
Smarten up

Just like The Economist is kind of one-stop shopping for the thinking person who doesn’t have time to read The Wall Street Journal every day, More Intelligent Life is one-stop shopping for those poor, busy souls who don’t have time to religiously read The Economist, Salon, ArtForum, The New York Times’ Style Section, etc. The More Intelligent Life blog is a spin-off of the quarterly Intelligent Life Magazine, which is in turn the cultural spin-off of the aforementioned Economist magazine, and it’s a nice looking site (the layout is clean and the images are well-chosen) with plenty of that yummy food for thought I always hear people talking about.

The blog posts original material as well as articles culled from the Intelligent Life quarterly and The Economist; a scroll through the site sends your thoughts darting from global warming to European football to Chinese art to the eternal question, “What Do People Do in Antarctica?” (Answer: Look at it through the window of an airplane.) Regardless, what I’m trying to say is simply that if you read this today, you’ll be primed for your cocktail party tonight. And if you cram correctly, my Magic Eight Ball says the “outlook is good” for you to actually enjoy yourself this evening…maybe even have a stimulating conversation or two about, like, why Anthony Lane is a far superior movie critic to Manhola Dargis, or something. Oh, Anthony Lane. Swoon.

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