
In brief: Happy hour, Master Charles, prof charged and more

Dead or alive

Virginia’s General Assembly has been hard at it for three weeks now, tackling the 2,000 or so bills legislators filed. While most bills will die quietly in subcommittee, here are a few survivors—and committee casualties.


A judge has already ruled Virginia’s law that suspends driver’s licenses for unpaid court fines is likely unconstitutional. The Senate got with the program January 25, and passed a bill that repeals the state “debtor’s prison” law 36-4.

Finding out about the best happy hour could get easier, thanks to legislation allowing the advertising of drink specials that has passed both the House and Senate. This, too, was preceded by a lawsuit in which a northern Virginia restaurant owner claimed ABC regs violated free speech.

A bill that would exempt menstrual products from sales tax cleared a Senate committee 14-1 January 25, but the “Dignity Act” still needs to make it out of a House subcommittee.

While all the gun safety bills championed by Governor Ralph Northam died in subcommittee, Republican Senator Dick Black’s packing heat in church bill cleared the Senate January 24 in a 21-19 vote on party lines.


A bill that would allow localities to set their own minimum wage was killed in a House subcommittee 5-1 January 22.

Undocumented immigrants are not allowed to have driver’s licenses in Virginia, and that won’t change with the January 23 demise on party lines of a Senate bill that would have allowed temporary driver privilege cards.

Delegate David Toscano’s measure to limit campaign contributions by utilities like Dominion to $500 died in a House subcommittee January 24.

Quote of the week

“It doesn’t help us as a community for our mayor to be out there in the public criticizing the people who live here.”Adam Healey, Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau interim executive director, on marketing guru Jerry Miller’s Facebook live, to which Mayor Nikuyah Walker replied, “[Y]ou are the type of citizen who allows the soul of Charlottesville to remain ugly.”

In brief

Experiment gone wrong

The mother of a Greer Elementary student said her 6-year-old was traumatized by a social experiment teacher Vicky Chen conducted. Chen, who has been placed on administrative leave, separated her students by eye color, and gave candy to only the ones with blue eyes for her MLK Day-themed lesson on equal opportunity and inclusiveness. Activists say Chen further marginalized students of color, who typically have brown eyes.

Another creative writing prof

UVA Professor Jeffery Allen has been placed on administrative leave with pay after being charged with felony strangulation and misdemeanor domestic battery in November. He follows English Department colleague John Casey, who was on leave for a year and then retired in December after a disciplinary panel found he violated policies on inappropriate sexual contact with a student.

Synchronicity swami

Master Charles developed high-tech meditation at Synchronicity. Photo courtesy Synchronicity

Master Charles Cannon, founder of the Faber spiritual community, died January 24 at age 73. In 2008, Cannon was in Mumbai at the Oberoi Hotel when it was attacked by terrorists and 162 people were killed, including father and daughter Alan and Naomi Scherr, who were with a group from Synchronicity. After the attack, Cannon and Kia Scherr, wife and mother of the two slain Nelson County residents, called for compassion and forgiveness of the murderers.

Juneteenth organizer

California-born Tamyra Turner, 73, a former Charlottesville School Board member who started the city’s Juneteenth celebration in 2000, died January 16. A professor of English literature who taught most recently at PVCC, she met her husband, former Charlottesville NAACP president Rick Turner, at Stanford. She served on a number of boards, including the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, the Jefferson Madison Regional Library, and the Virginia Festival of the Book steering committee.

Bye, Buyaki










The man who wore a Confederate flag-patterned tie to a county school board discussion of  banning Confederate imagery will not seek another term. Jason Buyaki, who’s been on the board since 2011, also caught the ears of community parents and activists in October when he questioned climate change and the nature of fossil fuels.

National spotlight

Charlottesville native Natalie Hoffman was convicted January 18 after leaving water and food for migrants crossing the desert into Arizona. Hoffman, who was working with the group No More Deaths, was charged with entering and driving in Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge without a permit.

