
West Main’s big boom: How much luxe student housing does Charlottesville need?

Last week, members of the Charlottesville Planning Commission got their first look at a nine-story, 240-unit student housing complex planned for the corner of West Main Street and Roosevelt Brown Boulevard, across the street from the UVA Medical Center’s trauma center, and they weren’t thrilled.

The $50 million project—for now referred to simply as 1000 West Main—includes plans for ground-level parking and retail, an on-site fitness center, and a rooftop pool. It would require a special use permit; by right, builder and eventual property manager Campus Acquisitions (CA) would be restricted to seven stories and about a fifth as many units.

If it moves forward, the project would become the third high-density mixed-use student housing complex within two blocks of the western end of the corridor that connects Grounds and Downtown. Both the Flats at West Village, which will have 595 beds in eight stories, and The Standard, planned to rise six stories and have 240 rooms, have won approval from the city.

The commissioners’ reaction to the third successive special use application was tepid at best. Some cited concerns over its proximity to the hospital, and the way the imposing L-shaped building would look from the street. But their strongest objections had to do with the new project being too much of the same thing.

“Quite honestly, I don’t know why you want to do this,” said Commissioner John Santoski. “I’m starting to feel we’re maxed out on the kind of student housing we want to have there.”

The commission also questioned the company’s estimated price point, a hefty $700 to $900 a bed. UVA might be perceived as a rich university, said Commissioner Lisa Green, but “a lot of students are really struggling.”

The company said it knows its market, and that more student housing on underutilized West Main is exactly what the city asked for a decade ago.

“We have studied this market exhaustively, examining data about the low vacancy rates at all the existing apartment complexes in the area, and are absolutely convinced that the demand is there, particularly in a location that is so close to the University,” said CA’s Senior Vice President of Acquisitions Stephen Bus in an e-mail interview. Charlottesville took steps to prepare for that demand in the mid 2000s, he said, when it was zoned to allow for taller buildings that could accommodate high-density housing. A short building boom around 14th Street followed in 2006 and 2007—Wertland Square, the Grand Marc, the “V”—which sated demand for a time, especially once the financial crises put a damper on residential growth.

But now, the city is facing an inadequate housing supply and an influx of 1,500 more students within five years, Bus said, so “you are really looking at just keeping pace even with the three new projects under construction or proposed along West Main Street.” The expanded volume of student apartments would also lift pressure on affordable family units elsewhere in the city, he said.

Bus said it’s not a feeding frenzy, as one commissioner put it, but rather the market giving the city what it wants and needs.

“What is being proposed with these three projects is precisely what was envisioned for West Main, to bring people, vitality, and economic opportunity to a street that is universally seen as an important street that has unfortunately stagnated for decades,” he said.

So is CA being unfairly scrutinized just because it was the last project in the door?

“I think the planning commission has a legitimate concern about the impacts they see coming from that much student housing,” said Jim Tolbert, the city’s director of neighborhood development services. “It’s the cumulative effect of all those rooms.”

But there’s no denying the city’s own comprehensive plan marks that stretch of West Main for housing—and height.

“The plan says we want higher density there. It doesn’t get into who it is that lives in those areas,” said Tolbert. As for whether the project would oversaturate the city with luxe student living space, “I’d never believe these guys would spend tens of millions without doing the adequate market research,” he said.

And it’s clear that to developers, UVA’s student body looks like a goldmine.

“They may all show up as a demographic that has no money. The reality is they don’t, but mommy and daddy do,” said Tolbert.

Bus pointed out that it’s not just developers that will benefit from the next collegiate housing boom. UVA is actively seeking the kind of students who would want to live in a high rise like the one CA is planning. “Other premier institutions, including many Ivy League schools and medical schools, are constructing new housing to continue to attract high-caliber students—so we do not necessarily think of it just in terms of ‘high end,’ it is new housing built to meet the market expectations of residents, students, and parents who have options in where to work and where to attend school,” he wrote.

Of course, Charlottesville’s coffers would benefit, too. Bus said the project would generate an estimated $500,000 a year in city taxes.

For now, the company is going back to the drawing board, adjusting its site plan ahead of a meeting with the Board of Architectural Review this week and another round in front of the Planning Commission in December. But there’s a high degree of confidence on CA’s side. When asked if the company would go ahead with a smaller, by-right version of their building if its special use permit is ultimately shot down, Bus made it clear that scaling down wasn’t the game plan.

