a student representative to the school board and co-editor of the school’s newspaper, said that if schools were closed the day after each school shooting, she and her peers would have missed five days over the last month. 

In an earlier conversation with C-VILLE, Halvorson-Taylor said she’s part of the generation that grew up after school shootings such as the ones at Columbine, Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech.

“This is our reality,” she said.

Zyahna Bryant, an 11th-grader in a Black Lives Matter T-shirt, announced on the bullhorn that adults are finally acknowledging the intelligence and passion fueling her generation.

“This isn’t news for us,” she said, and in an earlier conversation she noted Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez as a role model to all young people who want to effect real change.

Over at Monticello High School, students took a different approach as they flooded out of the front doors of their school and into the bright mid-morning sun, but their message was similar.

Hundreds of students quietly walked past the United States and Virginia State flags whipping around in the frigid wind and toward the MHS football stadium down the hill from their school.

One student held a sign above his head: “Never Again,” it read in bold letters. Some students linked arms and walked in step while others held hands and huddled together under blankets. Some wore “Never Again” stickers on their jackets, hats and cheeks. Another held a pink poster and said, just once, “Protect kids, not guns.”

One student stood apart from his classmates and documented the protest with his camera.

The students who organized the Monticello High School walkout had asked for 17 full minutes of silence as the group walked, one minute for each person killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas last month.

Teachers and administrators, many of whom wore parkas and puffy coats, did not participate in the MHS march, but they offered support and protection by lining the path from the school to the stadium and guarding school doors. Some of them held walkie-talkies that crackled with muffled messages about the march’s progress. Albemarle County police officers lined the route as well.

Students gathered on the bold “M” at the center of the football field to observe the remaining minutes of silence. Once the time was up, the students continued to stand quietly in the middle of the field. One student read from the joint statement over the stadium speakers.

“This is not normal,” the statement reads. “This should not be our reality.” And later, “When will thoughts and prayers turn into legislation?”

“For a first time in a long time, the nation is listening to us,” the students said into their bullhorns and loudspeaker microphones. “What will you tell it?”

CHS senior Lamia West, who will be voting in the next election, said she expects to see an uptick in young voters.

“We are educated and we are willing to put ourselves out on the line,” West said. “I want this event to be the last one.”

Updated March 15 at 3:45pm with additional information about the joint statement read at local schools.


High school beat: Newspaper editors share the real stories

What’s it like to be a teenager in 2018? We figured nobody’s better plugged in than newspaper editors, so we checked in with the editors at Charlottesville High and Western Albemarle, as well as a CHS junior. Here’s what we learned about the differences between city and county schools—and what they have in common.

Olivia Gallmeyer

17-year-old senior at Western Albemarle High School

Co-editor of The Western Hemisphere

Biggest issues: “A lot of people are socially conscious. The statues were a big deal before August 12.” Student stress and academic pressure are “huge,” she says, and there’s parental pressure as well. Of the three Albemarle County high schools, half the students at Monticello and Albemarle take AP courses. At Western, “three-quarters do,” says Gallmeyer.

Characterize WAHS: High achieving. “I don’t think people care about what they’re learning. It’s get through this so I can go to college and begin my life.”

Also, “we are much whiter than the other schools.”

And sport heavy. WAHS is “fanatic,” says Gallmeyer. “It’s all about football in the fall.” And “Spirit Week is crazy here. You’re kind of ostracized if you don’t want to dress up.”

Coolest thing about Western: Lots of options. “We have a lot of support for independent study that people don’t know about,” says Gallmeyer, who has taken drama and worked on the newspaper for four years, and is taking statistics online. She’s also taking a women’s studies class, and she says there are lots of extracurricular activities, including a “super strong” robotics team.

Worst thing about your school: Although it’s improved a lot, Gallmeyer says Western has a huge culture of student stress, and mental health and substance abuse issues. “It’s considered the norm to be stressed, and students brag about, ‘I got four hours of sleep last night.’”

Risky behaviors: Vaping and JUULing. Alcohol use is common, and “weed is a problem also.” Not big: cigarettes and hard drugs.

