Arts Culture

Behind the muses

By Dave Cantor

Delving into a Ryley Walker album might offer up some tuneful, ’70s-style folk and rock songs, dispatched in a relatively traditional way. Or you could hear a batch of improvised psychedelia. He’s also got a full-length re-interpretation of a Dave Matthews Band record.

The singer-songwriter’s latest—Course in Fable, released in spring 2021—is one of those more traditional albums, though his arrangements make room for knotty melodic twists, and artfully crafted couplets that are as rewarding as they are confusing. Walker’s sense of adventure is likely to be pushed further than his most recent recording when he performs at the Southern on Sunday. Avant-garde drummer Chris Corsano is set to join the troupe for the performance.

“I moved out to the country for a while to get a little pond-swimming action and fresh air, but I’m a city slicker. So, I’m back in Brooklyn,” says Walker, who called Chicago home for most of his life but spent a portion of the pandemic in rural Vermont. “I gave it a good try. It’s not my thing. I grew up in the city. I like driving through nature, but I can’t live in that shit.”

The first few recordings Walker issued, including a collaboration with Fredericksburg native Daniel Bachman, grasped at the tradition of acoustic guitar as promulgated by visionaries like John Fahey and Sandy Bull. Walker, though, soon tired of the medium’s strictures, and after 2015’s Primrose Green he began branching out with more experimentally inclined works, like Cannots alongside Chicago drummer Charles Rumback.

While working to attain sobriety and hold on to it, the guitarist settled on an aesthetic that came to fruition on Course, which he released through his own Husky Pants imprint. The record’s full realization has at least a bit to do with the guitarist’s own mental health.

“Wherever you go, there you are. I could have problems in any corner of the universe,” Walker says. “I just get older and take better care of myself. My heart goes out to anyone who’s sick and suffering. I never believe that I’m fully healed from these things; it just becomes more manageable if you put the work into it—for me.”

While developing his internal life, Walker’s devoted himself to the further exploration of music. And on tunes like “Lenticular Slap,” he turns in a spindly and surprising arrangement while still dispensing lyrics like, “Sketchbook charcoal, I can’t trace daylight / Only refracts when I’m shocked blind.”

It’s tough to delve too deeply into the writer’s intent here, with songs referencing bums, burnouts, seekers, and tweakers. There’s purposefully no narrative to follow, and Walker describes an approach to writing that sounds a bit like the cut-up technique used by William S. Burroughs.

“Before, it was just bad lyrics,” he says. “I didn’t really know how to write. It was really unfocused. You do it long enough and you develop your own voice, hopefully. I just write stream of consciousness; just throw shit at a wall and edit out the stuff that’s not funny. I never have a narrative; I’m never like, ‘The barista down the street is beautiful. I’m gonna write a song about her eyes.’”

It’s more the sound of it all, the juxtaposition of words on a store sign and a street name he might see during a day in the neighborhood.

Playfulness like that pervades the guitarist’s work: “Pump Fake on the Death Rattle” is a song title from another recent collaboration issued through his imprint. And Husky Pants’ tagline in a graphic on Bandcamp simply reads “incredibly inexperienced at putting out music.” (Walker ended his relationship with the Dead Oceans label at the end of his contract, not because of displeasure with the business arrangement—it was just a way to make more space for creativity.)

“I got like three or four records that I like a lot that I’m going to put out in the next year. I didn’t start with indie rock, I started with crappy noise bands,” says Walker. “The whole thing was, release everything all the time. Some of the stuff might suck, some not. But that’s the pace I’ve always enjoyed. I’m impatient; I don’t like sitting on things. I try to do the best I can, but I’m not precious enough to spend three years on something.”

Sonic Youth fandom and an independent spirit drilled into him during his time in Chicago helped push Walker to this point in his career. And while moving between a song-based approach and an improvisational one might result in some confusion among fans, it’s not an issue he’s too interested in sussing out.

“I never really think about that, to be honest,” Walker says. “Isn’t the point to make tons of music and do whatever I want? Isn’t that art? I know there are people who like my songs, but hate my improvised stuff. And there are people who like my improvised stuff and hate my songs. Then there are people who like both—and that’s radical. A la carte whatever you please.”