“The SUP proposal now before the Planning Commission, with adjustments pending, will be the highest-and-best use of the site and provide the greatest benefit for the community,” he said.

Living Uncategorized

Holiday faux paws: Why you should think twice before giving pets as gifts

The holidays are coming, as evidenced by the lights, wreaths, and snowflakes that started overwhelming storefronts since about seven seconds after you removed your Halloween costume. And for veterinarians, that means it’s almost time to see dozens of new furballs. Puppies and kittens are common gifts, and ’tis the season for giving.

In most cases, that makes this a really fun few months for me. Who wouldn’t enjoy a parade of smiling families and their delightful new members? But not every gifted animal works out in the end, and there are a lot of things to consider before sticking that big red bow to a new pet’s collar.

The most obvious warning goes out to anybody planning a surprise, and can be summed up in one word: Don’t. Maybe you remember your friend’s comment about adopting a cat soon, or you were moved by the tear in your aunt’s eye when she recalled a beloved childhood dog. It’s just what they want! I know the intention is pure, but it’s simply a bad idea. It should go without saying that a pet is a major commitment that requires copious amounts of time, money, energy, and emotional investment. Nobody should ever feel obligated to accept this kind of uninvited responsibility, no matter how generous the thought may have been.

Choosing a pet is also an extremely personal process. Shouldn’t the recipient have a chance to find the perfect one rather than receive a potential mismatch? If you’re confident that someone you know would love a furry friend as a gift, consider giving an IOU rather than a living, breathing animal. You can always wrap up a food bowl or cat toy, with a note along the lines of “When and if you’re ready for this, I’d love to go to the SPCA with you and cover the adoption fee.”

Luckily, most gifted pets are given within the boundaries of an immediate family, often by parents who have had plenty of time to consider the decision after months (years?) of begging from children. This is a far safer circumstance than the one outlined above, but still comes with its pitfalls. Keep in mind that the holidays can be a chaotic blur of shopping, cooking, cleaning, entertaining, and traveling. This may not be the best time to invite another long-term responsibility into the house. I know it’s hard to resist the photo-op of your beaming child setting eyes on a little golden retriever for the first time in front of the Christmas tree, but if the poor thing is going to end up alone in a kennel for five days after that breathless moment, it just doesn’t make sense.

Consider adopting a few months before or after the holiday season, when the family can better focus its attention on all the care and training required in those early months. Not to mention it may be a bit warmer. Getting up at 2am for a puppy pee break is rough when it’s below freezing outside, and, let’s be honest, you know the kids aren’t going to do it.

Come to think of it, maybe you should get them that puppy for Flag Day instead.


Building community: Habitat’s Southwood redevelopment sets a high bar

Last Saturday would have been a quiet day in Southwood, the mobile home park off Fifth Street Extended just south of Charlottesville, if not for the leaf blowers.

About a dozen residents of the neighborhood—home to 1,500 people, the majority of them Latino—gathered in the morning to clear a heavy carpet of oak leaves from Southwood’s two small green spaces before tackling the backyards of a couple of seniors.

Since Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville bought the 100-acre community in 2007, the group has been gearing up for a massive overhaul, an unprecedented ground-up redevelopment that will see Southwood’s 350 deteriorating trailers replaced with permanent housing beginning in 2016. Saturday’s beautification effort might seem like window dressing, but Habitat’s leaders see it as proof their grassroots community-building approach is working.

Eventually, the cleanup crew took a few minutes to rest on their rakes and consider the changes they’ve seen come to their neighborhood. Jose, Marvin, and Ismael—the three men, who spoke through a translator and asked to be identified by only their first names—said the arrival of the Boys & Girls Club and city bus stops have been a big help.

But the residents said they’re worried about still being able to afford Southwood once the big changes begin.

So is Dan Rosensweig, Habitat’s executive director.

“We know what we can do, because we did it at Sunrise,” said Rosensweig. Habitat turned the Belmont trailer park into a permanent mixed-income neighborhood of brightly painted townhomes and a small apartment building last year. Nine of that neighborhood’s 16 families elected to stay, a ratio Habitat saw as a success. But Southwood is 20 times the size of Sunrise, and a large portion of its 1,500 residents are believed to be undocumented immigrants, which would complicate their path to homeownership—Habitat’s central goal for its partner families.

“The question is, can we do it at the scale of Southwood?” Rosensweig said. “That’s what keeps me up at night.”

