Besides Perriello and Hurt, what else will Charlottesville voters find on Tuesday’s ballot?

State amendments for tax relief for senior citizens and disabled veterans, and an increased rainy day fund

If you don’t know your options by now, folks, you’d better study up quickly. In the anti-incumbent corner, Virginia senator and Republican congressional candidate Robert Hurt, who caught a bit of love from House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, Governor Bob McDonnell, Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli on Sunday. In the other, Democratic incumbent and defending his 2008 title (won by 727 votes), Tom Perriello, who appeared alongside another supporter this weekend.

But that’s not all. On Tuesday, Virginia ballots will include three potential state amendments (translated here in an editorial that appeared in the Washington Post). The amendments propose tax relief for disabled veterans, move the authority for tax relief for poor senior citizens or disabled citizens to local governments, and allow the Virginia legislature to up the state’s rainy day fund contributions to 15 percent from 10. Consider them other important bouts before the main event.

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