New clerk

City Council hired Lynchburg deputy council clerk Kyna Thomas to become its clerk and chief of staff for $105,000. City spokesman Brian Wheeler, who makes $116K, has filled in since former council clerk Paige Rice took the chief of staff job in July for $98,000 and left in September.

Child porn charges

Forrest Butler, ACPD

Albemarle police charged Avocado Capital co-founder Forrest Butler, 58, with two counts of child pornography distribution January 22. He was released from jail on bond and will appear in court April 8.

Wawa on the way?

The county’s Architectural Review Board has approved plans for a Wawa convenience store and gas station off Route 29 and Proffit Road. It could be built by the end of the year, as long as the Board of Supervisors gives it a thumbs up.

Free tax help

The local branch of the United Way is offering free tax preparation for most taxpayers with household incomes of $55,000 or less. Through its program called Cville Tax Aid, partners such as the UVA Community Credit Union have prepared nearly 20,000 returns since 2007, and organizers expect to help more than 2,700 community members this year. To schedule an appointment, call United Way at 434-972-1703 or visit


Synchronicity Foundation recalls compassionate response to terrorism

A journey to India for meditation and enlightenment in late November 2008 turned into a terrorist bloodbath that left 164 people dead throughout multiple locations in Mumbai. Among them were a father and daughter from Synchronicity Foundation in Nelson County.

Days later, the modern spirituality community made international news again when the mother’s response was compassion and forgiveness to those who killed her family.

Alan Scherr and his 13-year-old daughter, Naomi, were staying at the luxurious Oberoi Hotel when they were slain and four other members of Synchronicity were wounded.

Charles Cannon, known as Master Charles to his followers, was there November 26, 2008, and remained barricaded in his 12th-floor suite for nearly two days. Eight years later, he recalls, “Of course it was a horrendous experience of being in a terrorist context when you have no history of that. It hit us hard when two of our members were killed and four seriously injured.”

Upon his return to the United States, he and Kia Scherr, who lost her husband and daughter in the attack, held a press conference. She attributed her calm demeanor to years of meditation training at Synchronicity that allowed her to remain balanced during a time of personal tragedy.

“In the aftermath, we were compassionate and forgiving of the terrorists,” says Cannon. “We got literally thousands of responses from people wanting to know how we can do that.”

He wrote a book, Forgiving the Unforgivable, and says sharing his philosophy of a balanced and spiritual life has “radically increased” his audience and the number of people coming to Synchronicity for retreats.

Scherr spends most of her time in India, staying in the same hotel where the attack occurred, and is president of One Life Alliance, which focuses on children in third-world countries who are often uneducated and marginalized, says Cannon.

Children are sold by their parents and groomed to be terrorists, which he says was the case in the Mumbai attacks.

The State Department had a psychiatrist who was an expert in post-traumatic stress disorder meet with all the Americans after they were rescued from the Oberoi. “He took me through the process, and educated us on how that’s going to play out the next few years,” says Cannon.

The psychiatrist was impressed with the Synchronicity group and how well they handled the experience, “a testament to our lifestyle of meditation,” says Cannon.

The members didn’t require specialized therapy and had “very minimal post-traumatic stress,” he says.

With the upcoming anniversary of the attacks, Synchronicity held an open house and commemorative program November 13 at its facility on Adail Road in Nellysford, where sightings of the Blessed Mother still take place, according to Cannon.

“The Blessed Mother and I have a long history that started when I was 3 years old,” he says. “My life has been a journey trying to understand it.”

In the facility’s meditation hall, a statue of the Blessed Mother, whom Cannon calls a “divine feminine archetype,” stands to the left of the raised platform. Attired in a white tunic and scarf, he speaks to his followers. After donning headphones for high-tech meditation with ambient sounds, the three dozen or so attendees line up to approach Cannon with a bow and to be blessed.

The occasion also provided an opportunity to unveil his latest book, Living an Awakened Life: The Lessons of Love, which offers 52 weekly explorations of a life based on modern spirituality.