To get there, Habitat is moving slowly and deliberately, trying to build trust and get Southwood residents to buy in. When the organization bought the trailer park in 2007, conditions bordered on unlivable. Fires regularly broke out in homes hot-wired to the electrical grid. Trying to map how the units were hooked up to the existing sanitary infrastructure was almost impossible. “Some are on septic, some are on sewer, some are on both,” he said. Gloria Rockhold, director of Creciendo Juntos, an outreach group serving the local Latino community, said failures and overflows were common. Sometimes you’d find yourself walking through sewage. “It would be oozing up out of the ground,” she said. “It was unbearable.”

Rockhold, who has helped coordinate social services in the neighborhood for a decade, said Southwood was seen as dangerous and crime-ridden. “The police would say, ‘Don’t drive there by yourself. We’ll be happy to drive you,’” she said.

A lot has changed in six years. The streets and sewer lines are in better shape. The seemingly simple act of compiling a list of residents and getting neighborhood registration stickers for their cars has brought a sense of order and oversight. “With time, it became so much better,” said Rockhold.

But as Habitat has moved toward redevelopment, it’s avoided creating an image of itself as Southwood’s savior—or its private police. From the start, Rosensweig said, the group has tried to identify what’s working in the community and build from there, something sociologists call an asset-based approach.

At times, it can make Rosensweig sound relentlessly optimistic: Instead of calling Southwood the region’s poorest neighborhood, he refers to it as Albemarle County’s biggest opportunity to improve and expand its affordable housing stock. But he says the philosophy has helped Habitat build trust with residents over the last year and a half, during which staff has conducted two long survey interviews with at least one member of each family unit in Southwood—700 heart-to-hearts about what people want their community to be and what they can afford. Consider that a lot of residents are understandably wary of a nebulous plan to scrap their homes, 90 percent of which are resident-owned, and that most of the interviews require a translator, and you start to realize why Habitat puts such a heavy emphasis on relationship building.

“Forget about the squishy stuff, about it being the right thing to do,” Rosensweig said. “Until you have that trust, you can’t then take the next step toward communal planning. And unless you have that communal effort, you’re not going to do anything. You can shoehorn it. You can stuff it into a box. But you’re not going to create a mixed-income development that works.”

Richard Beverly, a Southwood resident for more than a decade, sees the potential benefits as bigger than houses on solid foundations. It’s about pride of place.

“People think of Southwood, they think of people who are no good,” he said over the roar of a neighbor’s leaf blower. “But you’ve got very good people here. For whatever reason, this is where they are. Everybody’s story’s different.”

He’s willing to stretch his pennies a little further and work with his neighbors, he said, if it means he can buy a home he’ll be able to pass down to his daughter.

“If we’re going to do this, we’re all going to have to do it together,” he said.


ARTS Pick: Create: Justice

International Justice Mission’s chapter at UVA is connecting the community with local artists for original performances and visual art under the theme Create: Justice. The event is meant to raise awareness of injustice and bring attention to IJM’s work in rescuing victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and violent oppression around the globe.

Saturday 11/23. $7, 6pm. Eunoia at The Garden, 1500 Jefferson Park Ave. 977-8743.


What’s on the shelves at Tastings for Thanksgiving

I am thankful for…wine! And the best advice I can give for a stress-free Thanksgiving holiday is to keep a glass of vino nearby before, during, and after the big meal. It doesn’t even have to be excellent wine—just something that’s refreshing and takes the edge off.

Planning a multi-dish feast for your nearest and dearest and coordinating the logistics of fitting a houseful of people around your table for dinner is arduous enough, so don’t fret over the perfect bottle. Do, however, be sure to err on the side of extra—one bottle per of-age guest is sensible. Besides, leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving anyway, and wine can certainly fall under that category. Don’t make yourself crazy by selecting multiple bottles to side with every last side dish. Stick with one red and one white to carry you through the course of the meal. If you want a little something extra, splurge for a sparkling wine or rose to kick off the festivities, both of which can act as a failsafe backup.

Make mine Italian 

Wines from the base of Sicily’s Mount Etna posses a kindred spirit to the wines of Beaujolais, with their energy and lightness. Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in Europe, with regular smolderings of ash and lava, and the vines growing at its feet thrive on the deposits of rocky, volcanic soil. The nutrient-poor earth creates wines with minerality and acidity specific to this region of Italy. The 2009 Meraviglie A Picca A Picca Etna Rosso is made with the elegant nerello mascalese grape indigenous to this area, and will set you back $19.95 for a bottle at Tastings. It rivals gamay with its brimming cherry notes, yet offers a peppery spice more reminiscent of syrah.