August 12: Discussion in class began August 23. “To me it was hard to talk about,” she says. Teachers wanted to do it from an academic perspective.

Hangout: Brownsville Market for the potato wedges.

What adults get wrong: “A lot try to lump our age group with millennials.” They also assume teenagers know more about technology than they do. “If a teacher doesn’t know how to run a projector, we don’t know how to run the projector.” Also, “some of us like to read books.”

Obsolete in your lifetime? DVDs, CDs and watching a physical TV. “We do a lot more streaming.”

Describe your generation: “I think what’s going to be huge is coming of age after the 2016 election in such a polarized time.” Some kids have been out since they were 12 or 13. “Feminism and LGBT activism at our age is common.”

Fré Halvorson-Taylor

17-year-old senior at Charlottesville High School

Co-editor of The Knight-Time Review

Photo Eze Amos

Biggest issues: Little diversity in the upper-level classes. After talking to the city schools’ superintendent, Halvorson-Taylor is wondering what social and economic barriers are keeping black students out of AP and honor classes. “Black students are asked, ‘Are you sure you’ll feel comfortable?’ I wasn’t asked that.”

Coolest thing about CHS: “I love its diversity. Every student I come into contact with is passionate about something.” And teachers are their partners in crime, she says. “We aren’t just apathetic, slacking off teenagers. We have our interests. That’s what keeps me going.”

Worst thing about the school: The systemic issues, about which more communication and transparency would be “awesome.”

Hangout: Cook Out, where all high schools convene.

Risky behaviors: “There’s a lot of vaping.” And social media provides a platform for sexist and racist posts, which because they aren’t posted on school grounds, the administration can’t do anything. “That’s the most elusive beast we have,” says Halvorson-Taylor.

Describe your generation: “I’m still pretty hopeful. Local activism is getting younger. I still think we’re going to be the ones to address issues. We grew up with the message of hope in 2008 and 2012. Trump is pretty scary for us. And this wave of bigotry is something we have to actively address.”

What do adults get wrong? Many see technology as an evil that keeps them from seeing the good it does, she says. “I see Facebook as a way to get involved,” and a tool with a lot of potential. “It really is a revolution.”

Message to adults: “Listen to us. Engage us in conversation. Talk to us. We each have our unique voice.”

Cole Fairchild

17 year-old junior at CHS

Cole Fairchild
Photo Eze Amos

Biggest issues: Mainly educational—“Kids struggling with am I going to graduate? Am I going to college? Am I going to have a B?” And segregation. The school is 50 percent black, but in Fairchild’s five AP classes, usually there are only three or four black students. “That’s not unique to Charlottesville,” he says. “Segregation socially comes from academics because you hang out with the same kids you’ve been in classes with since the sixth grade.”

Rivals: Albemarle High, Western Albemarle, but mostly AHS. “We’ve always hated them because they’re the school next to us and we’re always playing them.”

Coolest thing about CHS: Probably the community. “Even though it’s segregated, the students and teachers are really committed to each other,”

Worst: “The lunches are not long enough.”

What do adults get wrong? “We’re not millennials. There’s probably some misperception about young people in this generation not being connected as much, not involved as much. That’s an old-fashioned view. People can communicate and get information in a fraction of a second.”

Risky behaviors: People still get a thrill out of drinking, drugs, and pot is the most popular, he says. “I don’t know anyone who has smoked a cigarette.” Kids are juuling, but it’s not as bad as cigarettes.

Stress: Despite taking five AP classes, Fairchild says, “Personally I think I deal with stress better than a lot of my peers.” Nor is he as worried about college as some. “I’m going to college but I can’t tell you which. Some are really stressed out about that.” CHS offers around 23 AP classes and doesn’t have a limit on the number a student can take. Fairchild thinks taking seven is too many and it should be limited.

Hangout: Cook Out

Biggest difference from older generations: Reading books. “My parents read a lot more.”

Some environmental things will be different, with whole cities underwater in 50 years, he says, and some issues will be the same: war, political issues, social justice causes.