ARTS Pick: Ryley Walker

Playing more than 200 shows in 10 months would earn most musicians a holiday, but Ryley Walker considered it a wind up to churning out Golden Sings That Have Been Sung, his most acclaimed album to date. Walker’s mounting fan base includes Robert Plant and UK bass legend Danny Thompson. A Pitchfork article raved, “Of all the songwriters trying their hand at this revivalist approach during the last decade, including Steve Gunn, Hiss Golden Messenger and Sharon Van Etten, Walker is the most natural and enviable.” Gold Connections opens.

Tuesday, January 24 . $10-12, 8:30pm. The Southern Café and Music Hall, 103 S. First St.


Album reviews: Devendra Banhart, Ryley Walker, Gonjasufi

Devendra Banhart

Ape in Pink Marble (Nonesuch)

Devendra Banhart seems like a good idea. Handsome, talented and raised in Venezuela and Los Angeles by free-spirited parents, Banhart dropped out of art school at 19 to busk on streets, and subsequently came to the attention of Swans’ Michael Gira, who released Banhart’s home recordings to wide acclaim in 2002. Banhart’s experimental hippie shtick suggested a young Beck who traded the loveseat for a hammock under the palms.

Banhart has since tamped down his signature warble and expanded his stylistic palette to a thinness; the songs on Ape in Pink Marble, while agreeable, are a bit pat and bloodless. There’s the reggae-by-numbers “Mara,” the kind of genre exercise Flight of the Conchords would undercut with genuine humor, whereas Banhart sounds merely arch. On the seduction groove “Fig in Leather” he ickily coos “I’ve got frigid air to keep it cool / I will take the time ’cause you’re a lady, top-quality lady, quite powerful lady.” On “Souvenir,” there’s a fleeting wistfulness, along with plummy bass runs and woozy guitars—but overall, it’s hard to tell whether Banhart’s a mediocre satirist or just comfortable in the shallows.

Ryley Walker

Golden Sings That Have Been Sung (Dead Oceans)

I have a problem. There’s music I love, and then the voices kinda ruin it for me. It’s not that they’re bad voices—after all, I love plenty of terrible singers. These are just irksome. And there’s no getting around them.

There’s a reason I bring this up. Illinois guitarist Ryley Walker’s fourth album has some flat-out dazzling instrumental passages—lead-off track “The Halfwit In Me” concludes with dynamic, blossoming interplay between electric and acoustic guitars and a nimble rhythm section, invoking a blend of Nick Drake and Tortoise. Other songs reprise this gorgeous organic quality, as if they’ve spilled onto a tablecloth and are spreading out, making patterns on the fly.

And there’s Walker’s voice, which blooms at us beseechingly and then swallows words, seeming to insist we lean in and listen to his stories. As the irritating album title might suggest, they are the stories of a poetry-damaged, self-absorbed troubadour. Walker’s a rounder and a rover—passionate, you understand—and he might believe in God or not, but don’t worry baby, he’ll share his restless, sensitive love—tonight.


Callus (Warp)

Gonjasufi emerged from Southern California in 2008, lending his grouchy, space-blues howl to a Flying Lotus track; his FlyLo-assisted debut, A Sufi and a Killer, came out in 2010. Callus, his third album, is aptly named, as Gonjasufi works the same sonic terrain he always has. He is a stylist, and that style is corroded, dirgelike trip-hop, dark and industrial if not exactly threatening—it’s as if Kool Keith and Ween spawned a talented and troubled but cosseted youngster—the sludgy, clamorous drums even sound like muffled pots and pans.

Gonjasufi treats his voice like a lead instrument in the mix—he doesn’t try to distract with lyrics, and there’s no particular indication that you should struggle deciphering them. They mostly fall in let’s-bother-Mom territory: “Don’t let the church hypnotize you”; “In my last life I was a Satan too.” But there’s also some absurd whimsy: “Do you know what Satans do?”; “Eatin’ chicken and you’re so self-righteous.” And after enough noisy blasts, “Ole Man Sufferah” and “Krishna Punk” sound like sprightly pop songs, albeit sprung from a dumpster.