Sangiovese, hailing from Tuscany, is also a fine partner for complex feasts, as it retains acidity while having enough backbone to stand up to the bird. Focusing our attention on American version instead (for the sake of the holiday), I chose the 2008 Pietra Santa sangiovese from Cienega Valley, California. Characteristically, it is similar to its Italian counterparts with notes of tobacco leaves and earth, but with an added juiciness that your guests are likely to enjoy ($16.95 at Tastings).

Barbera d’Alba takes the prize for most versatile red wine, with or without food. It is luciously juicy with just enough grip to give the wine texture and weight. It’s the classic “table wine” in Piedmonte, which is also responsible for gems like Barolo and Barbaresco, which often steal the spotlight. Thanksgiving is Barbera’s time to shine. The 2009 Montaribaldi “Du Gir” barbera d’alba is a crowd pleaser to say the least. The wine loves turkey, cornbread stuffing, and Aunt Celeste’s green bean casserole. You name it, and they’ll get along swimmingly.

Finds from France 

I tend to gravitate toward Italian wines, which are both versatile and usually affordable, when it comes to pairing with classic holiday dishes. But if you love French wines, there are Burgundys and Beaujolais that would make any turkey swoon. Beware, though, they can be difficult to serve for a crowd, as the price tag is often hefty.

You may have noticed the Beaujolais Nouveau cases stacked at the end of grocery store and wine shop aisles around this time each year. This is not the same Beaujolais I’m referring to here. Beaujolais Nouveau is fermented for just a few weeks, making the wine light in body and color, youthful in vigor, and always released the third Thursday of November. These wines are intended for immediate consumption, whereas wines from specific appellations in Beaujolais are smooth, ageable, and perfect for Thanksgiving. My unbridled choice is the 2010 Jean-Paul Thevenet Morgon. It helps that 2010 was a particularly ripe year and excellent vintage, rounding out the tartness and showing more fruit and earthiness. Tastings still has a few cases at $35.95 per bottle, so stock up while you can.

If you’re willing to shell out a little extra, the Domain Besson “Le Petit Pretan” 2010 Givry Premier Cru is worth the splurge. At $37.95 from Tastings, this quintessential Thanksgiving wine warrants its price tag. Known for its cheerful acidity and lean fruit, a good burgundy is just plain hard to beat. If you’re hosting a small, wine-savvy crowd, invest in a few bottles, but know that it’s not for everybody. Pinot noir from Burgundy is much leaner than new world styles like the Doman Besson, with less jammy fruit, more earth, and quite a bit of acidity, making it a more universally friendly pairing wine.

Once you’re seated at the table and facing whatever spread you’ve treated your guests to, certain aspects of the meal will call for a white wine. Chenin Blanc is often a sommelier’s pick for its off-dryness, tropical fruit notes, and aromatics. Vouvray, France, is a good region to find respectable chenin blanc, even if the grape isn’t mentioned on the label. Jacky Blot’s Domaine de la Taille aux Loups “Les Cabroches” is the perfect balance of piercing and honeyed, and can be picked up at Tastings for $22.95. The wine is rich but not cloying, and will be a hit from the pre-meal appetizers down to the last bite of apple pie.

I also can’t get enough of the white wines from Piedmonte, Italy, namely arneis. This varietal is medium bodied, and its persona is not strongly defined by any one attribute, which makes it perfect for pairing with food. The 2012 Collina Serra Grilli “Quantus” Roero arneis fits the bill with unassuming notes of grapefruit and citrus which will perfectly complement the vegetables alongside your turkey.

These particular bottles have found their way into my own kitchen on Thanksgiving, but they’re just a representation of the types of wines that go well with turkey and mashed potatoes. On a day centered around food and gratefulness, drink what you like, and try to relax.


Whole animal butcher shop aims to increase accessibility of local food

Ben Rindner is standing over one side of a freshly slaughtered pig. In front of him, running left to right along the butcher block at JM Stock Provisions & Supply, is the animal’s bisected backbone. Below that are loins and chops, shoulders and shanks, meaty muscles tucked into the carcass’s cross-section among organs, bones, ligaments, and fat. On either side of Rindner, the pig’s hooves jut off the edge of the block.

