
Stepping up: PHAR welcomes a new executive director

For Shelby Marie Edwards, serving her community comes naturally. Edwards grew up watching her mother, Holly Edwards, advocate for low-income residents as a parish nurse for the Jefferson Area Board for Aging and as program coordinator for the Public Housing Association of Residents. Now the younger Edwards is following in those footsteps as PHAR’s new executive director.

“Especially over the past few months, with all that’s going on in the social justice arena, I felt compelled to shift my work to focus more to what was speaking to me,” says Edwards. At PHAR, “I can continue the work of my mom, but in a way that’s true to me.”

Holly Edwards was an institution in Charlottesville, serving as vice mayor and a city councilor. She helped to spark the city’s Dialogue on Race, which led to the Office of Human Rights, while remaining involved in a string of other community organizations, from the NAACP to PACEM.

Following her mother’s passing in 2017, Shelby Edwards felt drawn back to Charlottesville, where she was born and raised. She’d been teaching theater and writing in Chicago, and when she returned, she began offering performance art classes through the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia, while embarking on new projects, like writing and performing the one-person storytelling show, Holly’s Ivy.

“I certainly will not be the person inside of the Westhaven clinic where she used to work, taking temperatures,” Edwards says. “But what I can be is someone who continues to amplify the voices of residents, be a listening ear, and make sure we are looking at what makes the most sense in the short and long-term for all of the folks who live in public housing sites.”

While this is Edwards’ first time working in the public housing sector, she plans to draw heavily on her years of teaching performance art and fundraising for theater nonprofits in Chicago. She will also tap into her degrees in business and theater from Virginia Commonwealth University, which she received in 2017, as well as the masters in humanities she earned last year from the University of Chicago.

In addition, Edwards will continue to lean on her many community mentors for support and advice, including PHAR board president Joy Johnson, who will be helping with the transition.

“[Johnson] is a powerful force in the community, and I am humbled and honored to be stepping into this role, especially so under her guidance,” says Edwards. “I look forward to learning so much in this position. I wouldn’t have taken [it] if I didn’t already know the community had my back.”

Once her term begins, Edwards will oversee all of PHAR’s programs, including emergency food distribution. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the nonprofit has focused on providing food assistance to the city’s most vulnerable residents. Staff and volunteers currently bring groceries to 40 people each month. Almost all the recipients have COVID-19 risk factors, like diabetes, heart disease, and asthma.

Though the program is unfortunately at capacity and has a waitlist, PHAR has also given out $50 gift cards to every public housing resident twice during the pandemic, and plans to do that two more times before the end of February, when program funding is expected to run out.

In the new year, PHAR will also welcome its new class of interns. The nonprofit’s six-month paid internship program, open to all public housing residents, teaches participants about the city’s public housing policies and organizations, and how to get involved in community organizing and advocacy. “They’re ultimately becoming involved in the decisions that affect their lives,” Edwards says.

However, running the program during a pandemic has its challenges, says Edwards. Because PHAR has not been able to do face-to-face outreach, it has only received eight applications so far, slightly less than in previous years.

“Most public housing residents do not have laptops or iPads, and they often have challenges with limited minutes on their phones,” she says. “We got a grant from the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, which allowed us to purchase devices, but there will be a lot of learning for most of the interns to feel comfortable using them.”

As the city pushes forward with the long-awaited redevelopment of the public housing complexes Crescent Halls, South First Street, and Friendship Court, Edwards believes it is necessary for low-income residents to be involved in housing decisions. Affordable housing remains a crucial issue in Charlottesville, and adequate solutions cannot be created without residents’ voices, she says.

Looking forward, Edwards’ biggest goal for PHAR is to expand its outreach and membership, while building up existing community partnerships and forging new ones.

“I welcome any and everybody who supports PHAR’s mission, and wants to make sure that our housing sites are safe and equitable…and that our residents are heard all of the time,” she says.

Edwards first official day of work is December 7.


Call for help: Human Rights Commission asks for more city support

Charlottesville’s Office of Human Rights and Human Rights Commission have an intimidatingly broad mission: to reduce discrimination in the city.  

So perhaps it’s not surprising that the office and its volunteer commission, which are tasked with both investigating individual complaints of discrimination and reviewing city polices for systemic discrimination, have received their fair share of criticism since their creation in 2013. During a 2017 Dialogue on Race meeting, former mayor Dave Norris accused them of not doing enough to uphold the city’s Human Rights Ordinance. At the same meeting, UVA professor Walt Heinecke said the organizations had been largely ineffective, a claim he reiterated in a 2018 Daily Progress op-ed. 

Today, similar feelings persist not just among community members—but among commissioners themselves. At last week’s City Council meeting, HRC Chair Shantell Bingham said that although there was “an uptick” in the commission’s ability to fulfill its role in 2019, “we really want to do more.”

