
Governor goes shopping at Mincer’s

Governor Terry McAuliffe popped into Mincer’s on the Corner this afternoon because he likes to visit small businesses—and he needed a new polo shirt. “Extra large,” says McAuliffe. “I’m pumped.”

He was in Charlottesville to speak to UVA scholars at the Center for Politics and he’d had lunch “with Larry and Terry—” Professor Larry Sabato and UVA President Teresa Sullivan.

At Mincer’s, the governor was faced with some tough choices—which striped shirt to buy. He ended up with a couple and some shorts as well.

Staff photo

He quizzed Mark Mincer on his bestsellers—UVA-emblem jackets and chapstick—as well as Mincer’s biggest sales weekend, in between chatting with customers and posing for photos.

Outside, he spoke to young women dining at the Virginian. “Be sure to vote this year,” he advised.

And he weighed in on the 5th District congressional race, in which Dem Jane Dittmar faces off against Republican state Senator Tom Garrett. Not surprisingly, he endorsed Dittmar. “We need people who can get things done,” he said. “I’m tired of partisanship. We need someone who can work with the new president—Hillary.”

Governor Terry McAuliffe on the Corner. Staff photo

Next stop: Democratic campaign headquarters on the Downtown Mall.


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