Rindner is ready, knife in hand, to break down a whole animal for the second time in his life. It’s quite a change in scenery for a guy who less than a year ago was on the fast-track as a reality television producer.

“I just got tired of Hollywood,” Rindner said.

The accomplished young producer found his new calling when he stumbled across a Kickstarter campaign for a whole animal butcher shop in Charlottesville. According to the pitch on the crowdfunding site, JM Stock founders James Lum and Matthew Greene were launching a store to act as a retail outlet for local farmers. They wanted to take the middle men out of the meat supply chain and make the whole distribution process more transparent.

Rindner took to the philosophy, and after a conversation with Lum and Greene that further sold him on the movement, he picked up and left L.A. to start an apprenticeship at Charlottesville’s newest butcher shop.

Rindner, Lum, and Greene aren’t the only ones who have bought into the model. For years, people relied solely on farmer’s markets for locally sourced proteins. Now, shops providing farms a storefront operated by skilled artisans who know how to highlight their product are popping up like weeds in a cow patch. According to Marissa Guggiana, founder of sustainable butchery trade group The Butcher’s Guild, about 200 butcher shops nationwide now work with whole animals. She guesses roughly 100 of those are strictly whole-animal focused.

“There are new shops opening every week,” Guggiana said. “All the evidence I have is anecdotal, but I hear from butchers that are opening or in the process of opening at least once a week.”

For JM Stock’s part, Lum and Greene have been dealing exclusively with local farm Timbercreek Organics since starting operations on October 11. They said it’s places like Timbercreek that brought them to Charlottesville in the first place.

“The local agriculture is kind of unmatched,” Lum said. “I don’t even know if people here realize how good it is.”

Every Monday, Timbercreek owners Zachary and Sara Miller deliver their “weekly produce” to the shop—whole cows, pigs, and chickens. The JM Stock butchers then set to breaking the animals down, stacking sides up on the large central butcher block visible from everywhere on the shop floor, and carving away.

According to Greene, who’s been in the meat processing game for about five years and the restaurant biz for at least twice that long, the process of breaking down a whole animal actually requires little cutting. It’s mostly about pulling muscles apart and using a knife tip to free them. (There is, however, a saw involved.)

Whatever the process takes, for Timbercreek, it’s a welcome service.

“There’s a big hole in animal processing for farmers,” Zachary Miller said. “We work with a wholesale processor, but its butchering leaves something to be desired. This really puts the polish on the finished product that we were missing.”

So that’s the end of the story, right? Happy farmers, skilled butchers, healthy consumers? For a while, it seemed so. The local food movement was so highly regarded, no one really questioned it. Food critics became bobble-headed yes-men. Media members laid down their cynicism. Right-wing hunter/gatherer types and left-wing food snobs rubbed elbows at the dinner table. But there was at least one ruffled feather. The food was expensive. Didn’t it seem excessive to pay two times more for a locally raised chicken than one of Frank Perdue’s finest?

For many city-dwellers, local food is indeed nothing but a luxury item, something left for the upper crust’s plate or reserved only for special occasions. Mass produced grub is simply more economical. The question for JM Stock is: Does it have to be that way?

“There is a stigma behind it,” Greene said. “Part of that is the price point, but also part of it is that it is sort of marketed as this luxury, this bourgeois gourmet kind of thing. James and I are not fancy.”

Greene admits JM Stock isn’t going to undersell the national grocers anytime soon, but he insists the store has options for every pocketbook. If you can’t afford New York strip one week, he’s confident he can find you a good cut from the leg, or that he can load you up with enough ground beef to satisfy your taste. Or maybe you’d be tempted by one of JM Stock’s no-frills prepared foods, like funky sausages with pulverized Funyuns, meatloaf with mashed potatoes, or homemade bologna.

And Greene said he and Lum can do one more thing to make whole animal butchery more accessible. If they’re going to send you away with a cut you’ve never heard of, they’ll give you tips on how to prepare it. After all, if you get home and can’t make the meat taste good, you’ll be unlikely to shop local in the future. And that, for Greene, defeats the purpose.

“Buying stuff from Virginia should become effortless for the regular consumer,” he said. “At a certain point, it will become more cost effective, and people will become more and more aware of what they’re eating.”

Ben Rindner picked up and moved across the country to work as an apprentice at JM Stock Provisions & Supply, a local butcher shop that works with nearby farmers.