Earlier this month, Charlene Green, who has led the OHR for five years, stepped down to join the Piedmont Housing Alliance. Bingham, who became commission chair last year, says both the commission and the office have faced numerous obstacles over the years. 

“The Office of Human Rights hasn’t been properly staffed for a very long time,” she says. Though the office hired Todd Niemeier as an outreach specialist in 2018, “before it was just [Green] in the office with interns. And now that she’s leaving, it’s going back to there being one staff person…which is just ridiculous.” The city is currently looking for Green’s replacement.

Since Tarron Richardson became city manager, the office and commission hasn’t had a direct line of contact in the city either, says commissioner Ann Smith.

Smith notes that former city manager Maurice Jones was “very involved” with the HRC, but says, “We haven’t had a chance to meet the new city manager.”

To improve the commission and office’s communication with the city, Bingham says there needs to be a city official who the HRC can directly report to. She also recommends that City Council receive and review reports from OHR on a monthly basis, rather than annually. 

Commissioner Sue Lewis suggests council also reexamine the city’s human rights ordinance, particularly the limited authority it gives to the OHR and HRC. They are currently only able to investigate complaints of discrimination in companies with five to 14 employees. Complaints from larger companies are referred to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office in Richmond. 

If the city gives the OHR more money for staffing, it could turn it into a Fair Employment Practice Agency, which would give the office greater authority and better equip it to handle the thousands of discrimination complaints it receives each year, according to Smith.

City Councilor Sena Magill says the council takes the challenges OHR and HRC have faced seriously, and that equity will be a “huge part” of the city’s strategic plan, with the HRC being “a part of that equity work.”

And, according to Richardson, the city’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year “will include continued support for the Office of Human Rights, the new Office of Equity and Inclusion, and the new Police Civilian Review Board.” 


$84K assistant: Human rights office not being gutted, says Jones

Three years ago, local activist Walt Heinecke was elated when, after years of task forces on human rights, City Council finally approved a human rights commission with enforcement power and put $197,000 into funding an office.

Today, Heinecke accuses City Manager Maurice Jones of “killing” the Office of Human Rights by cutting its staff while seeking a new $84,460-a-year position in his office in the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget.

“At the same time he’s asking for an assistant city manager, the budget says we’re going to downsize the human rights office,” says Heinecke.

“The assertion that this is an attempt to gut the office is completely false,” replies Jones in an e-mail. “City Council asked the staff to develop cuts as part of our overall budget process. Based on the lack of formal complaints that have come into the office we felt we could reduce this second position from 40 hours a week to 20 hours.  We also added $5,000 to the legal and mediation budget to allow for outside counsel if it was needed.”

Typically government departments ask for more rather than fewer staffers, but Charlene Green, manager of the Office of Human Rights, says she’s manned the office alone since May 2015. That would be the same month that former director Zan Tewksbury, a civil rights attorney, abruptly resigned after holding the position for fewer than two years.

The reasons for her departure remain a mystery, and Tewksbury did not return a call from C-VILLE, nor has she publicly commented since her resignation.

“I felt like she was pushed out,” says Heinecke. “She couldn’t do her job.”

Heinecke has long been an advocate for a human rights office, and he served on the Dialogue on Race steering committee formed in 2009. He believes a compromise that allowed Tewksbury to only investigate allegations of discrimination in businesses with six to 14 employees basically hamstrung her effectiveness.

When the Human Rights Commission released an annual report in January 2015, it had facilitated lots of conversations about race and civil rights, and received 104 discrimination complaints, but none of the 39 employment claims fell under its jurisdiction either because the companies were too large or weren’t in the city. The number of complaints resolved: zero.

“They set it up so it would look like a failure from the beginning,” says Heinecke.

Green says she’s working on an annual report that will be ready in April, and she deflected an inquiry about whether the office is effective to Jones, who did not address that question in his e-mail.

“I’m not worried about this office being defunded,” says Green.

City spokesperson Miriam Dickler clarifies that the new $84K assistant to the city manager position is not another assistant city manager, of which Charlottesville already has two. The job will be split between Jones and Clerk of Council Paige Rice, and the salary includes benefits.

The new assistant will be in charge of a new system that’s out for RFP to track citizen inquiries, says Dickler, as well as be a backup for Rice.

More budget details


-$16,000 for City Market

-$48,976 for weeding and emptying bags of leaves

-$100,000 for ammo in anticipation of a new firing range

-$139,000 for a bus route to Wegmans


-$9,750 from making annual flower beds perennial

-$17,544 from shorter pool hours at Smith Aquatic Center and Washington Park

$104,000 by ditching Downtown Mall ambassadors and using parking enforcement officers to welcome visitors

-$172,000 by making CAT Route 7 a 20-minute wait instead of 15