Film review: The Best Man Holiday is a smart, funny seasonal comedy

Fourteen years is a long time between chapters in a movie. Think about all the sequels, prequels, and bologna that take their time getting to the big screen, and you’ll find beaucoup bad movies: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace; Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull; and 2010, for all its charms, doesn’t seem like it was made in the same mold as its predecessor, 2001.

The Best Man Holiday doesn’t have that problem. Maybe that’s because its lead characters are real-ish people living real-ish lives (author; chef; educator; news executive; football player; reality TV star; hotel fortune heir). They’re worried about their families, friends, and finances. They’re not saving the world at large, but living within the confines of their existences and navigating the traps we all face as we delve farther into adulthood. It also helps that the opening credits sequence neatly recaps the major plot points of The Best Man, writer-director Malcolm D. Lee’s 1999 original.

What The Best Man Holiday does have is lots of comedy, drama, and melodrama. There’s enough plot here to fill two movies, which explains the bloated 122-minute running time. Harper (Taye Diggs) is still the star, and the novel he was on the verge of publishing in The Best Man was a huge bestseller. It landed him more book deals and a teaching gig at New York University.

Unfortunately, NYU has fired him because of budget cuts, and his agent tells him his latest book doesn’t have takers. Fortunately—and because this is the movies—Lance (Morris Chestnut), the football star, and his wife, Mia (Monica Calhoun), are throwing a big weekend holiday party. All the old friends are invited. Harper’s agent suggests Harper propose to Lance a ghost-written biography, which is all but guaranteed to be a bestseller. Harper isn’t hot on the idea, and neither is his wife, Robyn (Sanaa Lathan).

But Harper and Robyn attend the fiesta, even though Lance is still angry with Harper for sleeping with Mia all those years ago. There isn’t much time—at first—to dwell on old wounds. They’re soon joined by Julian (Harold Perrineau) and Candace (Regina Hall), as well as Quentin (Terrence Howard), Shelby (Melissa De Sousa) and Harper’s almost-old flame Jordan (Nia Long).

That’s a lot of characters, and Lee does well parceling out the laughs and serious moments. If you’ve seen big, ensemble pieces like this (The Big Chill, Peter’s Friends, The Family Stone), you know what’s coming: Reminiscing, altercations (including a serious knock-down-drag-out fight between Candace and Shelby), and health problems.

There are no surprises, and plot threads are dropped as often as they’re brought up. But the cast makes it work. Diggs, the audience surrogate, navigates a million plot twists; Chestnut roots Lance’s steely persona in the great human trait of denial; and Howard shines, supplying comic relief one moment and tender understanding the next. The last third of the movie drags, and the women aren’t as well drawn as the men, but as holiday entertainment for everyone, it’s smart, funny, and the emotions feel real.

Playing this week

About Time
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

All is Lost
Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

Bad Grandpa
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Blue is the Warmest Color
Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Captain Phillips
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

Despicable Me 2
Carmike Cinema 6

Carmike Cinema 6

Ender’s Game
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Enough Said
Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

The Fifth Estate
Carmike Cinema 6

Free Birds
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Last Vegas
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Monster’s University
Carmike Cinema 6

Carmike Cinema 6

Carmike Cinema 6

Ram Leela
Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

Romeo and Juliet
Carmike Cinema 6

Thor: The Dark World
Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX

Twelve Years a Slave
Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

The Wolverine
Carmike Cinema 6

Movie houses

Carmike Cinema 6

Regal Downtown Mall Cinema 6

Regal Stonefield 14 and IMAX


ARTS Pick: Tosca

Puccini’s Tosca—an arresting thriller about lust, political corruption, and murder—is brought to life by Patricia Racette in the lead role of the jealous diva who gets duped by the villainous Scarpia, and is denied her true love. Once famously referred to as a “shabby little shocker,” the HD opera viewing is proceeded by a free lecture that helps set the scene.

Saturday 11/23. $18-24, 1pm. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. 979-1333.

News Uncategorized

Factory shuttered, yearbook revived, Austin club scene invaded by C’ville investors: News briefs

Check daily and pick up a copy of the paper Wednesdays for the latest Charlottesville and Albemarle news briefs and stories. Here’s a quick look at some of what we’ve had an eye on for the past week.

Charlottesville factory closes, leaving dozens out of work

More than 40 locals are out of work after a 47-year-old folder and filing manufacturing company just outside Charlottesville abruptly closed last week.

Data Visible Corporation, opened by Pat Janssen in 1966 as Janssen Products Company, occupied more than 60,000 square feet of factory and office space on Broadway Street. For decades, the company manufactured paper office goods and metal card cabinets, but Alex Janssen, who took over operations when his father retired, said the market for their products had shrunk significantly in recent years.

“We manufactured an antique filing system,” he said. “Hospital records are going electronic, so we lost all that business. Every day, a programmer writes more code to keep more information on a computer system.”

His employees, some of whom have worked for the company for 30 years, will receive one final paycheck. Janssen said telling them the news was the hardest part. “I’ve been working with these people a long time,” he said.

Data Visible held out longer than one of its former local competitors, Acme Visible Records, whose Crozet manufacturing site has stood vacant for more than a decade. But despite laying off workers and cutting back hours, Janssen said his company just couldn’t stay afloat. The existing machinery and stock, some of which has sat on shelves for years, is being sold off to another east coast manufacturer, and he hopes to find a tenant for the big industrial space. Nearby neighbors include an Yves Delorme warehouse and Relay Foods, which has its command central just down the street in Belmont.

Corks and Curls springing back to life

Five years after the last edition of UVA’s yearbook Corks and Curls was issued for the 2007-2008 school year, the UVA Alumni Association has found two current undergrads willing to revive it, according to a report in The Daily Progress. Those students, Michael Buhl and Carly Buckholz, plan to get a yearbook out for the graduating class of 2015.

As detailed in an article in The Hook  in 2010, the yearbook was killed off because demand for the book had dwindled thanks to social media sites like Facebook. Students simply didn’t see the need for such a keepsake. But Alumni recognized the yearbook as an important historical record and have sought a way to revive it. The 119 editions that were published offer a glimpse not only into the lives of students but the state of the world through those years, Tom Faulders, president of the Alumni Association, told the Progress.

“You really get an insight into what the students thought, what the major issues were at the time,” Faulders said. “We have Corks and Curls going back to the late-1800s.”

Local investors buy Austin nightclub

A group of investors with Charlottesville ties have purchased the legendary Antone’s nightclub in Austin, Texas, where multiple blues legends including Stevie Ray Vaughan launched their careers. The purchase is big enough news that The New York Times took note, writing that the club “played a big part in establishing that city’s reputation as one of the nation’s centers of live music.”

“Restoring the club to its proper place and glory is the right thing to do,” said one of the investors, Tayloe Emery, a film and television producer who was C-VILLE Weekly’s first ever ad rep back in 1989 and who now lives in Warsaw, Virginia. Other partners in the project include original Dave Matthews Band keyboardist and Esmont resident Peter Griesar, who ran the Satellite Ballroom in the early aughts and acts as a consultant to the group, and famed journalist and author Donovan Webster, a former editor of Virginia Quarterly Review.

The idea for the investment came from Emery’s pal, D.C.-based National Geographic geneticist Spencer Wells, whose brother lives in Austin and told Wells about the opportunity.

Griesar’s deep connections and broad experience in the music industry made him the “perfect go-to guy to put together this deal,” said Emery, who noted that the new owners didn’t purchase anything but the brand and intend to relocate it to a main nightclub zone in downtown Austin. He expects a new location to be announced by early next year.

“The plans I’m starting to see now are revolutionary and incredible stuff,” said Emery.—C-VILLE writers

Correction: The original version of the Antone’s article incorrectly described Peter Griesar as an investor. He is a partner in the project who acts as consultant.–ed.


ASC’s She Stoops To Conquer stands on comic timing

With a tilt of her head and a cascade of red curls, Kate Hardcastle considered her suitor across stage. “You’re so great a favorite there, you say?”

“Yes, my dear,” Young Charles Marlow grinned, determined to prove to this beautiful barmaid his popularity at the Ladies Club. Swaggering toward the stage right audience, he looked us up and down. “There’s Mrs. Mantrap,” he said and gave me a knowing wink. “Lady Betty Blackleg, the Countess of Sligo…”

I missed his list of supposed conquests as I turned the color of Miss Hardcastle’s curls.

We think of escapism in cinematic terms, as a requisite plunge into blackness that trains all our senses on flickering projection and a big screen. At the American Shakespeare Center, the world itself changes. Universal lighting, a Shakespearean staging condition, means the lights never dim. The show never stops, and you, delicate audience member, are part of the script.

In the ASC’s production of the 1773 comedy She Stoops to Conquer, the fourth wall was gone and I was the butt of playwright Oliver Goldsmith’s jokes. Not for long, of course, because Marlowe had yet to realize the barmaid he courted was actually the gentlewoman to whom he was betrothed—the same Miss Hardcastle whose elegance and good standing made him so nervous he hardly spoke to her.

In a three-sentence summary, the plot of She Stoops sounds suspiciously antiquated. A young man’s modesty fails to charm the lady in whose home he comes to court. The hero’s impudence incenses the young lady’s father when he mistakes the gentleman for an innkeeper. Throw in a scheming cousin, her lover, a mischievous stepbrother, and…hilarity ensues?

Yes. Yes it does.

Lest you think I’m the sort of English major who LOLs at Chaucer, know that Goldsmith’s pithy script belies its 250 years. Snappy dialogue uncovers contemporary concepts like true love, strong women, and overbearing stepparents. The writer termed it a “laughing comedy,” which director and ASC co-founder Jim Warren described as “amusing rather than telling an audience what to feel; it reveals man’s ridiculousness rather than his distresses” and, in a departure from typical 18th century tropes, “often spoofs and lampoons elements of sentimentalism.” No shrinking violets or dashing rakes here (not in the typical genders, anyway). She Stoops to Conquer offers a brand of humor both fresh and side-splitting, especially in Warren’s modern incarnation.

While certain turns of phrase may be more at home in the 18th than 21st century, Warren and his professional troupe use every tool at their disposal to translate for a modern audience, including arched eyebrows, funny voices, and contemporary cadence. Every gesture and squint and unhappy frown hits with tightly choreographed comic timing.

As the long-married-and-suffering Mr. Hardcastle, Benjamin Curns does not bear his strife in silence. He strides around condemning impudence and frippery, building steam like a teakettle or Steve Martin in Father of the Bride.

Allison Glenzer, his wife, uses physical comedy to great effect. Pursed lips, slumped shoulders, a mincing gait tell us as much as her high-pitched affectations or heaving fury.

Lee Fitzpatrick, who plays the spunky Miss Hardcastle, convinces us that she’s both in love and somehow in on the joke, and her multi-faced suitor, Gregory Jon Phelps, transforms in an instant from mumbling boy to libidinous man.

As spoiled Hardcastle heir Tony Lumpkin, John Harrell is by turns perfectly annoying and annoyed, throwing small tantrums and leading drinking songs with lyrics like I hate this place/And your stupid face/But it’s better than drinking alone. I especially loved it when he and his cousin Constance Neville, played by the talented Emily Brown, bickered and slapped at each other like siblings until forced to pretend to be in love.

The obvious talent of its 12-person troupe dawns on you when you realize these actors fill every role in the season’s five plays. In addition to playing multiple characters—
a.k.a. “doubling,” another Shakespearean condition—each actor can sing or play instruments, performing songs before, during, and after the show from a narrow balcony above the stage.

A live soundtrack that starts before the audience enters is only one way in which the Blackfriars Playhouse feels like nowhere else. Wooden hoops propping up candles are suspended as chandeliers from the ceiling; stadium-style chairs flank three sides of the stage. As the world’s only re-creation of Shakespeare’s indoor theater, the building “draws audiences to the Shenandoah Valley from all over the world, year-round,” said ASC marketing manager Christina Sayer Grey.

Twenty-five years after its inception, the ASC is completing its first full cycle of Shakespeare’s 38-play canon with this winter’s production of Timon of Athens. Despite the company’s dedication to the Bard, each ASC season includes non-Shakespearean works. When selecting 2013’s mix of comedy and tragedy, Grey said, “we thought that the madcap feel of the show would fit right in with the celebratory feel of the whole 25th anniversary year.”

The company was right. She Stoops to Conquer is not only clever, but fun—the sort of show that makes your cheeks hurt. Spared soupy sentimentalism, this romance is a romp, one that upends classic conditions and propels the plot with delight. We meet a heroine who liberates her hero and another who refuses to flee, choosing to face her and her lover’s enemy face-to-face.

As I perched on my stool, watching Marlow strut by, I felt the blood move in my cheeks. His misdirected charm, Miss Hardcastle’s irony, the way we held our breaths for the next punch line: I believed this was theater as Shakespeare and Goldsmith intended it, immersion to amuse and prompt self-awareness. In the round of our minds, we’re all drinking alone, but this was so much better.